These people made their own decisions to cheat on their partners and have faced the confrontational aspect. The question is whether or not they had to suffer the consequences of their actions or did they live happily ever after?
She Straight Up Called Him To Tell Him She Cheated!
“My long term boyfriend and I had to be long distance for about a year. At first, it was fine, but then we started working opposite hours, and he stopped responding to my texts. I missed him immensely. And it’s not like I played hard to get or act coy.
I messaged him frequently and told him that I wanted to talk to him more, have Skype dates. I guess I didn’t communicate how important I thought that was to our relationship.
In addition to that, although I was planning to move 600 miles away from all my friends and family to be with him, and we’d been dating for nearly 5 years he still got awkward when I brought up getting married.
Cue my male friend from my college program. Our program was pretty rigorous. We basically had to teach 2 high school classes M-T and had master levels classes on Fridays. Oh, and our work was unpaid. We commiserated together and watched movies played board game etc. Pretty much on the weekends, we were attached at the hip. At this point, I was probably emotionally cheating (he played with my hair, I tickled him, took naps in his bed) but we hadn’t passed a physical threshold yet.
The last day of our program he begged me not to move to be with my boyfriend and grabbed me and kissed me. So I kissed him back. Again and again and again. I called my then boyfriend 3 hours later and said I had to end it because I cheated. My then boyfriend said ‘We can work through this’ and I said ‘I don’t want to.’
That was 2 years ago. I’m marrying my friend from my program in a couple months. I wish I wouldn’t have let my resentment of being ignored fester because I felt pretty blank while breaking up with him. I wish I would have done it sooner so I didn’t hurt him as badly. But ’tis life.”
He Was The ‘Other Man’ In The Affair
“I was the other guy in a 2+ year long affair.
We were former work associates, and we’d hung out a few times and just watched TV/movies, but nothing happened for a long time. I had an emotional and physical attraction to her, and the feeling was mutual. But we never crossed a line.
One time at a party she overindulged and since I was her ride, we both stayed there, in a spare bed together. Honestly, I wanted the intimacy of being close to somebody, and I wanted to make sure she didn’t get sick in her sleep. I didn’t do anything, and neither did she. Nothing happened that night.
We hung out a week or so later, and she said she had liked my beard rubbing against her, and then asked me to do it again. This progressed over days to more intimately cuddling and finally I kissed her. It was awesome.
Making out progressed and then she really wanted to sleep together one night. I declined at first (really) but then we did…
She explained sometime after this that at the beginning she was feeling distant from her husband, he was pushing her to have kids and, according to her, being a jerk. I wasn’t that guy.
It ended fairly recently because she was ‘trying to distance herself from me’, and kept saying that, to the point that I just said screw it and gave up. It ended up in a minor argument and she asked if I wanted to break up, I said I wasn’t certain, so she dumped me instead.”
Ended Up Leaving Her Previous For The Bartender
“I had just moved back to Florida from Boston. I was hanging out with some friends at a bar that they were regulars at.
I met the bartender and ended up going to a party at his house after the bar closed with some friends. It was a usual weekend thing apparently. I thought the bartender was so cute but he had a girlfriend. We got to know each other and the chemistry was just so strong.
On the 4th of July, he and I were texting and he was stressing out about the fireworks as he is an Army veteran and they gave him Iraq/Afghanistan flashbacks. His girlfriend was busy with her son doing normal celebrations and wasn’t interested in his feelings at the time. We met up and went out all night.
That’s when it started. I’d stay over, we’d send each other texts. She found out and hated me, obviously. He broke up with her and we started talking more seriously. After a month I told him we were going to be exclusive or I was done.
4 years later were married and he’s at the park right now with our daughter having fun.
It may have started off wrong but I’ve never met someone so perfect for me. He said as soon as he met me he knew he was in trouble and that I was his future. Turns out he was right.”
Her Cheating Was The Excuse He Needed
“I was young and stupid. I was in a relationship where neither of us was happy but we were too attached or afraid to end it. He was working insane hours so we never saw each other and I just didn’t care for him anymore but I didn’t realize it until I met a friend of my roommates, we’ll call him Jim.
He swept me off my feet. Jim made me feel special in a way that I hadn’t felt in years. He put it in my head that my (ex)significant other didn’t love me or care about me and that I deserve better etc. Eventually this all lead to this weird pseudo-relationship, we talked constantly but never hooked up. Until one night after a bad fight with my boyfriend, I fled to Jim’s house for comfort. That night our physical relationship began.
