It's amazing how quickly a serious relationship can be completely destroyed in an instant by a simple sentence or act, as the following people know all too well. Whether it was ignorance, a lack of compassion or some serious mental issues, these relationships definitely came to a fiery conclusion.
A Girlfriend Demands Attention Over A Medical Emergency

“We had been going out for 3 and a half years, I thought I loved her, we planned the rest of our lives together. The following conversation made me realize I could/would never be happy with her.
I told her my grandmother was going in for a triple heart bypass, as such I couldn’t come visit her as was planned.
‘That’s not acceptable, I can’t believe you would put your family above our relationship’
I instantly went cold, as if a switch controlling my feelings had been flicked.”
A Man Makes A WILDLY Inappropriate Comment To His Pregnant Girlfriend

“After finding out I was pregnant, my then boyfriend and I mutually decided that an abortion was what we wanted. A few days before the procedure, we were playing around and he kicked me in the stomach. I became very upset and his response was, ‘Why are you mad? It’s going to be dead in a few days anyway.’ I had the abortion and ended the relationship soon after.”
Entitled Man Stings Girlfriend with Snobby Comment

WAYHOME studio/
“My most recent relationship ended with the words, ‘Well you don’t know stress, do you? I’m going to school for my career, not working in a restaurant.’
The context? I am 18, was kicked out of my parent’s house less than a year ago. I am finishing high school self-supported with two jobs, one of which is bussing, the other is retail. Neither are fun but they pay bills. He goes to school four days a week and lives with his parents, supported by them.
Those words stung and I couldn’t see him the same way afterward.”
Abused Woman Really Freaks Out Her Man

Roman Samborskyi/
“I got with a girl that I met at a wedding (she was the maid of honor, I was the best man) and we ended up being together for 3 years. She had been molested when she was super little but I overlooked it because I’m not a jerk, it’s not like she could help it. Anyway, one night she woke me up at 3 am and said:
‘If we ever had a daughter and you wanted to, y’know, touch her, I’d be okay with it.’
I immediately got out of bed, threw as many of my clothes as I could in a duffel bag, and drove away in my underwear. I was so pissed I didn’t have time to get dressed, I just wanted to get as far away from her as possible. I waited for her to go to work before I went back and got the rest of my stuff.
She tried taking me to court for taking my stuff and it got tossed out because I’m a nerd that keeps receipts for electronics, but I totally dodged a bullet on that one.”
Worse Than Being Cheated On

“I’m a writer. I let an ex read a copy of my first novel (an important aside: It was not the best book, but it was the first completed book I had ever written). It had taken a long time, but she really wanted to read it and I warned her it was rough. So she read it, and the following morning, we spoke about it. She laughed when speaking about it and said that she had written a two-page critique of the first ten pages. She went on to say it was cliche, the characters were flat, and she didn’t continue because she knew how it would end. PROTIP: If your boyfriend is proud of something he created, don’t laugh at it and rip it apart. To be fair, my book wasn’t great, but it was decent for a rough draft. But after explicitly telling her it was rough, she still laughed at it and wrote the critique of it. I’ve been cheated on before, but in my opinion, this was worse, because it’s what I want to do with my life. I don’t need unconditional support, especially if it needs work, but I sure don’t need people who were supposedly in love with me laughing at my work and deriding it in public. Anyway, I hung in there for a little while afterward, but I physically couldn’t ever feel as close to her after that and broke up with her a few weeks later.”
Woman Can’t Handle McDonald’s Mistake

“She broke down sobbing because the people at McDonald’s had made her Big Mac wrong.
I so wish I was joking about this.
This particular girlfriend, named Leela, had some emotional issues. Depression, anxiety, etc. While we were together, I only knew maybe a portion of what all was going on, maybe from a lack of asking, maybe from a lack of her sharing. It’s hard to say at this point (this took place 5 or 6 years ago).
After the fact, I found out about it all, along with the fact that Leela had stopped taking her meds cold turkey without talking to her doctor, parents, or anyone about it. But since I didn’t know that she had issues to this extent to begin with, all I knew was that for the month that we were living together, she was getting irrationally upset over everything. It never seemed like what I thought of as depression, more like she was angry at the world. Most of the time, they were things that I could rationalize as a bigger deal than they actually were, but I think that I was trying to fool myself for her sake.
During this time, I was breaking my back doing everything I could to try and make her happy, day in and day out. It got to the point that I was just beaten down. No more smiling, joking, etc. I just didn’t have the energy for it anymore.
So then comes the fateful night in question. Leela had been texting me throughout the day, angry as always. So I began my mental preparation for what it would be like at home that night.
When I got home, we decided to go get some McDonald’s because I knew that she was in no mood to cook and that at the time, the only thing I could cook was bacon, which is amazing but doesn’t make a meal. Mickey D’s was high on her list of comfort foods, so I thought that might help soothe things for her.
We go through the drive-thru so that we can just take it home and not have to deal with people. I was driving, and just wanted to get her home, so I didn’t tell her to check the food as I might have on a different night. When we get home, the Big Mac that she had ordered with no onions and extra cheese had been made as no onions and no cheese.
Leela immediately threw the burger back in the box and started sobbing out of anger. This was the ‘small thing’ that made me realize that if she could get so upset over a hamburger, then I would never be able to make her happy. I ended things that night. I realize that my timing may not have been the best, but I didn’t see the point in dragging it out any longer.
When I found out about Leela’s emotional problems and the fact that she had quit the meds without me even knowing that she was on any to begin with, I realized that while my reason for the break up wasn’t a very good one, it was still the right decision. An 18-year-old girl shouldn’t be living with someone if they have those kinds of issues that they are not even trying to work through, especially if the person they’re living with isn’t aware of them.”
If They’re Nice To You But Rude To The Waitress, They Are Not A Nice Person

