Cheating is a despicable thing to do, whether it happens in a marriage or in a more casual boyfriend/girlfriend scenario. It totally destroys the relationship and it's been a big reason why couples don't make it. After all, who could trust someone who betrayed them in such a hurtful way? The only thing to do after getting cheated on is to move on...with maybe a quick pit stop for revenge. These people shared their tales of revenge taken against lovers who betrayed them on Reddit and we collected the best of the best.
Content has been edited for clarity.
Surrounded By His Worst Fears

“A while back, I was engaged to a guy who seemed like a good choice. Attractive, funny, good job, owned a home.
I learned he had a bit of a downside, though: He was a cheating slimeball. Not just a one-time, one-night-stand after too much to drink, which I would have still been angry about but could have probably gotten over, but repeatedly with more than one woman.
I picked up on a few cues, but eventually had things confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt. I was venting to my brother about this, and told him about how I planned to move out while The Slimeball was out on a week-long business trip.
He volunteered to help me before I asked, and then got this amazing devious grin on his face.
‘We can also leave a memento for him,’ he said. When I asked what he meant, he said, ‘Pennywise and his friends.’
You see, The Slimeball was scared of clowns. Not just a little uncomfortable, but terrified of them. Even as a grown man, a clown on a TV show, web comic, or book would freak him out and he’d have to change the channel or click away.
My brother owns a print shop and is protective of his little sister.
So in the couple of weeks leading up to Slimeball’s trip, he printed off a dozen pictures of clowns in various sizes. Ranging from really small wallet sized ones to big poster sized prints. We framed most of the stuff in some super cheap plastic frames. Others we laminated.
We managed to move all of my stuff out pretty quickly, which gave us a lot of time to get things set up for my ex.
We took down every single framed picture and put up framed clown pictures. The clowns ranged from average clown to nightmare-fuel. Pictures on the walls, art prints, photographs in frames on tables. You name it, it was replaced with a clown picture.
Where we became really devious was taking the laminated ones and placing them in things like the silverware drawer, the underside of the toilet lid (so when he went to take a pee, he’d be greeted with a big ol’ smile when he lifted the seat), in the fridge and freezer, on the back of cleaning bottles, in his underwear drawer, and a bunch of other places. We even made sure to put some in places that he wouldn’t go into for awhile so he’d get a scare months later. He had one of those attic accesses that you have to pull down on and a ladder descends. We put a big laminated clown face on there so when the ladder flipped open for him to climb, he’d get a clown face.
While we were setting this up, I went a step further and changed the wallpaper on his desktop computer to a clown. I also took about 10 of his favorite movies that he had on DVD and replaced them with some burned DVDs that had clown footage. They autoplayed and we’d printed up labels that looked like the original DVD artwork.
We put all of his original artwork and DVDs in the basement, off the ground and protected from damage. But surrounded by giant clown posters of Pennywise and the like. And a motion sensor that, when triggered, would play a creepy clown laugh.
I left a note on the kitchen table that said, ‘I know about [names]. Eff you. I’m out.’
After a few days of hard work of moving me out and moving a few clown cars worth of terror in, my brother, his wife, and I celebrated by grilling some steaks and having a few brewskis. These were paid for by the engagement ring I sold.
Once the Slimeball returned, I got a text message or two that was along the lines of ‘You hag!’ It must have taken him days to take care of the photos out in the open alone.
There was never any further action or legal repercussion for what we’d done. After all, what grown man would want to say that his (ex) fiancée scared him with clown pictures?”
Totally Unprofessional Behavior

“My eternally wasted wife of 18 years had started another affair, this time with her addictions counselor. My lawyer and I laid a trap for them. Just in case you don’t know, intimate relations between a counselor and patient are very frowned upon by the regulatory bodies. And I was more than ticked after putting her through rehab ($25k which I didn’t have to do) only to have her fall back into her old behavior.
Shortly before the divorce was finalized, I filed a complaint with the State body licensing health professions. Knowing they were in some peril because of their unprofessional relationship (I had already gotten him fired from a major teaching hospital), she had backed off her exorbitant demands. I paid her a very modest settlement, kept the house, got custody of the three tweenage kids, plus got child support. Her lawyer naturally included a clause in the divorce where I had to agree to not say anything negative about her lover and their relationship. But the lawyer messed up and never asked if I had already filed charges and thus didn’t require me to rescind them. Her lawyer had assumed I was just bad mouthing them to neighbors and friends, and it never occurred to the lawyer that we were doing much more.
When the Board of Health Professions responded to my complaint shortly after the divorce was finalized, I told them that it would take a subpoena to get me to testify x(a subpoena trumps an agreement in a divorce settlement). They were happy to oblige.
