There is nothing worse than being betrayed by someone close to you.
A Guy Takes The Heat His Friends Caused

Ljupco Smokovski/
“I had two friends over on a weekend my parents were gone. They knew about it and it was fine. I was 17 and they were both 16. After we went to bed one of my friends got up and let a girl in that came over to see him. She was 14 and had a crush on him. He gave her a bottle of bubbly my parents got on their wedding night, it was 25 years old.
He got her messed up on that and some other drinks. They did it and fell asleep. The next morning her dad was pounding on my door screaming about the cops and killing me. I opened the door and told him I didn’t know him or his daughter. She came out and left with him. He took her to the hospital and they did a rape kit. She didn’t remember doing it. The cops talked to my two friends and one said we were asleep and the one that got it on with the girl told the cops he thought I woke up and let the girl in and did it with her.
Cops showed up at my work and arrested me. My friend used protection with the girl so there was no DNA. I got to spend the night in jail. I wouldn’t talk without a lawyer and it angered them off something horrible. The girl later remembered doing it with my friend and that I was asleep the entire time in a different room and so was my other friend. They dropped the charges and let me go. They arrested my friend that slept with the girl for giving a false statement and a few related things. Her dad had to be restrained because he wanted me thrown in jail. I was 17 so I was the only one old enough to be charged with intimacy with an underage girl. He wouldn’t accept it when the cops told him that there had to be physical contact for that.
I didn’t have a job anymore even after the cops had to apologize and explain what happened. They made a huge scene when they arrested me because they thought a 17-year-old had assaulted a 14-year-old intoxicated girl. I also found out that when you get charged with a felony as an adult it doesn’t go away when they drop the charges. It was a long and expensive pain in the ass to get my record cleaned up so I could pass a background check.”
Making A Profit On A Friend Is Low

Ljupco Smokovski/
“A few years ago I had an iMac that I was selling because I had just bought a fancy new PC that I was going to use for gaming.
I had it listed on various sites for around $1,800 (which was a fair asking price for the model at the time) and had gotten a few bites, nothing concrete.
A (then) friend of mine asked if he could buy it, and he asked if I could do a “mates rates” deal for him. Being a good friend, I obliged and sold it to him for $1,500. It was a little less than I wanted but hey, it’s only money and I was happy to see it go to a friend.
Not 2 weeks later I ask him how his new iMac is going, and he tells me that he sold it for $1,850, making a cool $350 profit.
When I asked him why he sold it after asking for mates rates, he said ‘yeah, but I never said I was going to keep it.’
Total scumbag. I later learned he’s the kind of person who’d sell his own mother for a 10% discount.”
Nasty, Nasty ‘Best Friend’
“When I was around 16 I came out to my best friend as bi. I have been attracted to women since a very young age and was ready to open myself to a same gender relationship. A week later all of our friends were being particularly nasty to me and I couldn’t figure out why. Turns out my ‘best friend’ had told everyone SHE was bi and that I hated her because of it.
She also told a whole heap of other seriously fucked up lies over the years, but this one took the cake.”
A Woman Take Advantage Of A Kind Deed

“I met this girl who was a friend of a friend, seemed like a sweet girl, a few years younger than me. We ended up becoming friends. It turned out she was pregnant and in a terrible living situation.
Like, the roaches were trying to eat her at night bad. No way I could let her stay there, let alone bring a newborn there, so we made a deal. I needed someone to watch my kids while I was at work, keep the house picked up, make sure the kids were fed etc. She came to live with me and my two kids with the understanding that she would take care of the kids and the house while me and SO were working full time.
I bought everything the baby needed, was there when he was born, helped teach her how to take care of him, got her clothes and everything she needed. Far above and beyond our deal. It wasn’t long at all before she wasn’t doing any of the things she was supposed to. She’d cook for herself and leave my kids to fend for themselves while she laid in her room and watched Netflix. She’d trash the house and never clean it. I, of course, got sick of it and gave her a month and a half notice to find a job, somewhere else to live and get out.
Needless to say, she never bothered to look for a job. She seemed surprised when I did indeed kick her out right before Christmas (which I had bought her kid presents for). She ended up going to stay with her grandparents.
Almost six months later, after refusing to talk to me all that time, she got ahold of me to tell me to gather up her things because she was going to have a couple men I’d never met come to my house and get them.
What things!? Aside from your clothes, that you took with you, and the baby things that I BOUGHT for your kid that you also took with you, you don’t have anything! Anything that could have possibly been hers was long gone, my home is not a storage locker. She blocked me on everything and bad mouthed me to a few people but everyone was already aware of how worthless she was so. I think I’m still a little bitter.”
The Payback Was Better Than The Betrayal

