Sometimes people go for the guys that seem a little bit too sweet. And sometimes those 'sweet' guys are unmasked and turn out to be completely different than what they assumed.
He Didn’t Like What He Saw On Her Snapchat…

“I met this guy online through one of my friends. He seemed pretty nice, so I would text him periodically throughout the day and he wanted to video chat once so we did.
He became obsessed with me and wanted to call every night before he went to bed. He told me I would be the perfect wife and that we should have 3 kids. He wanted to move me out to the cattle ranch he owned and operated so we could get married and start a family. We had been talking for maybe two weeks.
I was looking for a job to get through college and jokingly shared a ‘now hiring dancers’ sign at the local club on Snapchat.
He went ballistic and told me he couldn’t be with a girl who had no respect for herself. We weren’t even dating, but he ‘broke up’ with me on my birthday.”
She Had To Pretend She Was Sleeping So He Would Leave!

“I met a guy, let’s call him Dan (because that’s his name), on Facebook. We had mutual friends in common, they vouched for him, and the chats we had were innocently about bands, movies, and the best location for hot chocolate. We were both 23. I had PTSD at the time from a car wreck and liked the distraction of Dan’s conversations.
I went away to the US for 6 weeks, and he was ‘curious’ about what it was like there, so the chatting intensified, with me sharing photos of different places and anecdotes about what I’d been up to. When I got home, I agreed to go on a date with him to get hot chocolate. He insisted the only day that worked was the day I’d arrived home, after a 28-hour flight. I agreed but said it would have to be short.
He ended up driving us over an hour away to get hot chocolate (warning flag 1) and then a further hour to get a nice view of the city (warning flag 2). I was nervous but too tired to really complain, and all he did was play with my hair.
After that, he’d message me every 5 minutes, and insist on calling each night.
A week later I had to get surgery on my shoulder. My mom couldn’t take me to the hospital, so he said he’d give me a lift. When I was there, I kept saying he’d better go, and he just lingered. The nurse came in and said to get changed into a hospital gown, everything off except panties, etc. HE WOULDN’T LEAVE THE CUBICLE. He said he’d ‘see everything eventually’ and so I shouldn’t be shy, and to let him help me undress. I kept asking him to leave and eventually had to call the nurse to call security to get him to leave.
When I woke up Dan had blown up my phone with messages (200+) that started off nice, ‘I hope your surgery goes well, sweetheart. I love you’ to ‘hit me back ASAP’ to ‘you ungrateful troll I hope you’re dead’ to ‘I’m sorry, I’m just worried about your surgery. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you. You’re the very best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I love you so much.’
That freaked me out, and I sent a text that just said, ‘Leave me alone, please,’ and then never replied.
Well, Dan showed up at the hospital in the morning, and I just pretended to be asleep. He stayed for 4 hours. Each time the nurse came in I just pretended to be out of it, then pass back out.
He’d wait outside my house for hours for weeks afterward. He bought us tickets to go to America, promised a fully paid trip including a trip to Vegas because he didn’t want to wait to get married. I’d physically hung out with him twice.
He created fake Facebook profiles using a (badly) photoshopped photo of us together. Dan, you were a bloody creep.”
Guess He Got His Karma In The End…

“So I was young and started a new part time job. One of the guys who worked there took an interest in me. He was cute but very shy and quiet. We started talking and after a few months had our first date. We dated for roughly 2 months before we slept together (my first time), he came over the next day and said he was getting back together with his ex. So we couldn’t see each other anymore. He said our time together was mainly about sex so it shouldn’t be a big deal that we still worked together. I’m sorry, what?
Turns out he had broken up with his ex the day of or before our first date.
The creepiest part is that he had worked at that job for months before I did and never mentioned to anyone that he had a girlfriend. He had intended to cheat/ replace her before he even had someone in mind.
Now he’s been single forever and still posts on Facebook about how women don’t appreciate him or overlook him despite all he has to offer. He has had a sexual harassment scandal at every job he’s worked at that I’m aware of.”
But He Was Aware She Had A Boyfriend?

