The truth eventually comes out, and unfortunately, these spouses had front-row seats to their spouses’ infidelity. Content has been edited for clarity purposes!
Who Was In His Car?

“At the time, I was about five months pregnant. I had already had a gut feeling that he was messing around with his best friend’s sister. Never had the proof. The crazy part was that she had a boyfriend. I messaged her boyfriend to ask her if they were still together. Seemed that she was on her boyfriend’s messages and blocked me.
I had gone to my parent’s apartment and told him I was going to be gone for most of the day. While I was spending time with my parents, he said he was going to hang out with his friend. He must have thought I was going to spend the whole day with my parents but I came early.
As I was coming up the parking lot, I saw him in his car, and in the passenger seat, I saw her. His best friend’s sister.
I waved at him to see me. Both of them saw me. He then drove off with her. This was a man who I had to spend five years with and who begged me to have a child with him but here I was in that parking lot just confused.
I got my belongings and left. Didn’t message him.
Then a day later he send me a message, ‘I’m sorry,’
I didn’t reply back.”
Morning Routine Gone Wrong

“It was towards the end of July 2009. Caribana festival was around the corner and everyone was in high spirits. You see, Caribana to me is a mere sighting of people trying to show off their bedroom moves. I really never fancied their colorful costumes or lingerie. I could never fathom what kind of cultural ceremony that is. Grinding on one another.
That one particular day, I decided to turn around from work. I called my supervisor and told him I wasn’t feeling well. I drove right to Tim Horton’s, got two coffees, and went home. After all, love was in the air that morning. I hesitantly grabbed my coffee out of the vehicle and walked into the bliss— my home.
I opened the door knowing my wife was back in bed after taking the kids to school; that was our usual routine anyway. She would drop them off at school in the morning and then come back and nap for a while. Then in the afternoon, she would get ready for work. My task was to pick them up after school, feed them, clean up, do homework, and do other activities until she came back around midnight.
I walked in that morning and I saw big-sized shoes on our front door. I knew her brother would visit every once in a while but this particular day, this guy came way too early, well, that’s what I thought. I called her name twice and there was no answer. Across the living room, CNN was on so I gravitated towards the screen until I heard some wicked sounds coming from the bedroom. I went up there and opened the door only to see some stranger with my wife.
The first instant my reflex was, ‘Oopsy sorry’ and quickly closed the door but then reality zapped in. It was too late, he jumped, flew past me and out he run half with no clothes on, while my wife screamed.
I left that evening after packing my belongings. Went to my mother’s home. That same evening, my kids were dropped off too. Yes, she let me have them. I dared not say anything.
Days turned into weeks which turned into months. I became a mother and the father to my two boys. I made sure my presence at my mother’s would not affect my mom’s life nor would we become burdens to her.
After a few years when the last one turned four, I decided to date again but I wasn’t the same. I became a dog, I didn’t keep any girl past four days. I have been traumatized and it’s been over 10 years yet it feels like yesterday.”
Last-Minute Plans

“I was 18 years old, had just had a baby six weeks before, and had gone to my parent’s home to visit. It was winter and I had told my partner if it snowed I would stay overnight. It did snow but not much so I decided at about 10 pm to go home. The house was dark so, knowing he had to work in the morning, I was very quiet going in so I didn’t wake him up. I put our son to bed as he was already asleep. Then I quietly went to our bedroom, turning the knob gently and pushing it open.
And there they were with no clothes on. There was a streetlight outside our bedroom so there was no mistaking my husband and a woman who had been my best friend for about four years. She even was my maid of honor. Obviously not so honorable.
At 18, a new mother and pretty naive I just stood there in shock for a moment. I must have made a noise, or maybe they heard my heartbreaking because they both suddenly looked over to where I was standing in the doorway. I don’t remember what was said but I do remember her grabbing her clothes and running past me and down the stairs.
He grabbed clothes to put on saying, ‘You said you were staying at your Mom’s.’
Lots more was said in lowered angry voices so as not to wake the baby. I ended up staying with him because I was young and prideful and didn’t want my parents to know but it was a long time before we slept in the same bed. He slept on the couch for about a year. I never saw her again. I probably should have left him then but three years later, we had another son, so for that reason alone, I am glad I stayed.
I know he cheated on me more than once but I was past caring, he provided for me and his children and it was enough.”
Too Playful

“I left her alone with him for only four minutes or so when I went to the bathroom. That was all it took for her to reach her hand under the table and, after feeling around for it, she landed on her prize. She ruined our relationship, right at that moment.
To be clear, our marriage was always strained and she had never really stopped turning tricks in clubs, not really at all. We fought nearly endlessly, usually centering around her incessant need to get the upper hand and her propensity to break hearts right in front of me, as my wife.
Yeah, I stood for this nearly nine years while she humiliated me in front of numerous other people just before she would blow a sarcastic kiss my way. I thought she was just being playful, intentionally making me jealous. No chance. She used to be a hand model and the only thing she cared about was her hands. She always protected her hands and would not let even her diamonds upstage them.
When I left the bathroom and headed to the kitchen, Phil shot up from his chair and put his hands up to seemingly calm my approach. I always walk fast.
He assured me he didn’t want to be disrespectful but said, ‘Your wife needs to learn how to behave appropriately.’
I surely did not like where this was going as he pointed to Jason.
He continued, ‘She reached under the table and palmed it in her hand.’
I could have thrown a bicycle or a spade at her, but it was already over. I still loved her, even as I grew angrier and more disappointed by the second, thinking about my own shame as everyone stared at us.
I looked her straight in the eye and with a seething low growl, I said, ‘This is the last time I will ever play Spades with you.’
The Next Door Neighbor