Jacob Lund/
“Moved schools once.
My first friend was this kid. He had a few friends but really was the loner type of kid. I was friends with mainly him at first, throughout the year I made more. Eventually, we weren’t that good of friends. The girl he had a crush on said she had a crush on me so that didn’t help.
One random day at the end of the year, we were all talking about how the year went. Told him how much I was thankful that he was my friend at the beginning of the year.
Mofo stole my cell phone right out of my backpack during that conversation and I didn’t know it. Found out later that day because somebody found it laying out in the parking lot. Dude called for his ride home on my phone and tossed it to the ground. I have no clue why.
I didn’t talk to him again after that. Shortly after I started dating that girl though. Didn’t even realize at the time that I was getting my revenge”
A Home Wrecker If There Ever Was One

“One of my wife’s friends had been a total judgy witch since the start of things. This woman started a stream of drama that almost caused us to break up when we were dating.
Skip ahead 2 years, I have to go pick up said friend from the airport and wife says of course that I am to BE NICE! Really, be nice to that person?
Well, I pick her up, I’m extra nice, and we actually have a good time just talking and hanging out, finally, I’m starting to see that maybe things could turn around and no drama….boy was I wrong….
My expectation was that she and I would get along and she would tell my girlfriend what a nice good guy I was if she even said anything.
She goes to my girlfriend, now wife, and says I was flirting with her – I had NO interest in flirting with that woman, I just did what the GF said and was nice. Active immediately after that, no longer welcome in my damn house! You say a bunch of lies and contrived nonsense about me first – then I’m extra nice to the piece of you know what and she thinks I’m flirting with her.
Somedays I think I should have become a monk!”
An Ungrateful Friend Steals From The Dog!

“Let a good friend move in. She’d been caught in a DWI, lost her job, lost her apartment, was sleeping in her car in the middle of January.
We begged a spare mattress from friends, gave her clothes, paid for food and cigarettes, didn’t ask for rent or utility money, bought toys for her two kids. She said that when she was evicted, she pretty much lost everything.
About the same time, my oldest dog was diagnosed with bone cancer. She was too old to go the amputation/chemo route, so the decision was made to give her pain pills to keep her comfortable until the end.
Fast forward two months. I go to give my dog her evening dose of meds, and the bottle of 120 pills I’d picked up at the vet 10 days earlier was empty. Took about five minutes to realize that my good friend who was living rent and expenses free, was stealing my dying dog’s pain killers. About ten minutes after that, she was out on the sidewalk.”
Blink-182 Ruins Everything

“When I started high school I met a guy who played drums during orientation or something. I play guitar, so we started jamming at his place and it was awesome. It was tons of fun and actually sounded alright. We played more classic rock and punk stuff. Then without saying anything, he invited this other guy to play with us who only wanted to play Blink 182 songs and couldn’t play guitar to save his life. We played a while and I hated it. Then we got asked to play a party. The day of the party I broke my hand and had a cast on. I figured we’d cancel ( stupid high school party, no big deal ) but they freaked out and told me to try. I couldn’t. It sucked. They kicked me out of the band, invited another guy to play bass, and I lost my friend. A year or two later he tried to ask me to play again, and after high school, the bassist asked me too, but I was still pissed.”
A Friend Brought In A Goon For A Beating

