There are some moments that make us thankful for the human maturing process. Especially when we're are faced with a child who is currently making us question if reproduction is worth it. Parents, teachers, and daycare center employees alike can agree that sometimes kids can be real monsters, but other than your typical punishment, there just is not much you can do about it. But sometimes, even the youngsters get what they deserve. People with such an experience shared their stories to Reddit to prove that justice has no age limit.
That Was “Harsh,” Indeed

“I used to coach youth lacrosse in Georgia as volunteer hours through my college team. There was a fifth grader on the team whose name, I kid you not, was Harsh.
I had the elementary school-age kids for practice one night, with Harsh. He went through a drill with a weaker kid who ended up costing his team the point. When they got to the end of the line for the drill, Harsh hit this second grader in the helmet with his stick.
I stopped the practice, lined all the kids up, and make them do 30 yard down-and-back sprints. I made Harsh call out every sprint, and every kid had to call out, ‘Thank you Harsh,’ instead of whatever number sprint they were on. After ten of them, I restarted the practice.
The other kids beat Harsh to a pulp. Beat. The. Heck. Out. Of. Him.
It was awesome.”
You Better Watch Where You’re Going Next Time, Kid

“I was working the shoe department at Sears back when I was 18. One day, this little annoying kid was in there with his inattentive mother. He was running around, knocking stuff over, and making a mess. I asked her to keep him in check and she refused.
The kid started running circles around the register. The register was on a little island in the middle of the department and had a slide-out shelf about waist high to an average person. I was ringing up an actual customer, so I slid out the shelf and set this person’s shoebox on it. The little brat comes flying around the corner and WHAM! His forehead connected with the shelf in a loud CRACK.
He immediately fell backward right on the floor. Then, he started wailing. The mother gave me a dirty look and gathered up her brat, making her way out of the store. The other customer and I both watched her go and then just sort of shrugged it off.”
If Bounce Houses Were Not Dangerous Enough…

“I was around 8 years old and playing in a jumping castle. This random kid bounced over and asked how old I was. After telling him, he immediately started punching me in the face, and I ran away. I turned back to see if he had given chase. Instead, he jumped off awkwardly and broke his ankle.”
The Worst Fight Of This Bully’s Life Was The One He Did Not Pick

“There was a kid who was a pretty big bully in my high school. He was a little scrawny piece of garbage who would try to pick fights with ANYONE – the nerdy people, the quiet people, teachers, girls three years older than he, anyone. At any freaking time of the day, gym class, lunch time, after school, etc. He just thought he was ‘the man’ because his two or three friends were bigger kids.
In the twelfth grade, I was at a four-way traffic stop just before the highway when I saw a car rear-end another one. That same piece of garbage, with his older brother in the passenger seat, was the one who rear-ended the other car. It was some scary-looking, middle aged dude who came out of the front car. He started yelling and taunting the bully dude.
No… freaking… way, I thought. He gets his car smashed up then gets completely put in his place.
No one was injured, but I remember thinking, Honestly, in the last four years, at the very least you got your car messed up. You deserve that.“
A Smelly Revenge

“A 10-year-old kid dumped a cup of water on my 18-year-old brother to show off for his friends. My brother responded by sticking the kid head first into an empty trash can.
Except, it wasn’t empty.
It had a foot of rain water mixed with a decade of garbage drippings in the bottom. The can tipped over and the kid came out soaked, wailing, and smelling of sewage. He ran home and never spoke to, nor messed with my brother again.
For the record, if he knew the can was full of water, my brother would not have dumped the kid in there.”
Never Taunt A Camel

“I have noticed when walking into a store or other public space that people walk about the same speed. Even when they aren’t together, they will be around each other for most of the same duration. That’s what happened at the zoo. This strange family and I went in at about the same time and, essentially, spent the day together, even if I didn’t want to.
Their kid was wild with energy. He would throw things, like popcorn, at everything, myself included. I asked his parents several times to get it under control, but nothing much really changed. I took a left when they went right and thought that would be the end of it. A bit later, we were next to each other again. I was hoping the kid had settled down, but he was just as loud and obnoxious as ever.
When we were in front of the camels, I said to him, ‘Hey kid, come here and look at this.’
For those who don’t know, camels spit. This kid started throwing popcorn at the camel and yelling at it. Suddenly, the camel had enough and let out a huge loogie. It covered the side of the kid’s face and ran down onto his shirt. He started crying and yelling. He ran over to his parents and told them I made the camel spit on him.
‘Are you bothering that man again?’ his dad yelled at him.
He then got a swat on the seat of the pants and they left the zoo.”
Someone Had To Say It