Jim made me feel wanted and he made me smile and laugh and I enjoyed spending time with him. It was a fun little secret at first but I knew what I was doing was wrong and I couldn’t handle the guilt anymore. I finally ended things with my boyfriend and that is when Jim completely ghosted me. It hurt worse than the breakup, my support system and motivation to leave my boyfriend of three years was gone because apparently ‘it got too real’ I was naive and young and vulnerable, Jim came into my life when I was heading towards the end of my first serious relationship and I was very lonely.
I hate myself for what I did until I learned that my significant other had been cheating on me for the entirety of our relationship and was waiting for me to leave so he could be with her. So I guess it all worked out…”
She Was Lied To As His Mistress, So She Ruined Their Entire Marriage
“I was the mistress in a marriage. The guy was an old boyfriend from high school, we dated off and on. When we were off he would date this girl Kelly, and when we broke up for the final time he went and married her. Almost a year after we broke up, I was back in town on summer break from college and ran into him at my summer job.
He gave me this sob story about how Kelly wanted a divorce and was taking his kid from him. I (stupidly) believed him, we exchanged numbers, started talking daily. He invited me over to ‘his’ apartment, showed me his divorce paperwork, and ultimately things got physical for a couple weeks.
One day I swung by to pick up a pair of earrings I’d forgotten the day before. His best friend from high school answered the door. I asked if the guy was around, the best friend said ‘No why would he?’
It turned out, that the guy was actually house-sitting for his best friend, so it wasn’t his apartment. The best friend also informed me that this guy and Kelly were in the process of BUYING A HOUSE and that their marriage was fine.
I was livid and disgusted. I went to work the following day and in walks Kelly. I ask her what she’s doing later that night and if she’s available to talk. We meet up after I get off and I lay it all out for her. She teared up a bit, but ultimately she was mad. She gives me their address and tells me to show up there unannounced the next day.
I do and the guy is white as a sheet trying to get me to leave. Kelly shows up and they end up in a screaming match. So the guy ended up getting divorced and settled with a chunk of child support because Kelly informed the right people about the guy’s secret and very illegal growing operation.
None of us talk anymore. When I think about it, I have to shower at least twice.”
His Life Flipped Upside-Down With An Unexpected Child In The Picture
“I was in a 5-year relationship with my girlfriend at the time. I started to talk to an old coworker from my teens that I always had a thing for, but she lived a couple states away so I knew nothing would come of it. Well, it turns out that she still had family in my area and regularly visited.
We made plans to get some dinner and catch up, for old times sake. It ended in us renting a hotel room and having some fun. This happened a few times over the next several months until I get a text from her… It’s a picture of a sonogram of our child.
I was going to come clean to my girlfriend because I never had a father growing up and I didn’t want to put my child through that.
However, she ending up losing it a month or so into the pregnancy and we stopped talking.
It left me feeling very guilty and anxiety stricken. 0/10 would not do again.”
It Was Really Meant To Be For Them, Years Later
“A few years ago, I met this amazing guy. Let’s call him Guy A. Well, I fell very much in love with him, he was so kind and sweet. We kissed a few times and hooked up once, but he was starting to see this other girl, so it never went further than that. I was pretty heartbroken over it.
Fast forward a few years. I’m a year and a half into this horrible relationship. We’ll call him Guy B. Guy B is a compulsive liar, yells at me, threatens to break up every time I do something he doesn’t like, like whenever I had a panic attack.
I’m at a concert without Guy B and I look across the dancefloor and I see Guy A dancing his heart out, laughing and just being amazing. I hadn’t seen him since the time we hooked up, which was a few years ago. My heart skipped a beat. I approached him, we talked for hours, and I told him I was living with a really bad guy and that I wanted out. When he kissed me goodbye, I just knew.
I continued the relationship with my Guy B for about a week (while still seeing the other guy on the side) before I finally worked up the courage to break up with him.
I’ve been with Guy A ever since, and haven’t looked back once.”
Affair With Her Coworker To Get Over Some Terrible Situations
“I had an affair with a coworker that was significantly older than me. We were both in very unhappy relationships, he with a woman who’s spending habits spent them into multiple mortgages and me with a man that was rapidly developing a serious drug habit. It took about a year before anybody caught on.
My coworkers started noticing, he eventually ended up in a round of layoffs. I got caught first and my boyfriend moved out. Not long after that, he filed for divorce from his wife and moved in with me. It was a vicious divorce that ended up lasting years.
