Men! Listen up! These women share their uncomfortable, terrifying, or painful experiences they've had with some men, that made them lose all possible interest in them. Take notes!
Completely Shocked That Guy Did NOT Know Who The President Was…What The..?
“Chewing with his mouth open. Went from ‘possible’ to ‘no way in hell is he getting a kiss.’
Talking the entire time. Especially bad if he says ‘what do you think?’ and then interrupts two words in to tell you what you should be thinking.
Completely unaware of the world outside his interests. Dated a guy who knew everything about his zone of interest, and nothing outside it. Had no clue who the president was, or why it mattered. Drove me insane.
Wants to take you home to mom on the first date. Oh hell no.
Then there are some that are age dependent. When I was 21, and he told me he intended to get married and have kids within the year, on a first date? Noped out of there so fast.”
He’s Creeping In Your Neighborhood And Place Of Work
“Excessive persistence. My ex-boyfriend used to stalk me…
At my old job, I would get hit on a lot and some guys would come by all the time to try to talk to me. One would drive around the location looking in the windows and around the building for me. I have turned him down and then avoided him and had other co-workers help him. I didn’t want the awkwardness. But he kept coming. I had coworkers who told me it was just flattery. No, it is not. I’m thankful that no one got violent or followed me when I got off work.”
Definitely Not Impressed By Your PARENT’S Money…
“There was a particularly wealthy guy I was seeing casually who would flaunt his money like a peacock. I mean you don’t get to choose your upbringing, but he just is generally ungrateful for the fact that he has no debt and will never have to worry about making ends meet. ‘Come visit me in the Hamptons.’ ‘I got a new Range Rover for graduation.’ ‘I party with Avicii.’ How does one refrain from rolling their eyes?
On the contrary, I have met really nice ivy league kids who have said to me, verbatim ‘My parents are rich. I have nothing. I haven’t made anything yet.'”
The Hannah Montana T-Shirt Is A Bit Excessive…
“Got asked out by a cute guy wearing a leather motorcycle jacket, probably mid 20’s, while I was waitressing.
He was taking his Dad out to lunch at the time – I thought, oh how nice, tough and sensitive!
He picked me up for coffee, showed up with a Hannah Montana T-shirt, spent the first 20 minutes talking about how he was home-schooled and loved that he still lived with his parents, and how hanging out with his Mom was better than going to college.
Boy, did I read that vibe wrong…”
You Gotta Respect People’s Boundaries, It Could Ruin Any Potential Relationship
“There was a guy in college I was on good terms with. We didn’t know each other well but I could totally see being friends with him in the future. He knew I didn’t like to be hugged. Not only was I, not a touchy feely person in general, I have chronic pain that can sometimes make hugging REALLY unpleasant.
One day he saw me in the cafeteria. I was in a lot of pain that day. He came over and said, ‘I’m going to hug you.’ A mutual friend told him not to, I told him not to. He did anyway.
From then on, no matter what else he did, he was ‘the guy who ignored my boundaries.’ Even platonic interest was completely gone. That one thing completely tanked any relationship we could have had. Boundaries matter, folks.”
Nobody Likes A Let-Down
“Let Downs. I’ve heard tons of chicks complain about this stuff.
The true intention of wanting to do something for you and saying it out of the blue. Ex: ‘Baby, I’m gonna make you a killer dinner tonight and rub your back and give you so much love after you get off work.’
Get home He’s playing video games You ask him ‘what do you want to do?’ Confused because you thought you’d come home to dinner or a hug and because you don’t want to seem like ‘hey give me everything you offered because I’m selfish.’
And then he says ‘I dunno.’
‘What should we eat?’ ‘Hm. Dunno. You can pick’ ‘Do you want to go out?’ ‘I dunno. I’m cool with whatever.’ Continues playing video games/watching tv/etc ‘Uh. Well…do you want to hang out for a bit?’ ‘We are hanging out.’ ‘But you’re playing video games.’ ‘But we’re talking too!’ ‘Sort of….’ Then nothing happens, no one makes dinner, things are awkward and not fun. Two hours later. ‘What’s wrong??’ You tell him and he apologizes and seems to mean it and then it happens every other day again like always.”
Some Of Those Finance Guys Seem To Be A Bit…Condescending…
“Anything in a condescending tone. I have met tons of finance guys and I’ve met plenty of them who immediately assume I’m one of those girls hired based on looks. They’ll start name-dropping clients and deals with their ridiculous code-names (Project Golden Parachute, Project Chameleon, Project Bamboo Forest, etc.) since it’s the closest to Hollywood-glam type of spy missions they could get.
