Ever been betrayed by a family member? These people open up about the most devastating family betrayal they’ve experienced. It’ll have you thinking what’s wrong with people these days? Content has been edited for clarity.
Sketchy Robbery

“When my dad passed away, my mom collected a large life insurance policy and planned on moving away and starting a new life. In my dad’s will, he specified that part of the insurance money would be used to pay for my college. My mom decided that wasn’t going to happen…
So, on prom night, I’m in my tux and getting ready to drive to my girlfriend’s house to take pictures. My mom tells me at the last minute that she had a florist put together a small rose arrangement for my girlfriend, and I’d have to pick them up on the way. Great, no biggie, I have plenty of time to stop there on the way.
I get to the florist, and they have no idea what I’m talking about. So I walk outside to call my mom and make sure I’m at the right place. I get in the car and close the door, start clicking through the contact list to get to her number (back in the old Nokia days), and then the next thing I know I wake up in the hospital.
I woke up the next day with no recollection of anything. My girlfriend was by my side, still in her dress, apparently holding my hand throughout most of the morning/day. My mother was nowhere to be found.
My girlfriend said my mom was the one who called her to tell her what happened to me and said, ‘He probably won’t survive the night.’
Before I could ask any more questions, I was then told by the cops what happened.
This guy snuck up from behind my car, shot me, took my phone, and ran off…Making it look like a robbery. I was knocked unconscious, so he apparently assumed I was dead.
Through security footage, they found the guy and it was my mom’s boyfriend. He ratted out my mom, saying she talked him into killing me for my dad’s life insurance money.
They’re both serving life sentences without chance of parole.
I’ve had zero contact with my mother except for two pictures I sent her from my wedding. The first one was the stereotypical smiley bride and groom showing our hands with the rings on. The second was the same exact pose, but me smiling and giving the camera the middle finger.”
Suspended License

“My brother gave my name, address, and social security number to police officers twice when he got pulled over with no license of his own. He was in his late 30s as was I.
He did not tell me he did this and I did not know about it until I got the letter from the registry saying that my license was going to be suspended for none payment of fines and then my insurance rate went up getting rid of my good driver discount for 6 years.
The second time he didn’t get away with it. But just knowing he did it the second time after his swearing up and down that he’d never do it again speech really sucked.
He was up in New Hampshire visiting a friend (who is actually a childhood friend of mine as well). He gets pulled over and he tries to pull the same thing again with the officer. The officer asked where he was staying and then proceeded to call my friend.
‘Do you have a Mr. R. Nebodee staying with you?’
My friend replied, ‘Uh no.. we have a J. Nebodee staying with us!’
I don’t know how the rest of the evening went for him after that.”
Wedding Dress

“When I was about 20, my cousin Julie announced that she would be getting married. My mom came to me and tearfully explained that Julie wanted me to wear our recently deceased grandmother’s wedding dress (a pink tea-length dress) so that it would be like a part of my grandmother was at the ceremony. It had to be me because my grandmother was very slim and I was the smallest person in our family. I agreed.
I tried on the dress and it was too tight. Way too tight. My mother told me I needed to fit in and to do whatever it takes. I did. I starved myself stupid for 3 months and lost weight. I was sickly, pale, but the dress fit. My mother kept telling me how great I looked.
We flew to the wedding (my family lives across the country). Everyone was shocked at my appearance but said nothing. The day of the wedding came and I appeared in my grandmother’s wedding dress. I thought people were acting strangely towards me but I didn’t think too much of it.
I found out later that Julie had not asked for me to wear the dress. She knew nothing about it. My mother had been telling people that I was on hard substances (not true) to get attention and sympathy. She convinced me to drop weight and show up to Julie’s wedding in my dead grandmother’s wedding dress to show everyone how unstable I had become in order to get more attention and sympathy.”
Empty Safe

“I was the manager at an ice cream shop where one morning the owner came in to pick up the previous night’s take from the safe but the safe was empty. I was the only other one with a key.
Cops were called. I was taken to the station and given a polygraph which they then told me I failed. I swore up and down it wasn’t me. Quit/asked to leave basically in the next few days. Nothing ever came of it again until one night maybe 5 years ago, I get a drunk call from my sister admitting she stole my keys in the middle of the night, put gloves on so no fingerprints, broke in, and stole it.
Her reason…money to move in with her loser bf who became her loser husband and is now her loser ex-husband.”
Moving Out Gone Wrong