“Our neighbors has five kids. They are all brats, but the middle child is the worst. He was in front of his house one day while I was outside doing some landscaping in my front yard. A shiny, new, red pickup truck drove by. Then, it slammed on the brakes and started backing up before stopping in front of the brat’s house.
‘Did you just throw a rock at our car?’ the lady in the passenger seat yelled to the boy.
Of course, the boy denied it, and started making up some ridiculous excuse like he always did when people caught him making mischief. The woman cut his story off and told him to go get his mom.
Apparently, the woman in the truck was from the neighborhood and was also fed up with my neighbors kids and their nonsense. The mom finally came out, holding the youngest brat. The woman in the truck proceeded to give her the kind of verbal beatdown that the mom should have been giving her own kid all along.
Watching that mom stand there and listen to some stranger rightfully criticize her parenting for 10 minutes straight was gratifying. The only thing better was watching the brat squirm the whole time.”
That Girl Was Tough As Nails

“One day while playing at the park when we were kids, my bratty neighbor decided to use her sharp nails to scratch all of all the other girls. We were all under 10 at the time. I don’t remember being scratched myself, but my sister had some awful red streaks down her back.
My mom was livid and went to tell off the girl’s mom about her daughter’s crazy behavior. It turned into a shouting match. I guess my mom won because the other mom went into her house and came back a few minutes later… with her daughter’s nail trimmings. She gave them to my mom.
A David And Goliath Story, If Goliath Were An Elementary School Girl

“I grew up in a tiny town where all of us kids went to school together, Kindergarten through twelfth grade (unless you went to the parochial school). All through elementary school, this girl who lived down the street from me was a total brat. She was taller than most of the boys and would bully anybody she felt was beneath her.
One day, coming home on the bus, she was picking on this boy in my grade (we were a year younger than her). He was not an albino, but was pretty darn close. He had white hair, really pale skin, thick glasses. His parents saddled him with the name ‘Clarence.’ The kid just couldn’t catch a break.
This girl leaned over the back of her seat and was in his face the whole ride home, calling him names, making fun of his glasses, clothes, etc. A few of us tried to get her to stop, but she was relentless. Poor Clarence just sat there, his face getting redder and redder. The occasional tear slid down his face.
When the bus came to his stop, he slid to the end of the bench seat, calmly stood up and turned to her. Then, faster than anybody could even take a breath, he hauled off and did a full-arm swing and smacked her in the face with his lunch box. His METAL lunchbox. Then, he just turned into the aisle and slowly walked off the bus.
They say that when those in the explosive ordnance disposal unit have a bad day, he turns into ‘pink mist.’ This girl’s nose had a bad day.
She spent the next three months with varying degrees of black eyes as a result of the initial injury and subsequent surgeries to repair her nose. That was the last time she bullied anyone. The best part of the whole story is that Clarence never got in trouble for it.”
That Poor Dog

“I once saw a kid terrorizing a dog at a park. The dog was tied to a pole and the kid was chasing the dog around on his bike. The owner came back and started yelling at the kid. As the kid rode off, he popped a wheelie and the front wheel of his bike popped off in mid-air. He did a face plant in the parking lot. I felt pretty bad for laughing, but couldn’t help it. It was so unexpected.”
Look Before You Leap

“I used to work in a shop with fake display furniture. The beds we used to display our sheets and pillows were actually just wooden boxes with headboards attached. Some kid was annoying me, shouting and running around, dropping pastry all over the floor, and knocking things over. Then, he spotted one of the fake beds. He took a running jump to land on it.
Man, the look on his face when he realized it was wooden was hilarious. I felt a bit bad when he started to cry, but there were signs clearly saying not to touch the displays. I guess he got what he deserved!”
They Got Their Just Desserts