If it’s a secret, don’t treat me like an idiot for not knowing it because you can’t tell me anything about it. And if I can match your finance knowledge and argue back, ‘cute’ in a derisive, mock-paternal tone is the fastest way to make me want to smash my plate over your head.”
You Don’t Own Her…Or Anyone For That Matter
“I was at this party, being social, playing games. This guy, Travis, comes up to me and starts talking. We hit it off, decide to talk outside and share a few drinks. Then his friend comes up and asks me if I’d like to play another round of games. I said, ‘Sure, I’ll see you there.’ Travis looks to me and says in a baby voice, ‘You’re MINE, I saw how he looked at you. Don’t leave me.’
Possessiveness and baby voice are both scary and off-putting.”
Don’t Diss A Woman’s Opinions And Interests
“The main thing for me that makes my interest in a dude go from a 100 to zero is dissing all of my interests. It’s like conversing with a disinterested hipster. I mean, have you ever had a conversation that literally had the other person putting down everything you said from favorite movies to favorite muffins? It’s almost akin to one-upping. ‘Oh, so you like basketball? Basketball is so boring, football is better!’
I get that people have different preferences but dang. Once I said ‘It’s a pretty nice day out today, a little windy but I can manage.’ and had a dude spend five minutes ‘correcting’ me about how this is actually horrible weather and blah blah blah. I can’t imagine being in a relationship with someone who’ll always put my likes and interests down.”
No One In This Day In Age Should Be Texting In Code Anymore…
“When they text ‘lyke dis’ and it takes me a few minutes to decode ‘hai bbz wna chl?’ That was an actual message I received once. Men, please look literate and intelligent when you text. You wouldn’t want to sound like an idiot when you speak to us, so why would you want to do it in text-form?
On the other hand, instant ladyboner when he uses four syllable words and differentiates between their and they’re. Or maybe it’s just me…”
Comic Sans Is NOT A Good Font Choice For A Menu, Sir!
“I’m a graphic designer.
Couple years ago I went out on a date with a dude who wanted to see some of my most recent work. I was working on a menu for a restaurant and showed him the old menu versus the new one I’d just done and he proceeded to try to tell me why the old one was better.
The old menu was written in comic sans and contained low-resolution photos of the food.”
When He Asks For Pictures Of You The First Day…And Calls You Out When You Don’t
“When this dude was asking for pictures within the first day that we knew each other. It’s really annoying and honestly — kinda pathetic. I feel like all they want to do is judge me on how I look… As if my worth is there instead of anything else.
Equally annoying is when I politely turn down their suggestion to send them pics, and then they nag me every chance they get until I have to forcefully shoot them down, at which point I’m berated for being a ‘jerk.’
I’m sorry, no woman should have to deal with this, and it goes both ways. I don’t ask men for pictures, and they shouldn’t ask me. Eventually, I’ll offer- please don’t push matters.”
Guys, It’s Okay To Express Your Feelings!
“When guys decide to hide their emotions.
Not talking about stone face, but not telling me or showing me when they’re sad, insecure etc.
Best believe that if I’m even remotely interested I will do whatever I can to give them a boost. And that applies to friends as well.
Makes me sound like a jerk but if they’re not being honest about their feelings, I just stop caring. It breaks my trust for some weird reason I still haven’t figured out.”
Her Ex-Boyfriend Really Had An Issue With Frozen?
“My ex-boyfriend admitted he didn’t like Frozen because the prince didn’t save the princess in the end… Apparently, that’s how it should be. He definitely had a white knight complex.
Couldn’t get out of that relationship fast enough.
Oh…he also thought the Harry Potter books were bad and that it was okay to shoot your dog in the backyard if you couldn’t afford to put them down. The list goes on…”
How The Crush On Her Co-Worker Dissipated Very Quickly
“I had a crush on a guy in my office… didn’t really know him very well, he was just a super cute guy who I’d nod to in the hallways and occasionally enjoy the eye candy when he was in the company gym.
I then switched departments (for unrelated reasons) into his and actually had to start working with him every day… I very, very quickly learned that he was a self-entitled little brat who was truly awful to work with because of how lazy he was. Crush immediately died.”
He Literally Had Money On Him…And Lied!
“We were at dinner one night. The conversation wasn’t flowing particularly smoothly. The bill came and I reached for it. He thanked me and said he’d get it next time, that he had left his wallet at home.