We’ve been married for ten years now and are still very happy. His ex is doing great also.”
His Ex-Girlfriend Turned Everyone Against Him…
“I had a crush on a 10/10 perfect girl when we were 15, let’s call her ‘Summer’. She hated most boys because she’s constantly being hit on, but she’s drawn to me. So I thought it’s too good to be true, despite her hitting on me for months. She finally dated someone. It broke my heart, we cut ties. I had not spoken with her for years. Several girlfriends and years later, she texted me out of the blue. At the time we were in relationships with our own partners.
One year later, she moved into my college. ‘Hi, would you give me a tour?’ Fell in love again at the first meet, and fell in love more and more with every other denial ‘We’re just friends’ dates. Couldn’t lie to myself, I was in love with two women. I confessed to her and she confessed that she already had feelings since we were 15.
She broke up with her boyfriend so she can be with me. She knew I was in a relationship. My girlfriend knew that ‘Summer’ and I had a ‘connection’ since the first time I gave her the freshman tour. I had an open relationship with the two of them for some time until my girlfriend couldn’t take it and called for us three to meet together. My girlfriend wanted to end the relationship. ‘Summer’ wanted to stay with me, and she did. Until the day after that.
That night my girlfriend called ‘Summer’ and said things about me, things that prompted ‘Summer’ into saying ‘Sorry, I couldn’t be with you. Have a good life, I know you will.’
I have had 12 committed relationships, with that being the last one. I have never, ever, in my life had the feeling that I had for ‘Summer’. I love her truly. Nowadays even though I date or have one night stands, I keep thinking about ‘Summer’. I couldn’t fall for another woman ever since then.
My girlfriend was popular so she gathered ALL her friends to hate me. Had a ton of talking behind my back, hate, and insults. It gave me depression for a year.”
He Decided To Get Back Together With His Ex…
“It started with drinks after work and ended when I was in love and he wasn’t.
My relationship was ending when I met him. We became good friends and told each other all about how messed up our current relationships were. The night it went too far was after drinks, a kiss in a bar and a DUI; I bailed him out. After we slept together the first few times I ended things with my boyfriend. He always said he was going to break up with his girlfriend and he never did.
Long story short, it was months and months of him telling me he wanted to be with me and loved me and months and months of him not doing anything about his current situation. When he finally did break up with her he stayed with me for a few weeks and things were great. Then in a company-wide meeting (yup, coworkers), he texted me to tell me he was getting back together with her.
A year later and a half later, I am married to someone else and they are still together.”
How She Re-Dedicated Her Life To Her Husband
“My husband and I were going through a rough patch and were increasingly going out with friends in order to avoid facing our problems or fighting.
We got to where we were spending a minimal time together. He went out with his friends on a trip for the weekend, and when he returned I asked him if he was happier when he was away, as he did not text or call me the whole time he was gone.
During this period, there was a friend that I had that gave me increasing attention. I told him I was married, that nothing would happen between us unless my husband and I decided on separation. However, I did express that there were feelings there. And we began to act as though we were in the beginning stages of a relationship, often flirting, occasionally holding hands, going to him for my problems instead of my husband.
My marriage came to a head, and my husband and I had a talk about whether or not we were going to stay together. He cried and I realized how nice it was to feel as though he cared about me, as I had felt neglected for some time. We decided we were going to spend three days together. Without fighting, and while trying to make each other as happy as possible, and if at the end of these three days, we still wanted to end it, we would.
At the end of the three days, after some intimacy was reestablished in the relationship and we were going to try and make it work, I told my friend that I could not talk to or see him again.
I felt incredible guilt for the betrayal I had put into my marriage, and couldn’t live with myself. I cried myself to sleep for months every night, knowing that if I told my husband what I had done, he would leave me, and I did not want to give up on my marriage.
Eventually, I realized I could not deal with the pain of the guilt, I respected him too much to keep this secret, so I told him, through tears that I had an emotional affair, and I was just so sorry. I just felt so alone.
He stopped me, before I finished telling him everything, and told me: ‘I forgive you for anything you’ve done, and anything you could have done.’ I knew I picked the man that was right for me at that moment, felt guilt for all the moments of doubt, and rededicated my life to him. I love him, and how understanding he is.”
Ex-Husband She Tried To Salvage…Until His Controlling Behavior Proved It Was Worth It To Cheat
“I was in a dud of a marriage. I married too young and against my better judgment. My husband was a controlling and repressed man who did not respect me and I did no respect him.