They stripped his license and placed him on a register of sanctioned health professionals. He never worked again. They were broke in a handful of years and she divorced him when the money ran out (in the interim, his mother had died leaving a fair sized estate, so it took longer than I expected). Oh, and the frosting on the cake was that his wife and I traded notes (notably hotel receipts from the time of their affair) that helped each of us in our respective divorces.
Justice was served.”
He Constantly Accused Her Of Cheating

“My ex boyfriend and I are both native-born citizens of the same country in North America. We got together when I was still in post secondary working towards my degree, and he was taking some time before he started post secondary to work and save up money.
Our relationship was basically perfect from my perspective; we had similar goals and expectations, we both seemed mature and able to work through any problems we had, and we both were happy to be together and enjoyed each other’s personalities. We were together for three years prior to this incident.
Our relationship hit a bit of a rough patch though when he told me he wanted to study for his degree at a University in Europe. I, of course, was a little bit upset because it meant that we would be apart for four years (my job field (medical) would require me to retake schooling if I was to go with him), but he was super excited about it and we determined that we loved each other and no amount of distance could change that.
With time I graduated and got my dream job, and I could now afford to rent our shared apartment with just my income, so I didn’t have to move when he was no longer there to pay his half. He was having some problems with his student visa for the country, but it was determined that he could get a temporary visa for the first semester while we waited for the other one to be approved. So with that, he left. I remember bawling my eyes out at the airport when I hugged and kissed him goodbye, and parked outside of the airport to watch his plane take off. We talked on the phone almost every night.
As unlucky as it was, about five weeks after he left, I found out I was pregnant. Horrible timing, I know. When I told him I was pregnant, he immediately accused me of cheating on him while he was gone. I thought it was a bit odd, since he had never even mentioned such a thing, and it seemed really out of the blue. That obviously led to a big fight, and I felt offended and disgusted that he would even consider it a possibility.
When he came home for Christmas, he was super happy and love-dove with me, saying he was excited. He even proposed to me on the car ride home from his parents’ house on Christmas eve. I was so happy and overjoyed that it felt like everything would work out okay.
When he went back to school, it was again stressful to go through the pregnancy without him, but both his parents and mine were incredibly supportive. They helped me get everything I needed for the baby, and even threw me a surprise baby shower.
When I gave birth, my ex watched it over Skype from his mom. When he finished his exams, he came home to be with us. He immediately started talking negatively about our daughter, saying things like, ‘Why is her hair that color? My hair is brown,’ and ‘Doesn’t she have (your friend’s) eyes?’ He again accused me of cheating. So I reluctantly agreed to perform a paternity test to calm his suspicions. Wow, could you believe it, she was his. He agreed to pay informal child support (sending me money to pay for the baby without a lawful order to do so) while he was overseas. Now for the fun part.
His student visa had still not been approved, so he had to reapply for another temporary semester visa for the next semester. Since he did not have a permanent residence in the country, as he was staying in student accommodations, and he didn’t trust the university to not go through official looking mail, he redirected all of his mail to me, which I would forward to the university in his care packages. When he came to visit us, he had applied for a new passport, as his was going to expire in six months. I was tasked with picking it up at the office and sending it forward. However, around midterm exam season, I decided our daughter and I would travel to deliver the care package in person and visit. I had to get her an infant passport and book the tickets, but a couple months later we were getting on a plane. Side note – traveling with a baby sucks and I’m sorry to everyone else on the plane.
When we got to the country, I settled into our hotel, but was too eager to see him. I taxied to his university (only about 45 minutes from the airport), and went to his dorm room on campus. I knocked on the door, holding our daughter. A woman answered the door. At first, I assumed it was his roommate or something, but I don’t remember him mentioning he had one. Denial is a powerful thing, I guess. I asked her where he was, and she said he was inside and called out to him. I heard a, ‘Who is it, babe?’ as he came to the door, and when he saw me, he froze. He went pale and his eyes widened. The woman asked him, ‘Honey, who is this?’ and I just turned and walked away.
He called out after me and eventually caught up with me. He basically told me that he’s been so lonely without me and he couldn’t help it and that he loved me and not her, to which she started yelling at him calling him a pig and stuff. My baby started crying because I was crying and so I just left without saying anything. I stayed in the hotel for another day, while he continuously called me on my cell phone. I booked last minute tickets home and left early and ignored every time he called me.
I gave myself a week to grieve and then I put my big girl pants on. I immediately hired a lawyer, and asked him what I could do to legally separate my life from him (in my country, we were considered common law married). My lawyer advised me to begin the legal separation process and apply for a hearing about custody and child support. I sent him a thick manila envelope with separation papers and a notice for a hearing about custody in his next package. We talked on the phone on speaker with my lawyer, and he eventually agreed to sign. He sent me a copy. The hearing was scheduled while school was in session, so no surprise he didn’t show up. I won full custody and he was given an order to pay child support appropriate for his income (he was paying for his college with a grant mostly, so he had to pay based on the grant).