Luis Molinero/
“I was out to dinner with a girl I had been dating for around 6 months. I had a small issue with her excessive drinking, but besides that we had a great relationship. Anyways, when our waitress brought out our food and put it on the table, she knocked over a glass of water and it spilled onto my then-girlfriend. She lost her mind. She berated the poor girl and screamed and yelled and caused a massive scene over a glass of spilled water. I was shocked. I’ve always been very easygoing, and very appreciative of servers because I know the kind of shit they deal with every day. At that moment, I began transitioning towards a break-up. We split up a couple weeks later. A great saying I read once, ‘If they’re nice to you but rude to the waitress, they are not a nice person.‘“
Chauvinist Pig Wants Tea

Antonio Guillem/
“I was seeing a guy for about three months, we weren’t exclusive or particularly serious and it was a scenario we both enjoyed. I broke it off with him because he woke me up to get up and make him tea one morning. He’d stayed at my place numerous times before and knew I didn’t even drink tea. But his response to me telling him to get it himself was, ‘But you’re the woman!’ Goodbye!”
Man Downplays Seriousness Of Depression

“I’ve been in a non-serious relationship with this guy for a couple of months now. I was starting to quite like him, however the other night we got onto the subject of depression and mental illness. This is a subject that’s quite close to my heart because not only have I suffered from depression and anxiety but I also lost my mother to suicide because of her ongoing mental health problems. I hadn’t told him this. Anyway, he proceeded to say that depression and mental health problems were a made up thing and that it was simply ‘trendy’ to have them and something about people having to pull themselves together. I said that while there are people who do glorify the idea of mental illness and use it as an excuse, it can be very real. He basically sniggered at that. I then (very calmly) said ‘Well, it’s real to me, my Mother committed suicide because of depression, I’ve seen first hand the anguish it can cause. No one would ‘choose it’ to be trendy.’ he then pretty much shrugged while still having this weird sort of smile on his face. I tried to get to the bottom of what he meant but it was completely pointless, he seemed to have no empathy and furthermore, no idea why I suddenly had gone a bit somber and then he started talking about football. And then the next morning he asked why I was being ‘so annoying’ last night and told me I treated him like dirt. This man is 31.”
A Boyfriend’s Parents Freak A Girl Out

Syda Productions/
“In grade 9 I had my first boyfriend. We were together for about a month and his mom said she wanted to take us out for dinner. I said ok and we went to a fast food restaurant. She then told me over dinner that if I wanted condoms or drugs I could go to her because she’s a cool mom. When I said it wouldn’t be necessary his dad laughed and nudged him saying, ‘Guess you’re not getting laid’ and then asked me why not. I noped the heck out of there so fast. He has a kid now.”
Guy Gets Drunk and Berates Woman At A Baseball Game

Luis Molinero/
“Brought a guy I was dating to see a minor league baseball game with me. I was meeting up with my best friend, her parents, and her co-worker. This guy fails to tell me he ingested a couple of Xanax and several beers prior to me getting there and then downs 2 more beers at the park (on my tab – he also forgot his debit card).
While completely wasted, he starts yelling at me that I better ‘not put any stuff about us dating on Facebook.’ I am not one to post all my business on Facebook, so I had no idea where this was coming from. He proceeded to remind me about this for 40 more minutes. He kept forgetting that he had said it already due to his state of inebriation, and start ranting again every few minutes. He then jumped over a railing and dropped 12 feet onto a concrete platform to save time walking down the ramp to the men’s room. He severely bruised both of his heels and could barely walk. This is the point where I took him home, handed him an ice pack and a bottle of aspirin and left. I had zero cares to give him at that point.”
One Meal Changed It All

“I knew a girl who was dating this really cool guy. He was very laid back but successful. Really nice, got along well with her friends and family. One day they are hanging out at her place and they had a quick bite to eat. She broke up with him the next day because she told him that she felt like things were not going to move in a positive, mature direction.
The real reason? She hated the way he ate an apple. She said it was like seeing a starving man eat for the first time in years. She said it was messy and disgusting. Years later she admitted that she was a moron and made a huge mistake.”
Man Dumps Woman Because Her Teasing Is Annoying