“During middle school, I used to sit with a group of friends at lunch and we would play trivia games. Anyway this guy, I’ll call him ‘John,’ would play with us- he was more or less part of our circle of friends and basically ran the whole trivia game. And sometimes he would even bring small prizes such as packs of gum or Hershey kisses for the winner, no one ever asked him to, he just did. He was also always really nice, he would text me constantly and we would share personal things, venting and offering advice.
Anyway fast forward to the beginning of 9th grade, I had just broken up with my middle school boyfriend and started talking to another guy, we had hung out a few times too, a few weeks after I had gotten out of my relationship. John happened to drive by one time while we were walking around and immediately texted me about it, practically blackmailing me that he would tell all my friends I had “cheated” and that if I wanted him to not then we needed to grab a cup of coffee together and I needed to explain the situation to him (which I did l, over text).
Fast forward some more and I’m now dating the guy I had been talking to and John is still talking to me about his problems and doing what friends should do when out of nowhere things get weird. He starts sending me texts or cornering me in the halls at school asking completely inappropriate questions. Of course, I didn’t tell him anything but then things got weirder. I leaned over one time and he saw my boob then all of a sudden had to go out of his way had to pull me aside and tell me because he was ‘just being nice’. He later texted me multiple times telling me why he should be allowed to ‘see more’ and how he was better than my boyfriend and would treat me better and we already talk about our problems etc. I said no on multiple occasions and he just would not take it.
For months he followed me relentlessly and then pulled the make empty threats. He would say things like: ‘You don’t like me because I’d actually treat you right.’ After that, we didn’t talk for months and grew apart over the years.
Now we’re graduated and I just got a text from him thanking me for my friendship and asking to go out for coffee like ‘in the good old days.’ Alrighty then…”
Last Time She Trusts Her Friend’s Judgment…

“A girl I worked with wanted to set me up with her boyfriend’s best friend, Luigi. Anyway, she assured me he was a ‘really nice guy.’
I was dubious because her boyfriend Darryl was awful. But, I agreed to this double date and we met at a little Italian place. One of the first things Luigi said to me was ‘You know, I’m a really nice person but I did have to hit a woman once, but it was only the one time’ and it went downhill from there. He and Darryl proceeded to get really drunk.
My friend Amanda had to drive home with Darryl and Luigi in the backseat with Darryl groping Amanda as she was trying to drive and her fighting him off. Meanwhile, Luigi was telling Darryl, in Italian, what he’d like to do with me in the bedroom, which was odd as Darryl doesn’t speak Italian but I do.
We get back to Amanda and Darryl’s place, where my car was parked and Luigi and Darryl start fighting. Amanda opens the door to their apartment and Darryl and Luigi fall through the open door and continue fighting until they ended up breaking the coffee table.
I still remember Amanda’s face as she walked me back to my car and apologizing profusely for what happened.”
Showing Up At Someone’s House Won’t Make Them Like You More!

Olena Zaskochenko/Shutterstock
“When I was 16 I had a job at a fast food restaurant which was located next to a store called Video Ezy. There was this man that worked at Video Ezy that would come in to grab food on his break and a few times I was the person that served him.
It started off innocent enough with just a general conversation if I was on break too or small talk, while I was taking his order. Occasionally I would see him at work as well if I was renting a movie on the weekend and we became friends.
After two weeks he walked in while I was on break and said he had a gift. It was my birthday but I hadn’t mentioned it. So this dude handed me a cupcake which I accepted and thanked him. I asked him how he knew it was my birthday and he told me it comes up when scanning my video Ezy membership.
Another week went by and he showed up at my house. He was knocking on the door and telling me he looked up my member info to get my address and phone number. This freaked me out and I started having a friend walk me to work because the guy would just show up and walk with me even if I asked him not to.
I finally got the courage to ask him to leave me alone because he creeped me out by following me everywhere I went and he told me I was his soul mate because I had a piece of him inside me, I questioned what he meant and he said he put something into the cupcake he gave me.
I screamed and practically started crying as I ran home. I ended up having to call the police to make him leave me alone and my house mates would tell him I moved to New Zealand when he would show up again.
It took 2 more weeks before he stopped showing up or texting me.
Thankfully I haven’t had any issues similar to this but it still haunts me when I see someone that almost looks like him or has a similar voice.”
She Literally Had To Move States To Get Away From This Nerdy Guy