Now this is some revenge, but it went a little further.
Remember when I went to see him, I was bringing a care package? That package contained his new passport. His passport expired, and he was still in Europe, so he couldn’t travel back to our home country legally. He yelled at me on the phone to send him the passport, but I got an idea. He hadn’t been paying the child support, probably because he couldn’t afford it with tuition and wasn’t working, so he had a warrant for his arrest in my home country because of it (contempt of court, or something). And he had never been approved for a student visa, only the temporary one. And since his final exam concluded and it was summer, he technically wasn’t supposed to be in Europe. BUT he couldn’t travel home because he didn’t have a passport. It would be a shame if someone anonymously reported him to the embassy for overstaying his visa, now wouldn’t it?
He got deported back to our home country, where he was arrested at the border. I don’t know exactly what happened, but he spent a couple months on probation and with a criminal record, can no longer apply for a visa of any kind to study abroad. Sorry about that future of yours, but I guess you shouldn’t cheat on someone who loves you to the ends of the earth, the mother of your child. Have a nice life, because we sure will. Oh, and don’t forget to put that cheque in the mail, it’s paying for a little girl’s future education.
Since returning, her father has never reached out to me and has made no indication that he wants to see his daughter. She has a relationship with his parents, who adore her as grandparents do, but he has not tried to reconnect personally. As well, if he did want to see her in the future, I would be okay with it. He is her father, after all.”
She Ruined Their Marriage, He Ruined Her Life

“This all started a few years ago. I thought we were happy. We were your usual suburban professional couple. Financially secure, healthy, good intimate life, two kids (14-year-old daughter and 9-year-old son at the time). I thought we had a healthy social life.
We were going through one of your typical married couple rough patches. Both of us were working long hours, not spending enough time together, we were going through some developmental problems with my son and tensions in the house were running a little high.
I noticed that she was spending a lot more time on her phone texting with her ‘girlfriends.’ I didn’t think much of it. I started making a much more concerted effort to get out of work when I could, help around the house and be more emotionally available, but over the course of a few weeks, the gulf just kept getting wider.
I ended up accidentally finding some messages when I charged up an old iPad for my son to use. Her FB messenger was still logged in and there were a lot of highly questionable messages with a guy from her hometown who I will call JimBobCooter or JBC for short. The messages weren’t completely inappropriate, but I could tell there were quite a few missing based on the times and context of the messages. I made a mental note to keep an eye on this and went about trying to fix things up.
The next day, I took the day off to knock out some projects that I thought would make her happy, and left her some sweet notes reminding her how much I appreciated her. She was once again in the corner of the living room ‘texting her girlfriends.’
I took the boy’s iPad to the office opened up FB messenger and watched in real time as my wife tore me down. She and JBC were making fun of me. All of my flaws, insecurities and secrets I entrusted to my partner were now fodder for her and JBC. Not only that, but while it wasn’t outright, there was definitely a flirty undertone to the whole conversation, especially when she was bashing my performance in the sack.
I managed to take some screenshots, but missed a good bit of the messages, because as the conversation was unfolding, she was deleting them.
I wasn’t emotionally capable of confronting her. I stayed in the office until she was asleep and had a couple drinks.
I took off the next day and spent some time soul searching, drinking and trying to figure out what to do. The wife came home and wanted to know what was wrong and I just coped out and told her I had a bad day. A couple minutes later, I was watching the iPad as the train wreck kept unfolding.
So began a couple solid weeks of taking screenshots, drinking and detaching myself from the relationship. I knew there was no going back from this. The messages were now overtly flirty with my wife completely into it, and JBC was sprinkling in ‘I love you’s.’
I consulted a lawyer and got my options, and started moving forward.
Here’s where everything got absolutely surreal. Watching the messages, I found out JBC was coming to town to spend a weekend of quality time with my wife in a pretty nice hotel. I was missing a good bit of the info, they must have had a phone conversation about it at some point, but I was able to infer enough to get the when and where.
Sure enough, the next day the wife is buttering me up and wanting to take a spa weekend with the girls to relax and when she gets back we can really focus on our marriage. I go with it all the way. It’s the greatest idea she’s ever had and I’ll do anything to get us back on track.
I get with the lawyer and have him draft a strong separation agreement stating that she would move out, she would get weekend visitation, no child support in the interim until the divorce is final. Then I sit through the most agonizing two weeks of my life. After all this most of my feelings for her are completely gone, and I’m just seething with anger like I’ve never felt before.