When we hugged his wallet fell out of his coat. I saw at least a 50 dollar bill in there. He turned beat red, quickly got into his car and sped off. This is the thing: He WAS the one to ask me to dinner. It was the first date. No, I’m not being sexist. I don’t mind paying, in fact, I like to treat a man. And when I say quickly got into his car, I mean BOLTED.
This really happened.”
The Guy At The Dog Park Should Not Be A Pet Owner…Ever Again
“I was at the dog park and a guy came up to flirt with me. I was mildly interested until he started telling this bizarre story about how he used to have a rabbit but got tired of it and threw it out into the backyard for his rottweiler.
Then he kept looking at me expectantly as if I were supposed to join in with my own story of murdering a house pet. I just stood there blinking stupidly until he said, ‘So, you wanna ditch your dog and go see a movie with me?’
Nah, I’m good.”
Don’t Argue With A Nuclear Physicist If You Aren’t Even Close To Being One Yourself
“I had a date insist that they knew how to design a nuclear reactor from radioactive waste. His concept was a decent idea but didn’t really follow the laws of physics. I told him as such, as I am a nuclear safety engineer. He insisted that I was misinformed (though he was just a cook with no college under his belt, while I have several degrees and industry experience). It was quite awkward for the rest of the dinner.”
Leave Your Ex Out Of The Situation!
“I was going to meet a guy from an online dating site. I had told him I loved dogs and volunteered with children. So he thought it would be funny to say, ‘I volunteer to put dogs to sleep at the pound.’ It wasn’t.
Another guy I met online spent the entire date talking about his ex. I don’t mind hearing about your ex, but if that’s all you can talk about, no thanks.
And yet another had sent an old photo, so when I met him he looked older, balding, and sweaty. He also pulled out a bunch of meds at dinner for diabetes and high blood pressure. And I was telling him a story about something my manager and I had disagreed on, and he sided with the manager. At least try to make a good impression on your first date!
But I finally met a decent guy online- been married seven years now with two kids!”
Treat Every Living Being With Respect!
“His treatment of animals. Now, my husband doesn’t like animals. However, when he is around my cat, he won’t abuse or mistreat it and will even occasionally pet it anyway.
His ego. Don’t get me wrong, if you’re excited about your achievements, that’s great! I want to be excited with you. But, if your whole identity is tied up in your size or your income, that’s less attractive than a dinner date with Gollum.”
This Girl Has Got A List That Most Girls Might Agree With…
“First off, I will instantly shut down a guy if he doesn’t know how to text me. If I always have to be the conversationist in the duo, then I’m just not gonna be feeling it. Unless, of course, he just comes out and says that he’s honestly bad at texting and would rather talk in person. Then I cut a lot of slack. Also, hurting things to seem macho. Can’t stand psychopaths like that.
A huge turnoff for me is also no sense of humor. I’ve talked to so many guys who can’t just have a good laugh and it makes me really just dislike to be near them.
Physically, I just don’t like bad hygiene or the guys that think it’s ‘too ‘gay” to care about style and appearance. (And yes, that phrase is used commonly where I live). I just can’t stand to be around anyone with that stupid, ignorant attitude.
Get your hair cut, trim your nails, brush your teeth, and wash your butt. Not a hard regimen to follow.”
Control Your Masculine Pride, Boys!
“Refusing to allow me to do things, like hold the door for him.
If his masculine pride is so strong that I can’t even be polite to him, that’s a huge no go for me. I’m not a fragile little flower who will wilt and die from the weight of a door. If we can’t even be equal in that aspect, it’s just not gonna work.”
It’s Not Funny To Demean A Human Being…
“When guys decided to ‘playfully’ slap my face lightly or taking my hands and make me lightly slap my own face. Really anything along the lines of using his strength against me or anything mimicking a violent action even if it is in a playful and light way. Huge red flag. Not entirely sure why some guys find it funny to demean and humiliate someone they are interested in while showing they are capable of rendering that person helpless.”
Who Doesn’t Like The Beach, Though? (not a story)
“Has no self-awareness and isn’t comfortable talking about his emotions (I don’t mind people who are private but there’s a difference)
1. Has a temper
2. Regularly uses the words ‘crazy’ or ‘psycho’ or ‘stage 5 clinger’ to describe women he’s dated
3. Looks down on me for being religious/assumes I have no capacity for reason/logic because I’m religious
4. Unkind to animals or those more vulnerable than him
5. Bad breath
6. Doesn’t like the beach”