WAYHOME studio/
“I dated a girl for two years. She was pretty hot, but about a year and a half into it she picked up a habit that made me want to dump her on the spot every time. I am American and I live in the South, however my family is from the Northeast, which is where I began learning to speak and I also grew up speaking two other languages, so my accent/inflections are a little…off. She loved to make fun of it when I wouldn’t hear what she said and ask ‘What?’ She’d just respond with the weirdest caricature of my voice and scrunch up her face and go ‘WHAWT?’ It wasn’t cute, it wasn’t endearing, it was like she was trying to sound retarded. And then it just started spreading to everything she heard me say until it started getting in the way of conversation. God that was so annoying.”
A Man Questions His Date’s Intelligence

“We were walking out of a movie and we passed a poster promoting The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. My ex-gf asked why the boy was in jail. I said, ‘It’s the Holocaust.’ She said, ‘Yeah, I know, but what did he do?’ I brought this up the next day and she defended herself on the basis that she wants to make sure she knows what a movie is about ever since she went to see Hotel Rwanda and it wasn’t about spring break.”
Woman Plays Games, Gets Burned

“She was angry about me not texting her within ten minutes of her texting me. She broke up with me for the day to remind me of how it feels to be single.
I then proceeded to break up with her for life!”
Girlfriend Accidentally Sends a Text About Cheating To Her Boyfriend

“After spending Christmas dinner at her family’s house, exchanging gifts, and watching movies till the early morning hours, I ventured home and received a text message from her literally as soon as I walked in the door. I opened it and it was from her and it read, ‘Kat, every time I’m with (me), I can’t stop thinking about Greg, and every time I’m with Greg I can’t stop thinking about (me).’ Kat was the nickname of her best friend at the time, and Greg was some idiot she worked with. Check the names of the people you’re texting, it takes three seconds and won’t destroy someone’s entire life for a while.”
Woman Finds Out She is Dating a Nazi

“I was dating this guy in the first year of college. We had known each other through mutual friends for a while, and had gotten together maybe 2 months before this happened. He wanted me to go to a bar with him and meet his friends, and put on these ridiculous red suspenders before we left the house. 19 year old me didn’t know what this could mean.
I walked into a large gathering of skinheads. Apparently, those ridiculous red suspenders were some sort of neo-nazi pride thing. I have an extremely Jewish last name that my new boyfriend had failed to notice, although, I don’t practice the religion myself.”
Boyfriend Is Unsympathetic To A Woman’s Problems

“There is one thing I try not think about with my boyfriend because he is making an honest effort to be a better boyfriend.
I try not to think about the fact that I was supportive of him while he was addicted to opiates, but when I relapsed into anorexia, depression and anxiety he told me he couldn’t be with a girl who, ‘didn’t eat and wanted to kill herself.'”
Surprise! He’s a Bigot!

ESB Professional/
“I was really hitting it off with a guy from an online dating site and we’d been talking for just over a week. We were on the phone the night before the day we were supposed to finally meet up in person and for some reason (can’t remember what brought it up) he used the word ‘tranny.’ I calmly/respectfully let him know that was a derogatory term like ‘fag’ and that I would prefer that he didn’t call them that (he already knew I am a sexual educator). This got him really angry and started going on about how they’re mentally ill and how they just need help and in no way should a person be allowed to live as a gender that is different from the one they assigned at birth. I tried to explain the issue to him, but he just wouldn’t hear it. In his mind, these people are straight-up ‘sick’ and he would cross the street if he saw one coming towards him. I just couldn’t ever be with someone who has views like that.”
Woman Doesn’t Even Understand Science

“Me and a girl I had been with for a few months were discussing how we would spend $1 million and I was saying how I would like to build a 3 story, below ground concrete bunker with with a large plexiglass top floor ceiling at ground level for sunlight and food production, and an large separate enclosed concrete water reservoir blah, blah, blah. I go on for a minute and she says, ‘Yeah but that’s impossible.’ I said, ‘Well yeah cuz I don’t have 1 million dollars.’ And here it is, she replied, ‘No, you couldn’t live that deep underground. The heat from the center of the earth would burn you up.’ Mind you we were talking about 24-30 feet ‘underground’ I was flabbergasted and broke it off the next morning.”
Loser Boyfriend Is A Loser

“When we were sort of on the cusp of splitting up last year, I remember my ex-boyfriend saying, ‘I’ve spent the past four and a half years waiting for you to realize what a loser I actually am.’
Despite all his self-deprecation and self-loathing over the years, I had never felt like I’d been wasting my time – until that moment.”
A Love For Adam Sandler Spells Doom For A Relationship

“I have a friend who broke up with a girl because she bought the Adam Sandler Movie ‘Little Nicky’ on a whim at the grocery store. He said she had no respect for money.”
Woman Wants To Be Exclusive With Jesus

“I had been on just one or two dates with this girl and we had planned on going to my school’s homecoming later that month. She called me one night (at like 3am…) in tears and told me that we shouldn’t see each other because it wasn’t in God’s plan and she only wanted to love Jesus.”