D-day arrives. I take the day off work. I Withdraw half of any money in any accounts we are joint on, leave her half alone. I had already redirected my paycheck to a new bank. I close our money market account and get a cashiers check for her half and deposit my half in my new account. I stop at office max and print out about 75 pages of FB messenger screenshots, and I kill time because I don’t want to be at home.
She texts me that she’s taking off and that she loves me. I tell her to have fun.
I show up to the hotel at about 8:30 and call the wife’s phone from the lobby. It goes straight to VM. They are probably already at it, whatever. I walk up to the front desk and ask if I can use the phone to be connected to JBC’s room. It rings three times and he picks up.
JBC: ‘Hello?’
Me: ‘JBC, can you send my wife down to the lobby please?’
JBC: ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about, bro.’
Me: ‘Ok then. I guess I’ll have to call Mrs. JBC and get her down here.’ (Totally a bluff. I knew he was married, and I knew her first name but that was it.)
JBC: (Inaudible, shuffling, panic)
Me: ‘You’ve got five minutes.’ Click
Not even two minutes later, my wife comes walking out of the elevator looking a little flustered. I sit her down in the corner of the lobby.
She starts spewing bull, saying it’s not what it seems, etc etc.
Me: ‘I’m not here to argue. The things that are said in this pile of papers are what’s going on. The only way I’m not giving a copy of this to our daughter, your parents and emailing it to everyone we know is if you move out immediately.’ My wife was very prideful. Our daughter was going through a rebellious teen phase and her knowing probably would have forever killed their relationship. Wife was also her parents’ golden child and she always worried about what they thought of her. I didn’t have much leverage and shame was my only card to play. Also her professional life is built up around her image, so I knew she would protect that at all costs.
Her: Sniffle, mumble, inaudible
Me: ‘This is a check for half of the money market account. I’ve withdrawn my half of the money from all the other joint accounts. You should have more than enough to get a place.’
She starts to cry a little. I could almost see the different thoughts and waves of emotions going through her, but now was the time to keep pressing.
Me: ‘Here is a separation agreement that I think is more than fair considering what’s going on. I’m going to need you to look this over, sign it, and leave it at the house when you get your stuff. Do you want to look through these screenshots?’
Her: ‘No.’
Me: ‘Ok. Go have fun with JBC. Do not come back to the house or I’m going to send this (holds up ream of screenshots) to everyone.’
I bounce out of the lobby, and I can hear her start to have a breakdown. I get to the car, drive off to a parking lot and have my own crying, rage fit. Previously, I would have cried in front of her and yelled and whatnot, but I managed to get my stuff together enough to pull it off.
I don’t know what she did that night or over the weekend. She texted and called over and over wanting to talk. I just turned the phone off and by the time Monday afternoon rolled around, there were movers getting her stuff and she delivered the agreement. I let her have a talk with the kiddos basically saying mommy and daddy need some time apart, we still love you, etc etc. Standard divorce talk.
After a week, she wants to have a real talk for the first time. I oblige her because I’ve already got my stuff together and I’ve got an idea of what I want, but I should hear her out.
She’s so sorry. She wants another chance. She wants her family back. She’ll do anything. She’s on her knees crying into my lap. I have no intention of ever taking her back.
I tell her she needs to set up marriage counseling on her own at a time that works for me. I tell her that I can’t live with her, but she should be around the children to try to maintain a relationship with them.
So starts our new normal of her coming over to the house, cooking and having dinner with the kids three nights a week (she always saved me a plate, I made myself scarce), her cleaning the house and doing the kids’ laundry, then heading back to her place.
We went to counseling. It consisted of her working through her issues with the therapist trying to figure out why she did it, her begging for forgiveness, and me stoically playing the victim.
I was never going to give her another chance. All I wanted to do was kill time, establish myself as the primary caregiver to the kids, and establish her as not having residency in the house.
After a few months, I go to my own therapist and get diagnosed with depression and PTSD. I ask my work if it’s possible to go to part time for the foreseeable future to deal with personal issues, and it’s no big deal.
After six months of therapy, I told her that I couldn’t forgive her right now and that I wanted an amicable divorce, but she is still the love of my life and maybe someday we could give it another try. She was devastated, but agreed to the divorce if I promised to try again someday.
Once the divorce was filed, I needed the kids to want to stay with me. I left a google search for ‘how to survive your wife’s infidelity’ up on the shared PC at home, and I left some printed out infidelity articles not so hidden in the kitchen. My daughter found them and came to me crying. I told her she wasn’t supposed to find those, that mom made a mistake, that mom still loves her, and that I would always be here for her. My daughter who used to hold my wife in such high regard now wouldn’t talk to her without screaming, and it crushed her.
Not surprisingly, when the court needed statements from the kids a few months later, little brother followed big sisters lead and they both wanted to stay with Dad in the house they grew up in.