“Back when I was a waitress, I worked at this barbecue joint that had really narrow, awkwardly arranged tables. I always had to lean a bit over to serve the food. There was this table with a really obnoxious 4-year-old who kept grabbing at everything – my hands, my clothes, the tray I was serving from. He untied my apron and my pens and cash flew everywhere.
This went on for the whole meal. The parents didn’t do a thing about it. The dad even said it served me right for taking a job in food service. They were total imbeciles and I knew I wasn’t getting a decent tip out of them.
Toward the end of their meal, they ordered dessert: peanut butter silk pie, which is as delicious as it sounds. It is ooey-gooey sticky pie heaven. I made sure to cover it in an extra mound of whipped cream and balance it precariously on the side of my tray, counter-balanced with a couple of soda refills for the parents in HUGE plastic glasses.
Sure enough, when I got to the table, the little brat made a grab for the tray and everything conveniently capsized all over him and his parents. They were covered in Diet Coke, whipped cream, and the stickiest peanut butter pie you can imagine.
I looked appropriately chagrined and said, ‘I am SO sorry. Guess that’s what happens when you have kids.’
I even managed to make it back to the kitchen before I cracked up, along with most of the front of house staff.”
That is Some Painful Monkey Business

“I went to see a monkey show in Thailand in which trained monkeys perform various circus tricks for tourists. Two kid, roughly 12 years old, were poking one of the monkeys with a stick through the cage and their parents weren’t taking any notice.
During the show, the monkeys were performing a trick in which they threw a ball to the audience and then caught it. The tormented monkey ran straight up to one of the kids and threw the ball point blank, straight into his face. The monkey, who had a pretty good arm on him, threw it hard enough to make the kid’s eyes water and leave a red mark.”
Don’t Mess With Geoffrey The Giraffe

“I worked at a Toys ‘R’ Us twice doing seasonal work around the big holidays, including Christmas and such. Employees have to find ways to amuse themselves and keep from going insane with all the bratty kids and exasperated parents. I did one pretty terrible thing that I have no remorse for.
I was scheduled to work the first shift on Black Friday, on which garbage is all on sale for some freaking reason, and they made me wear the Geoffrey the Giraffe costume. The first rule was not to talk. Just dance, pose for photos, and keep your mouth shut – don’t ruin it for the kids.
One particularly awful kid kept punching me in the balls while I was posing with him for the photo. I was in the suit, but it still hurt. He wouldn’t cut it out. After the photo was taken, I knelt down got my giraffe head at his eye level.
‘Your parents told me not to say anything,’ I whispered, ‘but you were adopted.’
That little brat started wailing so loud, crying his eyes out. It made everyone waiting in the rain outside at six in the morning on a cold day even more miserable. The best part was that since I was in costume, and they had just hired a ton of new people, neither the parents nor the company had any idea who had done it.”
When Pets Attack

“I worked in a pet store when I was in high school. We had a real issue with this particular family that let their kids act like monsters all over the store.
One fateful day, the imbecile family walked in. Terror daughter went right to the puppy room. Kids could not hold dogs without a parent and no one was allowed to pick up a pup unless we were the ones to get them out of their little runs for them.
Welp, little miss imbecile reached in and grabbed a puppy by the leg and tried to pull it toward the wall of the run, so she can lift it out. I saw this on my monitor by the register and ran over to stop her from hurting this puppy. By the time I got in, she had hoisted this dog up by one leg and nearly had him over the wall of the run. Her mom and dad were standing right there, not doing anything when I walked in.
Before I could get a word out, the daughter saw me, dropped the puppy back into the run, and turned around as if nothing happened. I yelled at the girl. Obviously, her parents got defensive. I offered to play back the tape of their daughter hauling a puppy up by its leg then dropping it four feet onto a tile floor. I told them that they needed to go. Of course, they refused.
As I went back up front to inform the manager, I noticed Little Miss Trouble poking her fingers into the rat cage while shaking it. The rat in said cage was a jumbo feeder and was separated from the other feeders because she had just had a litter of pups. Rat moms are good moms. They will protect their babies, unlike mice who give zero cares about their progeny. This is important to know because the daughter had her finger in the cage and was banging on the opposite side when karma struck.
Mama rat was NOT having any of that. She ran right up to this girl’s soft, pink finger and bit down HARD. All heck broke loose because Mama rat would not let go and rat bites BLOW. The parents freaked, the manager tried to calm the situation, and I got a bandage and antiseptic for little troublemaker, so she would stop bleeding all over the floor.
In the end, the imbecile family was not banned from the store (boo), but stopped coming soon after. The idiot mom insisted that the giant blue and gold macaw was friendly, even though he was not, and she got her ear ripped up a good one. In the end, Mama rat and her babies got promoted to pet rats instead of feeders for their brave part in helping exact vengeance on imbecile families with demon spawn. The blue and gold macaw was also rewarded for his part with many, many french fries.”
We Would Cry If We Had To Endure This Kid’s Punishment Too