I found out that my husband was on dating sites and talking to women online attempting to solicit dates. He was actively seeking to cheat and the only thing stopping him from taking it to a physical realm was the fact that none of the women were interested in him.
We worked on our marriage over the years to try to resolve his online cheating, but he’d always start up again. Eventually, I got so emotionally worn out by it that I just didn’t have it in me to care much anymore.
I met a man at work who I was instantly attracted to on a mental and a physical level–something I’d never had with my husband. We started out with harmless conversations and became work friends. We then found excuses to text each other when not at work. We’d grab lunch together here and there…at first with groups and then with just the two of us. I couldn’t wait to go to work every day and see him. I thought about him all the time. I knew I was heading toward dangerous ground, but I didn’t want to stop.
We started flirting and I began to sneak away from home to meet up with him for hikes, dinner, you name it. I met up with him for hours at a time on evenings and weekends, and my husband never really noticed because his attention was always occupied with his friends or his online chats with women.
My friend from work and I was always careful not to make physical contact, until one day in his car when he leaned over to help me with my jammed seat belt and he kissed me. It was the most amazing thing I’d ever felt in my life.
Over the next few weeks meeting up to have dinner turned into meeting up to find a secluded spot and make out in his car. Then that eventually turned into …you get the idea. I could not get enough of this guy.
I felt tremendously guilty the entire time because I never thought of myself as the type who would cheat. I came clean with my husband before my affair progressed any deeper. I broke off the affair and agreed to try marriage counseling. I quickly changed my mind when during the course of an argument (I didn’t want to go to his church and he wanted me to) my husband slapped me and told me I wasn’t allowed to have any unsupervised visits with my family or friends anymore.
After I told my husband I wanted a divorce, he attempted to destroy my life. He tried to get me fired, told all the neighbors and everyone at his church what happened, posted our business on social media, tagging my friends and family, you name it. He also threatened to ‘beat up’ the guy I had been cheating with which, honestly, would have only ended up in severe embarrassment and injury for himself.
It didn’t take long after filing divorce papers for me to hook back up with my friend and officially start dating him. My husband harassed and threatened us both until my boyfriend called his bluff and then he just sort of faded out.
My boyfriend is now my husband and we have been together for 10 years and going strong. I love him more than anything and I respect him more than anyone I’ve ever met. I would never dream of cheating on him and I feel confident that he’d never cheat on me.”
A Nice Change From Her Toxic Relationship
“I was in a pretty abusive situation for a few years.
My relationship was unhealthy and I began to live for the dream of finding a way out. I also began seeking emotional validation and attention from people I met on the internet. I met a man who lived quite a few hours away. He was everything I wanted in a man and more…and he treated me like a queen. It was a nice change from the toxicity of my real life.
We conversed and began a relationship with each other which lasted about 5 months. In that span, I went to visit him 4 times and we fell in love. I escaped from my house for each of those trips under the ruse that I was going to visit my family. After the 2nd trip, I began making plans to run away. Those plans never came to fruition though…
The affair ended when my lover found out about my boyfriend. My boyfriend was obsessively calling me during my visits. My lover saw my phone and asked who my boyfriend was and I lied, saying he was a friend who needed something. Looking back on it, it probably couldn’t have been more obvious.
I was completely wrong for doing what I did, yes. I was shady. He was not the forgiving type either and in the grand scheme of things, I didn’t deserve him at all. It makes me sad…because we were wonderful together. The reality is, though, that I was living a lie. I still haven’t forgiven myself for this and I often wonder what could have been had I done the right thing.
I have since moved on and recreated my life. I got out of the abusive situation and am much happier now. Even though I created a mess for myself, I learned many lessons in the process.”
He Left Her For A Study Abroad ‘Friend’, Then His Ex Did The Unexpected
“I was living with my girlfriend at uni. Towards the end of my degree, I had a field trip abroad and a good friend and I realized we maybe would have liked to be more than that.
I got home, said to my girlfriend that I wasn’t sure things were working and I needed some time. We had our finals to do and I didn’t want to screw those up for her so didn’t dump her outright.
Meanwhile, the other girl and I got closer and a few things happened.
Eventually, after our exams were done I broke up with my girlfriend, adamantly denying there was someone else. Now, 12 years later the other girl and I have been married for 5 years, and my ex is married to a woman.”