When the divorce was finalized, I got the house (had to buy out some of her equity, but that’s ok). I got primary custody of the kids. I got awarded generous child support due to the difference in our incomes due to me working part time.
Now for the last two years, I’ve gotten to live in the house with my kids, work part time, get the now ex to subsidize it for me, and when she takes the kids over the weekends, I get to have my fun with Tinderellas and some FWBs I’ve cultivated.
In the eyes of my kids, I’m the patron saint of fatherhood for taking the high road and always being there.
In the eyes of my ex I’m the one that got away that she will always pine for, and I get the bonus of having her come over for a little action whenever I want it by dangling that carrot of maybe getting back together.
But that is never going to happen.”
Once A Cheater…

“So I’d been on and off with this girl for a while. She was smoking hot, a solid 9/10. Her and I just kind of clicked right off the bat and it felt very natural. She seemed pretty smart, too. I really felt like I lucked out. Boy was I wrong.
We were at that awkward ‘friends but not friends’ stage for about half a year and then one night she drops the L bomb. I’m totally cool with it too, let her know I feel the same way. We date for about a year.
Then things get weird. I post some stupid, cute comment on her Facebook picture, just trying to be sweet, and this dude comes in telling me I’m too slow on the draw and he’s her real Prince Charming.
Red flags now, this dude sounds pretty confident. The ‘we’ve been talking about stuff’ kind of confident. I confront her about it and she insists they are just friends (yeah, right) and they just started talking last month.
I’m not stupid. I tell her either she cuts contact with him or I’m walking. She chooses the latter because ‘he’s a really great guy.’ Okay, whatever. I’ll get over it. Just another woman wasting my time.
About a month later, she comes crying back and insists she loves me and we are meant to be together, and that guy was such a prick (he banged her and bailed from what I understand).
I know she’s full of it, but on the off chance she’s serious, I have her swear that she loves me and there’s no going back this time.
Enter ‘Matt Vanguard.’ I set up a fake profile with a sizable library of handsome photos from some random guy I found online. Then I add enough info and friends to make it believable, then add her and start chatting her up on this fake account.
She swears left and right that this time is different, meanwhile ‘Matt’ is scoring her number and setting up a date (I had an alternate phone number thanks to Text Plus, free text and calling). I’m seriously angry. It takes a real heartless witch to sit there confessing their love to someone they’ve been with a year and a half while simultaneously setting up a date with someone else they’ve never even met and know nothing about. Yeah, I’m definitely burning this shallow twit to the ground. I even did my best to make “Matt” sound like kind of an idiot and kind of a prick. She dropped the ‘babe’ word for example and Matt responded with, ‘Don’t call me that again, got it? I’m not your babe.’
So she’s going to school and takes the bus back and forth. I know her classes run pretty late, and buses don’t run forever, you know? So Matt is going to pick her up after school in his super fancy car and take her on the most romantic date of her life, or at least that’s what she thinks. He conveniently doesn’t get off work until about an hour after she gets out of class. She says that’s fine and she’ll just study until Matt arrives. Meanwhile I’m asking her (as myself) if she wants to hang out and she says she has some extra curricular thing going on and her friend is going to give her a ride home. Hahaha eff you.
So she hits up ‘Matt.’
Her: ‘Hey, are you almost here? If not I have to take the bus because they stop running soon…’
I can tell she’s a little annoyed.
‘Matt’ says: ‘Yeah sorry, I had to do over time. We were super busy tonight. I’m leaving now.’
Her: ‘Okay can’t wait to see you! :)’
Oh, you can. You can and you will.
Time drags by, Matt is now an hour late, he’s super apologetic and he’s speeding to the school to go get her.
‘Matt’: Oh no! I just got pulled over…I shouldn’t have been speeding but I felt bad for being late :(‘
Her: ‘…Seriously? Wow…well get here as soon as possible.’
Time keeps ticking and she is FURIOUS at that point. ‘Matt’ is hours late. Finally I break the news:
‘Sorry, I don’t go out on dates with lying hags.’
Her: ‘What??! What are you talking about?’
Me: ‘This isn’t Matt. This is your boyfriend.’
Her: ‘You guys know each other?!’
Me: ‘No. I set you up to see if you were still an unfaithful hag. And you are.’
Then she has the nerve to tell me she wasn’t actually going to meet up with him. Are you kidding me?
Me: ‘Don’t talk to me anymore. And I suggest you start walking. I think you missed your bus.’
Months go by and she hits me up. She’s very apologetic and says the whole incident has been replaying in her mind. I tell her I appreciate it and I’m willing to be friends, but I have a girlfriend (I didn’t) and even if I didn’t I wouldn’t date her again. She says she understands. And the subject of our falling out comes up another day, she says her 3 hour walk of shame was the worst she’s ever felt in her life. Good. It was the best I’ve ever felt in mine.”