“I was working at a Pizza Hut at the time. Some kid around 10 or so went into the men’s restroom and pooped in the urinal. Then, he smeared it all over the darn place. We knew it was the kid because the restaurant was not very busy that day and a coworker spotted the mess right after the kid left the bathroom.
We weren’t sure what to do, but the manager decided to tell the parents. The father was peeved. He made the boy clean it up. He stood over him, yelling, and made him clean it ALL. The boy was crying but, you know, forget that kid. He was old enough to know you don’t do that. He was not mentally impaired. He was just a butt.
We were all glad that the dad stepped up. Otherwise, we would have had to clean it.”
When Soccer Girls Play A Little Too Hard

“I played soccer my freshman year of high school. My team was one of the better ones in our division. There was a team from another school that we had heard would always try and cheat their way to a win. They faked injuries, tried to injure other players when the refs weren’t looking, etc.). Finally, we had our chance to play them.
Their team was playing man-to-man defense, so the same girl was guarding me basically the entire game. Every time she would get close to me, she would dig her fingernails into my skin. By the time we got to a break, my arms were completely shredded. I told my coach what was going on and he mentioned it to the referees. They said they they would watch out for it, but when play resumed, she kept on doing it and the refs continued to not notice it.
Finally, I was pretty fed up. At one point, she came and stood behind me, but also slightly to my right. As soon as she reached out to touch me, I popped her in the stomach with my elbow as hard as I could. She, of course, fell to the ground and pitched a big fit. They ended up stopping the game.
When the refs came over, she was being very dramatic, rolling around and writhing in pain, and she told them this whole sob story of what had happened. I’m sure it did hurt a little, because I meant it to, but it certainly didn’t hurt as much as she was making it seem. The refs went ahead and red carded me, despite our previous complaints about this girl. I went and sat up in the stands with some of the parents.
By the time play resumed, she was magically feeling good enough to play again, but this time she was guarding my friend K, who is much more awesome and less patient than I am. This girl started doing the same thing to K that she had been doing to me. K only put up with it for about 45 seconds before she turned around and popped her one, right in the face. The girl ended up having to sit out for the rest of the game. Her nose was bleeding pretty badly. K was red-carded as well and got to come hang out in the stands with me.
It was, of course, awesome watching K punch the girl in the face, but the aftermath was awesome as well. We won the game and actually went on to beat that team every subsequent year of high school as well. It was found out, after the game, that one of the refs was actually related to one of the girls on the other team, so they actually downgraded K & I’s red cards to yellow cards.
The following year, when we played that same team, K managed to catch that girl’s eye before the game started, and give her a really menacing look. We saw the girl go talk to her coach right after that. She ended up sitting out that entire game. We never saw her after that.”
Shot In The Dark

“When I was working at an air soft shooting field, we had parties come in all the time. At one party, the birthday kid was being a total brat to his friends. He was shooting really close, not calling hits, and yelling that he hit people when he never did. My coworker and I had enough of this kid being a punk, so we decided to let the boss’ son, who is really competitive and doesn’t really know how to take it easy, on the opposite team.
We told him to be really tough on the birthday kid for a game or two to teach him a little lesson. However, he just went nuts after the birthday kid shot him in the back of the head really close. Typically, you tell someone to ‘surrender’ and they just go back to re-spawn.
Needless to say, the boss’ son got really peeved and just lit the kid up point-blank on full automatic. The birthday kid started bawling and the party left early. My boss just asked if he was being a little brat and when we said yes, he just shrugged. None of us cared.”