“This poor guy. Oh lord. He tried so hard, I felt so bad. I tried to tell him and he even met my boyfriend several times. But he kept trying. We were both part of a subculture that promotes young marriage and he was sure I was the one, at first sight.
It was painful to watch and more painful to experience. Socks and strapped sandals, cargo zip-off pants, graphic buttons down shirts, fedora, transition lens glasses, the works. If we were in middle school, he’d be the one with the rolling backpack who runs everywhere. All he was missing was a katana.
You sit down and he sits just a little too close to you. You get up and he follows like a puppy. Well, no, because everyone loves puppies. But he follows, just a little too close. He walks you to the bathroom. He tries to carry everything for you and hold the door and talk sweet, failing on all counts. And your heart goes out to him because it’s like… if someone would just give him a chance, maybe they could help him over this initial anxiety he has and maybe help fix his issues with connecting to girls. But taking him on as a project isn’t really ethical, and I’m not going to break up with my boyfriend just to help a guy. Anything he overheard you mentioning, he’d try to insert himself, like Michael Scott. If he knew nothing about it, he’d tangentially (and quickly!) steer the conversation into one of his interests. And he would call/text/email over and over and over: I hope he had an unlimited plan.
The cringiest thing to happen was at a talent show. I was going to sing a duet with a guy, who got nervous right before we were supposed to go on. NiceGuy overheard and is happy to sweep in and save the day, except the one problem of where he doesn’t know the song. And wants me to write the lyrics and music for him within the next six minutes before we are supposed to go on. I say, ‘No, it’s okay. I’ll just tell the sound guy to skip the duet.’ NiceGuy, of course, is not okay with this and jumps up to run to the sound guy for me. OriginalGuy comes to the rescue and says he has regained his courage and will go on with the show. NiceGuy is not okay with this because he wants to be the hero of the night and to be singing a romantic song together.
Long story short, I wind up singing a romantic duet with both OriginalGuy and NiceGuy at the same time. I’ve probably never felt as uncomfortable on stage.
I ‘escaped’ a few months later by switching states and changing my phone number.”
Avoid The Stand Up Comedians!

“In college, my roommate’s boyfriend’s roommate (let’s call him Noah) had a bit of a crush on me. For a while it seemed fairly innocuous, following me around, making weird awkward comments, but nothing too bad – I just thought he was a weird guy. Since our roommates were dating each other, I figured I could at least be friendly.
Eventually, he asked me out, and I tried to (kindly) explain that while I valued him as a friend, I just didn’t see him that way. I also had a boyfriend/clear love interest at the time (which Noah definitely knew about), so there was a zero percent chance of me going on a date with him anyway, but I tried to be nice about it.
A couple of weeks later, I go to a comedy show on campus. I knew Noah was in the stand-up group, along with my roommate’s boyfriend (which is why they were friends), but didn’t really think anything of it. Show starts, everything’s normal, and then it’s Noah’s set. Noah gets up to the mic, looks right at me (it was a small theater), and proceeds to do an entire public stand-up set about how I won’t date him, and he doesn’t understand why because even though he’s awkward and nerdy, he’s a sweetheart.
I, on the other hand, was portrayed as a shallow horrible human who wouldn’t give the sweet, nice guy a chance. He also gives a brief history of his crush on me, which apparently spanned two years; he mentions keeping a journal about me, keeping track of my movements, etc. He also mentions that he had recruited friends to come watch me play (I was an athlete in college), all in his quest to impress me, the ungrateful horrible brat who wouldn’t date him.
This went on for twenty minutes. I couldn’t leave because the theater had a rule where you could only leave between sets.
So afterwards, I ask some of my guy friends about the stand-up set, and it turns out that the weird stalkerish details that were ‘jokes’ in his set were completely, 100% true.
Here I thought Noah had been my friend all along, but it turns out that almost everything he did was part of a long campaign to get into my pants. He really did keep that ‘notebook,’ although it was more like a series of notes – roommate’s boyfriend sort of knew about it, but wasn’t sure how to tell me (ironically, this caused them to eventually have a fight, because my roommate was angry that he didn’t tell me or her this was going on). It included some pretty creepy details, such as my schedule, notes on whether I was single, and things like ‘I hosted that party, and this girl was 32 minutes late and left early.’ This explained a lot, considering that his next party invite said something like, ‘I bet she won’t be 32 minutes late to this one!’ Ugh.
So basically, a ‘nice guy’ semi-stalked me for two years, and then when I rejected him, did a very public comedy set about how I wouldn’t date him, bashing me for being a terrible person and inadvertently revealing the depth of his creepiness. Awesome.”
Never Take A Ride From Your Coworker Again…

“I worked at Macy’s and at the time I was riding a moped. It was crazy rainy and I was trying to get the thing to start when one of my co workers called me asking if I was working tonight. I told him if I could get my moped started I would but if not I would have to call out, he offered to give me a ride and he was generally a nice guy to everyone in the upstairs department so I said sure.
A few weeks later my moped blows a fuse in the parking lot after a late shift and he must’ve seen me pushing it towards the Sears garage because he pulled up in his car offering to help when I said no cuz its a tiny fuse that I know my friend in the Sears garage has on hand he flipped out and was screaming ‘Just take my help and like me for once you standoffish brat’ and I was like, ‘Whoa man I have a boyfriend! You know that and I was never interested in you like that.’
He then grabbed me trying to pull me into his back seat and he was trying to get with me. So I just flipped out and punched him in the face repeatedly until he let go of my arm and I took my moped and ran like Forrest freaking Gump.
When I told the cops they accused me of sleeping with him since he had semi nude pics of me on his phone but the sheriff later said they were taken from what appears to be a high angle while I was in a changing room. He had been taking pictures of me changing into my work clothes for months and the other guy working in my department let him do it to other people too.”
It Could’ve Been A Worse Situation In The Parking Garage