His Life Was A Web Of Lies

“This is a trailer trash roller coaster. All aboard!
The Lies
I thought I was in a slightly tumultuous but overall fun relationship for a year. I had gotten out of a 12 year relationship when I met Idiot. He was so charming and handsome, I thought I won the lottery! He was super pushy about saying ‘I love you’ first and defining our relationship. He introduced me to his family. His niece started calling me Auntie. He tells me about his three children and their mothers and lies about how the mother of his oldest hates him and is keeping him away from the kid.
But then things started getting weird. His ‘ex’ started calling all the time, multiple times a day. They had children together, but the grandmother had custody. The lie I was told to make it seem normal was that both of them had jobs where they traveled a lot, so they signed legal guardianship over to the g-ma to make schooling and emergency issues easier. Then she moved down to the city we were living in for ‘work training.’ Then she was moving down permanently without the kids. When I asked why the kids weren’t coming, the lie I was told they need to stay in the same school. Um, they are 6 and 4. I’d say staying with parents is more important at that age than their peer group. It was weird, but I’m the cool girlfriend and it wasn’t my place to tell them where their daughters should live.
His ‘work’ was in the weed industry, kind of. He worked with the ex-girlfriend’s brother to legal states, buying pounds at a time and trafficking it via USPS. So, when he tells me he’s going to Oregon, I think nothing of it.
After a week in Oregon, a lot of stories aren’t adding up, like his phone is always dead even though he carries a power bank with him. THEN one of his ‘friends’ starts posting cuddled up selfies with him. I quickly put 2 and 2 together and dump him for cheating on me with this chick in Oregon.
The Truth
After I dumped him, I made a messy Facebook post on his wall, which the mother of his oldest child saw and she contacts me and laid out the truth!
-He never contacts his oldest daughter, even though he has her cellphone. No one is keeping him from her.
-He owes $20k in back child support for her, as he has never once made a payment and he moves around a lot and works under the table so the mother was never able to collect garnishments or anything.
-He has a huge criminal record starting with an assault he committed at age 15, and then a lifetime of fraud, larceny and possession charges I knew nothing about!
-His ‘ex’ who moved to our city was his girlfriend of 9 years who was very much still in a relationship with him.
-They willingly gave up the 2 children because they preferred to use illegal substances; him – smack, her – pills.
-There is a FOURTH child!? He and the mother conspired to pin the paternity on another poor sap and it’s been 17 years now that this other man has been paying for a kid that is not his.
-I was his side chick.
-His family knew and played along in the lie and included their 10 and 16 year old children in the lie!
-His chick in Oregon is actually his star-crossed lover from childhood! And every time they would try to be together, one or the other would end up in jail!
-The Oregon chick ALSO has a criminal record. Highlights include criminally negligent homicide from a driving under the influence charge where she killed her passenger, fraud, larceny, illegal substance charges.
This shocked me, so I paid for a criminal background check, which is how I learned of their records.
The Revenge
I PROFUSELY thanked the ex for telling me the truth about the situation. I mulled on it for a bit trying to convince myself to simply consider myself lucky and just walk away with my dignity intact. But then he’d be winning and I knew I had everything in my power to come down on him like Thor’s hammer.
-I gave the ex ALL of his info – SSN, State ID#s, current and past known addresses. With this she contacted her state’s Child Support Services.
-He now will have his drivers license revoked and can’t get one no matter the state he moves to until he is current with his past payments.
-If he ever gets a real job, 25% of his wages will be garnished
-He now has a warrant for his arrest in the state his oldest kid lives.
-He’s trying to play house with his new girlfriend and contacted the mother of his oldest to arrange a meeting with his kid and his girlfriend’s child. The mother is ‘playing nice’ and pretending it’s a-go and he is planing a trip to visit the daughter. He will not see her, as the ‘meeting’ he will be attending will feature the police and they will arrest him for failure to pay, and he won’t get out of jail until he pays a sizable chunk of the $20,000 past-due PLUS bail!
-I gave the ex his info THE DAY BEFORE his federal tax refund was set to go out. She was fast enough at getting his info to CSS that they INTERCEPTED his full tax refund and now he has for the first time paid for something for his child.
-His past due child support is also going on his credit report
-I know the name of the business his ex brother in law owns and uses to launder his trafficking money, I dropped a dime to the IRS. So, he’s losing his only steady income soon and can’t get a job at Walmart due to his criminal record, and if he DOES manage to find someone that hires without criminal background checks, he will lose 1/4 of his paycheck.
I told this story to two of my ‘hacker’ friends and they got into contact with hackers more talented than themselves and are now going to ‘take care of’ a few more things for me, like finding the guy who was conned into paying for a kid that’s not his.”
