The internet just uncovered a theory that's going to turn your world upside down.
I need everyone here to prepare themselves for what could be a totally true (but not really) theory.
Social media conspiracy theorists recently rallied together on Twitter to share the news that Adele definitely has a body double, and his name is Sam Smith.

L – Commons
R – Tinseltown /
Sure, there are similarities between the two of them. They’re both fantastic singers who tend to make us cry and think about lost love — I mean, either that or you’re jamming yourself into hypothetical scenarios that make you cry. Either way, you’re upset. In addition to playing with our emotions, they also win plenty of awards and drop great singles that the radio soon kills.
But, if you dig a little deeper like the good people of Twitter, then you’re bound to get swept up in the theory.
Did you know that when you slow down Adele it’s actually Sam Smith
— jesse (@jesse21valona) February 5, 2018
On February 5, one user slowed down “Hello” by Adele and came to the conclusion that she was actually Sam Smith… Well, five million views, over 100,000 retweets, and 300,000 likes later, the internet quickly got onboard with the theory. Of course, the user wanted to provide as much evidence as they could, so they slowed down “Million Years Ago” and once again, Sam Smith’s crooning came out. You may not think it’s all that viable, but at about the one minute mark it’s pretty undeniable… and again at 1:40. The second example didn’t pick up as much steam as the first one, but the damage was done.
Of course, this took off with fellow conspiracy theorists who pointed out subtle details like how Adele and Sam Smith are never in the same room and how when one drops a record the other mysteriously disappears.

People wanted to speed up Sam Smith to see if he sounded like Adele, but it turns out he resembled Halsey more. Then when you sped her up she sounded like Justin Bieber. Twitter detectives tried really hard to see how deep the rabbit hole goes but were stumped when Bieber came into the picture.
Essentially what we all learned is that this whole thing was so much bigger than we ever could have imagined…