“I went on a date with a guy I met through OkCupid. It was a very nice dinner date, we had a lot in common. We ended up walking around and talking for a couple of hours after dinner. It is getting late and I have work the next morning, so he walks me back to my car parked in a nearby garage. We are saying our goodbyes and I reach for my car door. He stands in front of it, saying, ‘No, the date isn’t over.’ He has a smile on his face, so I think he is joking. I laugh, then reach around for the door again. He doesn’t budge. I try a second time, this time attempting to physically move him out of the way. He still doesn’t move. I am suddenly aware that I am on the 5th floor of this garage, there is only 1 other car on this floor, the blue light is on the other end of this floor and he did martial arts for years (he mentioned that on the date). So, I cannot win if it came down to a physical attack and asking to get in my own car wasn’t working, so I start trying to figure out an alternative. We are still talking, since I figure I don’t want to upset him. I mention multiple times how late it is and that I need sleep before work the next day (but stop trying to move him). His response was dismissive, saying I could just drink some coffee in the morning. After about 15 minutes, he finally moves out of the way and I go home.
I now refuse to let first dates walk me to my car. I used to think it was a nice gesture, but now I am worried it could easily go much worse than this did.
The worst part was that it really was a very pleasant date, one of my better OKCupid dates. I still wonder what I did wrong. Did he want to hook up and thought preventing me from leaving was akin to asking me? Did he not feel confident I really did want a second date?”
Verbal Abuse Is Never Okay To Do To Anyone!

“This just happened.
There is a guy I had dated last year briefly. I’m a 40-year-old single mom, he is exactly 10 years older (We actually share the same birthday).
I ended it because I couldn’t deal with his constant drinking and his bragging about all the women in their 20s that he had been with blah blah blah.
Anyway, he found me on Facebook somehow and messaged me. I told him thanks but no thanks I have a lot going on, I’m having a biopsy done this week to check for uterine cancer. I will be having a hysterectomy regardless of the outcome and I really don’t want to date anyone until I’m healed and back on my feet. He wouldn’t leave me alone until I agreed to have lunch with him so I figured how bad could lunch be. He spent the whole time telling me how he had changed and he wants to be there for me through everything, come stay with him. He kept at it and finally I agreed.
I don’t have a car so he brought his truck for our stuff and off we went. And once we were at his place the ‘nice guy’ mask was off and four days of misery began.
I wasn’t allowed to leave the house for anything. He kept a running dialog about how nice he is to do this for me and how I’m just a stupid woman that can’t keep a man. My kids were better off without me, he could do so much better but felt bad for me and so much more. All of this was because I said no to sex due to my health issues that he knew about.
I was trapped, I had packed my kids up to go stay with this jerk because I thought I would be able to relax and not stress. Instead, I was put through the worst verbal abuse I have ever been through. I had to plan an escape so I texted a friend that has a truck and told him what was happening. I waited until he went to work today and got the heck out of there.
My kids and I are safe at home, I had to block his number because once he realized that we left he kept texting horrible things. His ego is bruised and he wants me to suffer for it. Never again will I believe a man that says he is ‘nice’ or that has to convince me that he has ‘changed’. If it didn’t work out the first time there isn’t much chance it will now.
God help the next woman that gets trapped by him. I have no doubt he is capable of seriously hurting someone.
I just got back from the police station. I filed a report and I’m going to the courthouse tomorrow for an order of protection. I think it took me a few hours to realize exactly what we had just been through. I have a friend staying with me for a little bit in case he decides to come here.”
He Thought She Owed Him After He Bought Lunch?

Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock
“He kissed me and when I pushed him and said, ‘What the heck?’
He said, ‘There ain’t no such thing as free lunch!’
Prior to this, he had begged me for weeks to eat lunch with him because he had no friends to talk to and he was going through a harsh divorce. So when I finally felt bad enough to go and eat with him he insisted on paying for it, even though I tried to pay for my own meal.
Anyway, he made me drive his car to drop him off cause he had one glass of wine, and in the car he kept telling me to call him by his first name. And I refused but he kept insisting, then when I stopped the car he just freaking went for the kiss.
Screw that guy! Never saw him again.”