When we meet celebrities we tend not to act like our normal self......and we aren't the only ones. Celebrities are just like us, they get awkward and starstruck when they meet certain celebrities too. Here are 19 examples that prove that we aren't the only ones that get starstruck when meeting celebrities.
Bruno Mars Meeting Pete Wentz

“This is a photo of Pete Wentz, the bassist of Rock band ‘Fall out Boy’ and to the right we see the future four time Grammy award singer Bruno Mars. In 2008, at the time when the photo was taken Mars was a songwriter just hired by a music studio. Through the next two years he began to gain attention with music collaborations, ‘Billionaire’ and ‘Nothin’ on you.’ Then two years later he released his first album ‘Doo- Wops and Hooligans,’ earning two #1 Billboard hits. Three months ago on the day anniversary of this photo being taken, Pete Wentz reposted this photo to his Instagram. Arguably, Bruno Mars may be more recognizable than Wentz now” (Source).
Benedict Cumberbatch Meeting Andy Murray

“This incident happened at a post-Wimbledon reception. This was the first time tennis champ Andy Murray met his favorite actor Benedict Cumberbatch. ‘I’m a massive fan’, Andy Murray started off after shaking Benedict Cumberbatch’s hand along with that of the actor’s wife, Sophie Hunter. ‘Well, likewise, likewise,’ Cumberbatch rejoins. He added that it was ‘really inspiring to watch’ Murray play. Also, Murray being a huge fan of Cumberbatch’s TV show Sherlock, even pumped his fist when Cumberbatch mentioned that he’s currently working on filming new episodes. Cumberbatch then played his trump card, asking about Murray’s infant daughter and proved himself also to be a fan of the tennis player in the process. Murray said his five-month-old had started sleeping through the night. ‘That’s great, that’s great’, said Cumberbatch. ‘This is just an amazing moment,’ he concluded” (Source).
Zlatan Ibrahimovic Meeting Ronaldo

“It’s fun and all when it happens during an award ceremony, or between actors… But when it happens during a competitive match, it’s a whole different thing. Zlatan Ibrahimovic, one of the best footballers of the world, admires Ronaldo (the Brazilian one). But later in his career, he ended up playing at Inter Milan, where he had to face his biggest idol, who was playing at AC Milan. What did Zlatan do? He stared at the Brazilian star for as long as he could. Several years later, he stated the following: ‘I put up photos of Ronaldo in my room. Ronaldo was the man. Not only because of his step-overs and goals in the World Cup. Ronaldo was brilliant on every level. He was what I wanted to be, a guy who made a difference. The players on the Swedish national side, who were they? There was no superstar, nobody who was talked about around the world. Ronaldo was my hero and I studied him online and tried to take in his movements, and I thought I was getting to be an awesome player. I danced down the pitch with the ball'” (Source).
Sophie Turner and Ryan Gosling

“This is a picture Sophie Turner took of Ryan Gosling, in a selfie of sorts, when they attended the 2016 SAG Awards. Sophie Turner can’t hide her joy at being seated near Ryan Gosling. Her reaction wouldn’t be any different from mine” (Source).
Sachin Tendulkar Meeting Roger Federer

“The 2011 Wimbledon saw the meeting of two legends in their respective sports- Sachin Tendulkar (Cricket) and Roger Federer (Tennis). Both are huge admirers and supporters of each other and they even have a very good knowledge about each other’s sport too. Tendulkar is a regular at Wimbledon ever year. Both of them reportedly also had dinner together after the match. Federer said: ‘I like playing cricket for enjoyment, but I don’t think I could have made a living out of it’ Tendulkar said: ‘For me as a kid the choice was between tennis and cricket and I feel that I didn’t make a bad choice. Though, I still love tennis and watch it whenever I get time’ Federer has even gone on to say: ‘I’m glad I got to meet him, we had tea in the terrace at Wimbledon. I remember the meeting clearly’, Federer said. ‘I enjoy meeting great athletes. It is an experience for me. I like picking their brains, seeing how it works. I enjoyed my time with Sachin. Sachin Tendulkar is the Indian sport person I admire the most. I met him when he visited Wimbledon. He was a lot of fun to talk to — and he is a legend. Whenever I play cricket video games, I always pick Sachin as my batsman'” (Source).
Jennifer Lawrence Meeting Kim Kardashian

“When Jennifer Lawrence met Kim Kardashian she screamed at her…!! ‘I was in NYC and I ran into Jennifer Lawrence,’ Kim told The Sun at a press conference. ‘We said, ‘Hi’ and walked into the elevator and as the doors were closing. She screamed across the lobby, ‘I love your show!’ We were laughing so hard.’ The Academy Awards winner has previously admitted many times of being a reality TV junkie and watching the Kardashian’s reality show on a regular basis. ‘I’m just stressed by the idea of missing them. At the end of the day there’s probably nothing that makes me feel better than junk food and reality TV.’ I guess becoming ‘star struck’ is just a normal phenomenon for them as well when it comes to their favorite celebs” (Source).
Matt LeBlanc Meeting Emilia Clarke

“There are many, many, stories of this happening; but I think my favorite was watching Emilia Clarke fangirl over Matt LeBlanc on the Graham Norton Show. Now, objectively, Emilia Clarke is a bigger star right now—possibly in general—than Matt LeBlanc. But she got completely twitterpated when she met him, and it was adorable” (Source).
Kelly Clarkson Meeting Emmett Smith