She Had One Heck Of A Bomb To Drop

“His side chick called me on a Friday afternoon to let me know she was pregnant. She had turned 18 just months before, and was still in high school. He and I were in our 30s. She was very proud of herself, letting me know she would be moving into his home when she told him the great news. I was so shocked that I politely congratulated her. I really just couldn’t process the information for the duration of the phone call, which lasted less than 3 minutes. And yes, she spoke like your stereotypical ill-mannered redneck princess. I was active duty at the time and stationed in Georgia, near the Alabama state line. He was a fairly good mechanic and a member in a local motorcycle club. I drove to his place, and made myself at home like I usually did on the weekends. We’d been dating for over a year, so I stopped at the grocery store on the way to pick up stuff for dinner.
He came home to a steak dinner, and me doing paperwork at the coffee table. He asked me what I was working on. I told him that I was working out his financial solvency for the next 18 years. ‘Oooooh, yes. See, that white trash you’ve been putting it to? She’s about to drop a litter for you, big guy. I wonder- will your brothers in the MC be alright with you sporting your colors for her prom?’
Of course he didn’t say anything. He finished his meal while I worked out the numbers, and (NEATLY) packed my things I had been keeping there. I had finished doing up his accounts by the time he had put my things in my car.
I loved up on his puppers, and handed him his budget. ‘Blue folder will show you my math for your personal finances. You’re doomed within a year of her giving birth, because this county says she now can lay a claim against the property this house is built on. The green folder is for your shop. Interesting stuff, Einstein. If you’re gonna scam on your taxes, make sure your girlfriend isn’t an accounts auditor. Or better yet, don’t stick your parts in fertile crazy. I’ve already emailed this to the fraud division of the IRS. Tell the boys at the clubhouse you can’t be there tonight. You need to go over to that girl’s house and try to come up with a plan that won’t completely mess up that kid she’s going to spawn for life. And that if you ever date a woman out of your league again, please remember not to insult her by stepping out on her with cheap trash. If you plan to cheat, you move up the ladder, not down. Hope she was a great lay, dude. Because it’s gonna cost you a couple hundred grand over the next decade if she’s as pro-life as you are.’
In the 90 minutes I was in that house while he was home, He spoke a total of 15 words, tops. I later found out his MC kicked him out for trying to bring her to the clubhouse for open events after they banned her for underage drinking. And sure enough, she got him taken to court for his house.
It’s been 10+ years since all this happened, and it still irks me that I got cheated on with white trash. I might be a New York 5 and an LA 3, but I’m a Columbus, Ga 10.
Since then, he’s a pretty devoted full-time dad. The side chick developed a pretty serious addiction a couple years later.”
Sorority Dreams Dashed

“So I am a sophomore in a fraternity at an SEC school with a very large Greek system. This happened in the fall of 2018.
I dated a girl one class below me for nearly 3 years before this happened. We met in high school and dated for one year after I graduated during my freshman year in college. It was in state and less than a two hour drive away. She was planning to attend that school in the fall as well. Since the beginning of her senior year, she had been very excited about joining a sorority.
Fast forward to the summer of 2018. A buddy of mine who is still in high school had told me rumors of her cheating on me with someone who graduated from my high school but still lives in my hometown. While we were hanging out one day she left her phone and I found both text messages and snapchats confirming this. It made me sick and I could barley eat or sleep for days after this. Whenever I found this out though, I left immediately and ghosted her for several days after and was able to chalk it up as something else after I had decided what I would do. She had no idea I knew at the moment.
I had shared this however with my fraternity brothers, including one who’s girlfriend is a ‘pi chi,’ or one of the older girls that leads them around during rush. Many SEC schools, including mine, have a rule that girls participating in rush were supposed to be dry and could not hang out with fraternities the week of rush, and not doing so would result in being automatically dropped from rush.
My brother’s girlfriend was able to pull some strings and specifically get my ex in her group for rush. It is now after freshman move in and officially ‘dry week’ and my ex has no idea that I know and it’s killing me. I invite her over to the fraternity house, we bang, I give her a brewski and take numerous snapchats, making sure the label is showing and use the snapchat filter for the date, and a Snapchat filter that says ‘the delts’ that is unique to our fraternity house. I make sure to save them, kiss her goodbye and tell her she’ll do great tomorrow.
The next morning, the first thing I do is text the saved pictures to my brother’s girlfriend, which she had been expecting. She shows them to whoever is in charge of sorority recruitment, my ex is dropped from it and she calls me crying. I tell her I knew she cheated, that we’re done, and block her on everything. The last I heard of her was that she transferred to a community college in our hometown at Christmas. Revenge feels nice, especially since I ruined her freshman year of college. Cheating will take you to a dark place.”