“In 2008, I had just had my daughter. She was nine months to be exact and my fiance (at the time) was not working. Mainly, he was a stay-at-home dad.
He befriended a next-door neighbor who he would hang out with from time to time while I was at work. Or we would all hang out on weekends. He even hooked her up with one of his friends.
See, I wasn’t worried about him doing anything with her because she was not attractive and I actually trusted him and didn’t think he was stupid enough to lose me.
In June, my baby sister graduated high school. He didn’t want to go so before I left, I packed the baby’s diaper bag and said my goodbyes to him, his friend, and her who were all hanging out at the house. When I got across town, I didn’t have a parking pass and had to park blocks and blocks down the street.
Well, I made the mistake of not bringing a stroller so I couldn’t walk this mile. When I had finally found a parking spot, I called my mom and told her I’d meet them at the restaurant after. Then I headed home to change.
Once I hit the highway, something in my gut told me to put the pedal to the metal and rush home. I literally remember thinking to myself, ‘Why am I speeding?’
When I finally reached home, three little kids (the lady’s young kids) were knocking at my door. I looked around and noticed his friend’s car was no longer there so it only meant one thing— they were in there alone and obviously busy.
I left my car running, where my sleeping baby girl was, told the kids to go sit in my car, which was three feet away, and quickly but very very quietly opened the door.
There on the living room floor lay my neighbor uncovered from the waist down and him getting up, pulling his pants up.
She then quickly sat up and then laid back down just as fast saying, ‘Where am I?’
I quickly changed my mind and punched her in the face while he watched in horror. That wasn’t my first thought but she insulted my intelligence.
I then turned and left, signaling for her kids to get out of my car and wait for mommy to come out
A couple of months later, she begged for my forgiveness and said she had just been drinking too much and made a terrible mistake.
Go figure. But my fiance and I went our separate ways shortly before that.
He’s fat and aging horribly now. I guess Karma is a fat one.”
iPhone Sync

“I found out about my husband’s affair which happened almost one year ago when I was not in the country. I went to my parent’s place for a few months.
We were fighting a lot at that time because I caught him when he was flirting with his colleague from the office. I was so upset and we cried together. He pleaded with me that he was not going to do this again. But I was so hurt, so I left for a small vacation to mom and dad’s place.
I came back and everything seemed good but I felt something off. I had a kind of weird feeling.
After almost a year, I got his old iPhone and went through it. All his emails got synced with his old iPhone. When I checked his sent items, I saw all these intimate photos of the girl from his office and one video. When I watched that video, my whole life shattered.
They were hooking up, which on the timestamp showed it happened two years ago. I felt devasted. I never dreamed in my life that my husband would do this to me.
He told me that the affair only happened once. He said it was casual and not emotional at all. But I don’t believe him at all.
The whole year I never saw any kind of guilt on his face. But when I caught him, he was crying again and wanted forgiveness from me. I don’t I will ever trust him again.”
Both Were In The Wrong