“I was once on a plane going from Phoenix to Dallas sitting in First Class. Sitting next to me was Kelly Clarkson. Siting in front or her was her brother. We chatted a bit, as I got the nerve to ask for an autograph for my daughters. But her and her brother were focused on the couple seated three rows behind us, who happened to be Emmett Smith and his wife (fresh off his Dancing With The Stars stint). All they talked about was getting HIS autograph! They debated for a while to ask him. After a while I got up and walked to their row, told him that even though I was a Giants fan, I admired his class and ability. they thanked me and asked ‘Is that Kelly Clarkston?’ When I said yes, THEY got all giddy!! I facilitated the introduction, ending up with two happy celebrities and autographs all around” (Source).
Liam Neeson Meeting Muhammad Ali

“They do, indeed. The best example I can think of is the time Liam Neeson met Muhammad Ali. A hugely successful amateur boxer as well as a bona fide movie star, you could be forgiven for thinking the Irishman would take a meeting with ‘The Greatest’ in his – frankly massive – stride. But no – the moment Neeson was introduced to Ali the only thing the Taken star found himself able to say was the slightly embarrassing – albeit incredibly heartfelt – ‘Muhammad, I love you!'” (Source).
Emma Stone Meeting The Spice Girls

“Emma Stone is a legendary Spice Girls fan and Youtube is full of clips of her freaking out merely talking about them. To date she’s only talked to Mel C and Mel B via Skype etc. and never met her favorite Baby Spice” (Source).
Kaley Cuoco Meeting The Friends Cast

“Kaley Cuoco (Penny of The Big Bang Theory) was star-strucked when she met the ‘F.R.I.E.N.D.S cast especially Jennifer Aniston at an All Star Tribute to James Burrow. This is what she wrote on her Instagram page. ‘Ummmm NIGHT MADE. Can’t breathe #friends meets #bbt @bigbangtheory_cbs’ Well, who wouldn’t ?” (Source).
Elizabeth Olsen Meeting Mark Hamill

“Elizabeth Olsen is a die hard Star Wars fan, and when she was told Mark Hamill was at the UK premiere for the latest Captain America movie, she broke down in tears, right there, on the red carpet. They are people, just like us. Although, I’m sure most who meet people they admire in a professional environment, when they have to work together, try their best to keep it together” (Source).
Ariana Grande Meeting Jim Carrey

“I’d like to add one as well. Ariana Grande meeting Jim Carrey: This is what she had to say on Live with Keely and Michael, ‘My childhood crush, like, my lifelong crush, it kind of all goes together — it’s Jim Carrey,’…. ‘I love him so much'” (Source).
Mark Ruffalo Meeting Morgan Freeman And Paul Rudd

“Here’s a good one! Mark Ruffalo, popular for playing the roles of Dr Bruce Banner in Avengers and Agent Dylan Rhodes in the Now You See Me franchise was completely star struck to see his co-star Morgan Freeman. Similar incident took place when he met Paul Rudd during San Diego comic con” (Source).
Virat Kohli Meeting Roger Federer

“This is India’s batting sensation and Test Skipper Virat Kohli’s picture and tweet after meeting Tennis Legend Roger Federer. When India and entire cricket community is crazy about Virat, he was ecstatic to meet Federer. So, Yes! Even the celebrities must feel excited and humbled on seeing other celebrities” (Source).
Henry Rollins

“Henry Rollins is a well known singer, actor and writer and tours the world with his spoken word shows. He’s a famous guy who freely admits he’s an obsessive fanboy who gets awestruck when meeting one of his long list of heroes. His spoken word shows are full of stories in which Henry feels he’s made a fool of himself meeting some of the people he idolizes, despite the fact that many of them are less famous than he is. Ever heard of The Ruts? Not many have, they were a relatively obscure British punk band with a minor hit or two. When Rollins met them a few years ago he had enjoyed far more musical success than they did and achieved a lot more fame. But that didn’t stop him from reverting to his fan-obsessed teenage past when they met up” (Source).
The Monkees

“I have seen it happen many times. Being in the entertainment business, I have friends and co-workers who definitely qualify as ‘celebrities’. I have been with them when another ‘celebrity’ meets them for the first time and have seen the other ‘celebrity’ act like the silliest fan. Back in 1963 I was in the original cast of the musical ‘Oliver!’ on Broadway where the role of The Artful Dodger was played by a young British actor named Davy Jones. We became friends while he was in the cast and remained friends over the years. A few years later he became one of the four members of ‘The Monkees’ (1966–1968) and was a teenage heartthrob. In 2010, I was at the International Cabaret Conference at Yale. My friend Davy attended the final concert and I watched Tony Award winners Faith Prince and Sally Mayes and TV’s Tovah Feldshuh (‘The Walking Dead’, ‘Law And Order’) act like the teenage girl fans they had once been when I introduced Davy to them. Sadly, Davy passed away in 2012” (Source).
Celebrities Are Just Like Us

“It always amazes me that anyone is so excited about meeting another human being. We’re kind of all the same. The only difference is that they ‘play pretend’ for a living, maybe have even won awards for it, while you might do something else. If you meet people who are well-known, it really will deflate your balloon if you think they’re something special…they are usually far more alike than different. However, it is in the ‘famous’ person’s best interest to promote how ‘awesome’ it was to meet the other famous person…why? Because they are all in the same industry, and amplifying one, amplifies them too. Celebrities make money because you care about them – you’ll read about them, buy magazines with pictures of them, etc..and once that passes, so has their potential to make money. Patting one person on the back, pats yourself just the same. It’s in their best interest to be pretty excited” (Source).
AAA Celebrities

“I think it happens all the time if you are into that niche. in hollywood for example, there is AAA celebrities, and BCDE celebrities. movies celebrities are usually more popular than tv show celebrities of course. The most normal celebrities are probably writers though, you like them because of their imagination, not their look. meeting a famous writer is like meeting your neighbor who is just getting famous. I established a friendship with some prominent dutch and Indonesian writers (best selling writers in their field) and they are less narcissistic compared to tv show actors” (Source).