She Was A Danger To Herself And Their Children

“I divorced my ex wife over 5 years ago for repeatedly cheating on me with over 13 different men and two women. To give you some background, my ex and I used to be swingers until the last year of our marriage. Things had spiraled out of control so I said that I was done swapping partners; unfortunately she didn’t agree with me and kept hooking up with guys behind my back. Six months prior to our divorce, my oldest child was diagnosed with a life threatening illness. I won’t go into details to preserve my anonymity.
She started to crack under the pressure and started to drink a lot, putting herself and our children in danger. It got so bad that I moved out of the house for a couple of weeks and took our kids with me. During this time, her best friend (we’ll call her Amy) approached me because my ex had disclosed all of her dirty deeds to her at girls’ night out a couple of days ago. She disclosed that she had been sleeping with a new guy every night and getting wasted when she had the kids. She’d also told Amy that she went out one night a month ago and left our 3-year-old and 4-year-old kids at home alone while they slept so she could meet a guy. Amy said that my ex planned on filing for divorce once she drained some additional money from me while living rent free in my home. Amy and I were both disgusted and knew that things had to come to an end.
My ex hated living in the same house with me because she hated me and couldn’t go mess around with her flock of desperate men. We had to come up with a plan to get her out of the house and document all of her poor behavior so we could limit her custody of the children.
Step one, I moved my happy self back into the house and plopped down on the bed right next to her. She lost her mind, saying that she wanted me out of the house NOW and would call the police if I didn’t comply. What she didn’t know was that I was recording the audio of our conversation. I told her to pound sand, so she called the cops, reporting me for domestic violence. Well, the po-po showed up in no time flat and had me in cuffs so fast it made my head spin. The detective came to the squad car to talk to me and I let him listen to the recording. The longer he listened, the more angry he became with my wife. Before long, she was the one in cuffs in the back of the squad car and she got to spend the night in jail.
She went to stay with Amy for the next week as she wasn’t allowed back at our house (I got a restraining order). During this week, she went on a veritable spending spree, buying herself a new laptop, new iPhone (full retail price), and a new wardrobe. She drained our bank account and started to dip into my savings. Amy also confirmed that she was drinking heavily at her house, to the point that she threw up and defecated on herself all over her bathroom. Amy video recorded her bender for posterity sake and provided me with 20 minutes of video showing a woman out of control. The next day, I went and withdrew all of our money from savings and deposited them in my new bank account so I would have money to pay the bills. I closed that account so she couldn’t use overdraft protection and leave me on the hook for the overages. I closed all of our joint credit cards and transferred all of my investment accounts into an account solely in my name. She lost it when she found out that she had no money to burn through anymore. She told Amy that she was contemplating suicide because things had gotten so bad. I hate my ex but I didn’t want to see her harm herself at all. Amy convinced her that she needed some help and went with her to check into an inpatient mental hospital. This worked out fantastic because she was getting some help, but also it showed that she was a danger to herself and the kids.
It was time to put the last part of our plan into action and seal the deal. I went for a consult at my attorney to start the divorce proceedings and complete the needed paperwork. My attorney was appalled at the actions of my ex and was 100% on board with helping me get primary custody. He filed my divorce decree and also got the judge to agree to a temporary restraining order until our initial hearing. We served her the papers while she was in the hospital and set the initial hearing for two weeks. The initial hearing came and she showed up with her attorney. Since it was a pre-litigation hearing, they didn’t know what information we had. She got on the stand and started lying her heart out, telling the judge how abusive I was and that is what pushed her into the mental hospital. She made a very compelling case and put on a Grammy award winning act. Then it was my turn. My attorney presented all of the evidence, videos and bank records. The defining moment was when my attorney called Amy to the stand to testify. She told an appalling story about a neglectful mom who was completely out of control. A story about a mother who had substance abuse issues that were only getting worse. My ex couldn’t close her mouth the whole time that Amy was on the stand. She made her attorney look like an idiot as all of her lies were now being exposed and were contrary to what she told him.
When the dust settled, I was awarded sole custody and she was awarded supervised visitation until she went to rehab and got additional treatment. We quickly settled out of court agreeing to a graduated visitation schedule once she complied with rehab and mental health counseling. I got the house (after paying her a portion of the equity), got to keep all of my investment accounts and get to see me kids 80% of the time. She got to go live with her mom for the next 2.5 years and jump from job to job. Life is pretty good 5 years down the road and is even better knowing that she isn’t my problem anymore.”
A Fun Road Trip For Him, Not So Much Her

“I planned a road trip as a way for us to heal. We drove until tank was empty and pulled into a gas station. She grabbed her purse and went to the bathroom. I put a minimal amount of gas in and turned around and went home. I went to her place, told her roommate what I did, and gave her my ex’s luggage.
I banged the roommate about a month later.
No regrets have been had.”