“My first wife and I got married for all the wrong reasons. We were, literately, the poster children for why a couple should not get married. None of what I am going to say is to diminish my part in the marriage failing or to cover for myself. I take full responsibility for what I did. I made many mistakes and will take all the blame for them.
I married my first wife to end an argument. Not saying I might not have in the future (at that time) but the reality was I was very young 20 and she was 18. I was in college, played in pool and dart tournaments, and still had a ton of partying in me. She married me to get out of her parents’ house. She had a stepmother who she hated and two stepbrothers that were absolute terrors. One of whom was not allowed in the house or on the property ever. The other was like a cat destroying anything and everything in his path. He was like six or seven.
One time, I saw him not get his way, so he yanked on his mother’s hair so hard that he almost pulled her over backward while she was sitting on a lazy boy. Starting to get the hint here?
My spouse worked at a grocery store, could not hold down a job, and only wanted to go out if her friends wanted to go somewhere which only got worse after we were married. While engaged we lived in a sort of apartment in my parents’ house, really it was just the front room but they had installed a door to one of the bedrooms and we had the front door so we could have our own space and I could still claim I was at home for college fees as well as insurance (car/health).
On our bachelor/bachelorette party night (we did them the same night), I got a call from a friend of hers saying we had to come home right then. So, we all loaded up and headed back to my parents’ house. Once we got there, I found my soon-to-be wife laying shirtless on the bed and her friends sleeping wherever they could. I had to stop my friends from entering the room until I ripped my shirt off and put it on my fiancé. The ‘friend’ that called us woke up and immediately started a fight with her boyfriend and another guy demanding the keys to her car. The issue was it was his car, not hers. They were not married, and he had paid for it.
After I had to kick them out to not wake my parents and make the situation worsen. I found they had gone out and gotten so wasted that several of them had gotten sick and passed out. We proceeded to get them in their respective cars with their SOs (their SOs were my friends) and they left. Afterward, I found her engagement ring hidden in the bathroom at home. Great start, right?
Well, it only got worse from there.
Before I started seeing someone else, she had moved out to her sister’s house, because of what someone else had told her I was doing. It was not true at the time, but she moved out anyways. She left me a note, packed her stuff, and left while I was working a 12-hour shift. Never said a word to me about it. I can’t prove it, but I do think she was seeing someone else at the time because my cousin’s husband had gotten her a job that she was fired from because she was always on the phone for non-work-related things. Nor did she tell me when she got fired but she left the house every day like she was going to work. And she was always dressed up almost to the point of like she was going to the club. Of course, she swore it was just for work.
What happened is that her new guy thought he was smart when he called the house looking for her (before cell phones were big), so he told me he was trying to sell magazines for two companies that I knew did not exist. She denied it of course.
At the same time, I had caught the eye of another girl that shot pool at the pool hall I played at. She was everything my first wife was not. Had a job, was outgoing, fun to be around, enjoyed the same things I did, and her friends were dating my friends. On top of that, she was the typical ‘farmer’s daughter’ endowed in all the right places and physically fit. We had made out a few times already, so when I found out my wife at the time was cheating on me as well and longer, I was mad at her but, I did not care either as everything about our marriage was wrong. It started wrong. We never had anything to do with each other, and we both were seeing other people. It was more my pride that was hurt.
So, I handled it just like she did as I was leaving. I put a note on the TV for her to get out. When I came home, she was gone. I’m not proud of it but it did happen, and I learned a lot from that experience.”

“I came home from a trip a few days early to surprise him with some gifts I got him. They didn’t hear me come in, but I could definitely hear them upstairs. I thought he was just watching one of his collections, but when I went up, I saw him with a girl.
I pulled out my phone and recorded as much as possible while furiously shaking. Then I went downstairs and left the gifts with a note attached, and signed it. I went to a friend’s house and told him what happened and showed him the video.
About an hour and a half, after I got to his friends, my hubby started blowing my phone up. Leaving messages saying it wasn’t what I thought, so I sent him the video I took. I’m not big on revenge, but he had another girl in my home and worse, in my bed. I didn’t answer a single call or text. I asked our friend, whose house I was over if I could stay a few days to calm down and figure out what I wanted to do.
Our friend, in an effort to cheer me up, offered to cook and make some drinks. We ate and we drank a lot. I hooked up with our friend every day for three days, recorded clips, and sent them to my husband.
When I returned home, we had a very long talk. We both agreed to never do it again, and work on moving forward. That was three years ago, and he has been on his best behavior ever since. I know it wasn’t the best option for getting back at him, I admit. It was wrong.”
His Friends Knew

“It’s been 15 years. I remember coming home from visiting with my inlaws so that my brother-in-law at the time could celebrate his birthday. I still remember my ex-husband’s friends in the living room almost immediately jumping up as they saw my children and I enter the house. Their eyes widened as shame and fear took over them.
One of them stood out and yelled out, ‘Please don’t go in the room!’
They were begging me not to proceed into the room.
I asked, ‘Why?’
But I quickly answered my own question when I opened my bedroom door. The adrenalin rushing down my body took over. I felt my knees fold. I was disappointed to see my husband in bed with another woman.
It was then I decided rather be a woman and end with his life and hers or be a mother and lift my head up high and take nothing but my kids.
So with a calm voice, I said, ‘Keep the house. Keep everything. All I need is my beautiful kids.’
At the time, my son was 10 months and my daughter was four years old. So we took off, not caring about leaving everything behind.
New beginnings are not easy but also not impossible.”
“You’re Crazy!”

“I had gone to the lake house in Arkansas with my twin sister, nieces, and my son and returned to our city home early.
Laurie answered my door in my robe. She said, ‘What are you doing in the city? You are supposed to be at the lake.’
Looking back, I have no idea what I could have said or would have done differently. My family was unloading bags and I didn’t want a scene. I had suspected this affair was going on for years. My things would be moved at the lake house or the city house. My ex-husband would leave the room to take calls. There were signs but I was consistently told ‘You’re crazy’ by him when I would question my watch or jewelry being in a different place or a dress missing. I kept clothes and personal items at both houses. One of my bathing suits was left hanging over a banister. I would never do that. I’m ocd.
But each and every time I questioned these oddities, my ex accused me of being crazy.
Here is a tip for anyone that suspects an affair is going on behind your back, listen to your instincts. You aren’t crazy.
Because I had my family with me, I was embarrassed and shocked. I went to a hotel for the weekend and filed for divorce the following Monday.”