At the Paraiso X Sports Illustrated Swim Week fashion show in Miami, Mara Martin strutted down the runway in a gold, one-shouldered bikini…while breastfeeding her 5-month old daughter.
According to SI Swimsuit, the decision to send Martin down the runway while feeding was one that was spur of the moment.
Editor MJ Day explained, “When I was talking with the girls backstage prior to the show beginning, I saw that Mara’s baby was sleeping and peacefully nursing. I asked Mara if she would want to walk and continue to nurse. She said ‘Oh my gosh, yes! Really? Are you sure?’, and I said absolutely! I loved the idea to be able to allow Mara to keep nursing and further highlight how incredible and beautiful women are. For me, I nursed two babies myself, so I find it to be one of the most powerful things the female body can do. It was the easiest decision I have had to make in months.”
Of course, the decision paid off and proved to be inspiring to women at the fashion show and online.
Commenters responded to a video of Martin and her baby with praise, writing things like, “Tears of joy. So magical,” and “Amazing!!! So powerful!!! Go momma!”
Martin took to Instagram to express her gratitude for her supporters. She said, “Anyone who knows me, knows it has been a lifelong dream of mine. I can’t believe I am waking up to headlines with me and my daughter in them for doing something I do every day.”
However, Martin also humbly stated that she doesn’t think her story should be headlining news because her “story of being a mother and feeding her [child] while walking is just that…there are far more deserving headlines that our world should see.”
We hope to continue seeing diverse bodies represented in fashion so breastfeeding mothers like Martin become normalized. You go, momma!