“When I turned 18 I was so excited to finally get a real job so I could make some real money; a job that was outside fast-food, or working at the mall 10-20 hours a week. I got myself a nice security job, which I really liked, perfect for going to college/work at the same time. Even the pay was decent, with 40+ hours available every week.
After about six months of working there, I felt competent I had enough money to do what every kid dreams to do- move out! So I informed my Dad I was going to be looking, and ultimately moving out soon. He was ecstatic.
My Dad is into rental properties. At the time, he was expanding. It started with one, then 5 years later he bought two more. Then a few years later, he bought three more. At the time of me wanting to make this move, he had just bought another house.
So the next day when I’m getting to drive out to a few places, was originally looking to just rent somewhere small and simple; even had a few apartments in line to check out. My Dad approaches me, and he’s like, ‘Son, I want to talk to you for a minute. Let’s go for a little drive.’
So we took a little cruise, and he took me over to the latest property he bought.
We got out of the car and he was like, ‘Ya know. When you own a property and you make payments on it, you build something they call equity. Then when that gets built up enough, you can make loans against it. Well, I’ll tell you what. Since you’re moving out for the first time, you should really have something of your own. What we’ll do is I’ll sell this house to you, then in 2 years I’ll buy it back from you the same price; let you keep the equity. All I ask is you do the repairs on it, and it’s yours. I’ll set up all the paperwork, have ya sign a few things to make it legal, and it’s done.’
I was like hell ya! My intentions were only to stay local for the next few years, and ultimately I wanted to move out of state. So in theory this was great.
I immediately got to work, the place was a disaster- like an epic disaster. I had to sheet rock the whole house, and redo all the carpet and fixtures. I worked remodeling from 16-18, so I knew how to do most of it. Had buddies help with the rest. Took several months to complete.
I was so busy working on this place, I didn’t even think to read anything that my Dad presented to me. In a nutshell, what he did was he took my last six pay stubs, and with the help of this National City mortgage lady, they calculated my ‘maximum loan’, then set the price of the house to exactly that; not the price of the actual house, nor considering its condition.
So basically, without getting into numbers – I paid 2x the house value, minimum, which almost doubled what my payments could have been. These payments took almost 50% of my income.
I didn’t have to start making payments for the first few months, they call it a grace period. But believe me when I say I knew I was going to dread it. Because, shortly here, 50% of income to just the house payment- now includes everything else. Gas, water, food, car insurance, cellphone, internet. I was broke.
When I went to my Dad to complain about it, he was just like, ‘Welcome to being an Adult.’
I told him I’d be marking the days until our agreed-upon repurchase date. He was really a jerk about it too.
So I continued the suffering, I even went as far as to pick up a roommate to help with the bills. What a joke that turned out to be; lesson learned there.
But as if that suffering wasn’t enough, my house was wrongfully foreclosed on. There was a giant class action suit against them for it. The settlement was only for like $500 or something ridiculously pathetic that nowhere near justifies the surreal amount of stress and money I paid in fees and other fees fighting the foreclosure.
But anyway; during this wrongful foreclosure bit- they raised my payments, and my roommate ultimately had to be evicted for non-payment. I ended up having to work that 40+ hours every week just to survive, and have NOTHING.
Now I’m not going to say this is the sole reason why, but it played a huge part. I ended up failing out of school, which was crushing. I just couldn’t maintain study, working my full 40 hours, plus all overtime I could get, then the drama at home. I just failed out. I paid out of pocket for school, so not only did I fail, but I just threw all that money away.
So finally, the 2-year mark comes. Still broke, I have nothing, car starting to fall apart. Had some dental work that needed to be done that I couldn’t pay for. I was really looking forward to getting rid of this property. My father and I hadn’t talked much since his callous speech about my suffering, so I wasn’t looking forward to that.
So I go to his house and we start to talk. It’s then, here and now, 2 years later- he tells me that he overextended his credit and he’s broke. He’s been broke for years; the last property he bought was the one he sold me, which he did because he needed a cash infusion to stake off the creditors. Goes to find out, the bank had taken several of his properties; he only barely managed to save the smallest ones.
I didn’t believe him. I thought he was lying to me. He showed me papers, mail, all kinds of mail- some really old mail too. He was getting so much mail demanding money, he had filled giant trash bags full of the stuff. He wasn’t lying, he couldn’t buy back my house if he wanted to.
So to sum it up here. My Dad tricked me into buying a house for twice its price- also my maximum loan capability, knowing full and well that this action would bear a huge burden. Just so he could get a huge chunk of money and stave off his bad credit debt- resulting in the longest and most miserable existence I’ve known, for nearly 2 years.
A few months later after my Dad said he couldn’t buy it back, I put the place up for sale. But since was the price was set for me to break even on my loan, not the actual value of the house- this proved impossible. You’d have to be a moron to pay that much considering nearby property prices- that’s just how bad my Dad did to me.
So just when I was about to give up on selling it- my house went into foreclosure AGAIN.
I had enough. ENOUGH. I called the bank and told them they could keep that house, it wasn’t worth anywhere near what that loan said it was. Told them I was moving out THAT DAY. And I did too.
Ironically though, that was not the end. Six months later I got pulled over and nearly arrested for a warrant for not mowing the grass. Apparently, they put a ticket on the door, and my non-response to that ticket got me a warrant.
Anyway, I never did pay anything to that bank. They said it was going in foreclosure, and got a few more notices. Then that was it. I figured since I have to mow the grass, no one else is looking after the property- and I sure didn’t want to live there now in chance someone could come along and kick me out.. so I kind of started renting the place out. Although I still pay city taxes on the property. Not really sure if that’s legal or not; but it’s been going on now for about 4 years. I’m dumb, right?”