Cresta Johnson/
“When I was in 5th grade, I’d walk to school with my 3 friends.
One day, there were 4 of us (not odd because sometimes someone joined us). About half way to school, one of my friends said, ok, stop. Pointed to the new guy and said ‘now.’ This new guy, who was way stronger than me, beat me up.
When I was on the ground, my now ex-friend walked up and explained that I’d made him furious (he explained what it was, but I’ve forgotten since, but I recall it was petty), so he got the other guy to beat me up. By the way, our other mutual friend stood there looking very guilty the whole time.
So, I stayed on the ground as they walked away. Got up when I knew they were gone. Went to school and got through the day. Never spoke to them again except in passing in high school.
In high school reunions, I’ve had the opportunity to ask why that happened, but some things are just so beyond you leave them alone. However, the guy who looked guilty has always been over-friendly to me. I think he still has regrets for letting that happen because he didn’t stay friends with the other guy for long after that.”
A Woman Is Trashed By Her Friend On A Job Reference

“My friend and I both worked as managers at McD’s. I had been dealing with depression from my job, a very low income, and no hopes of going back to school for a career. If either myself or my boyfriend had tried, we wouldn’t have had the funds to support ourselves. My friend was in university to become a surgeon. She came from a rich family. She honestly worked for extra spending money. Her boyfriend was about to go back to school as well and already had a high paying job. She had it pretty good and I was happy for her, we were all good friends.
I eventually contacted an employment agency that with government funding helped people build their skills and work towards getting a better job. They didn’t find you a job but they pushed you in the right direction and gave you the tools to succeed and the means to access jobs other people might not have known about. So I get hooked up with this sweet accounting administrator job, and I ask one of my bosses and my friend to be a positive reference. They both agreed they went over what they would say roughly, and I went in for the interview.
I nailed it! Everyone was super impressed, and at the end of the day, I got a call back saying I got the job. I was practically in tears. I wouldn’t be living pay cheque to pay cheque anymore. I had doubled my income, salary office position, great benefits, vacation, you name it.
On my second day, my employment consultant came to speak to both myself and my direct boss/supervisor. As my boss leaves the room, the consultant says ‘Um, just so you know, you should probably not use your second reference.’ And I’m like what? She said ‘it… it was bad.’
I sit down with my boss 2 months later and somehow the topic comes up. We went into a meeting room and closed the door and spoke about it and she asked me our relationship. I told her we were good friends, worked amazing shifts together, had each other’s backs at work and always did a great job. She ended up saying a lot of nasty shit about me and doing a complete 180° mid interview. My boss said it was so unlike my other references, they completely disregarded it and she ended up calling my employment consultant upset and angry that my friend had done that to me.
Needless to say, a month later I calmly asked her about the reference she gave, and she went on a huge rant about not wanting to be apart of my drama and that I had better not bother our boyfriends about this and if I contacted her again she would call the police.
Trading A Friendship for $500

“My best friend of 12 years wasn’t just my best friend. He was my brother, as far as I was concerned.
Until he tried to steal $500 from me. I had thought he was getting into some scary substances, because he suddenly started acting like a colossal jerk to me for no reason, and a substance habit would explain the sudden bad attitude and the stealing. I even talked to his mother, concerned that my buddy was struggling with an addiction. If he was sick, I wanted to help him, even if he hated me for it. I didn’t wanna see him end up in jail or dead.
But nope – he was just a garden variety thief who yelled at me for “tattling to his mom”.
A few years later, I found out from a mutual friend that he had slept with several of my girlfriends behind my back through the years and had recently bragged about never being caught doing it.
Eff you, Steve. You traded a friend who had your back for life for a measly $500 and some trashy women. Hope it was worth it, you jerk.”
A BFF Leaves A Friend Crying In A Bathroom

Monkey Business Images/
“It was my freshman year, first water polo tournament ever. I got my period for the first time before my game and couldn’t figure out how to get a tampon in. Like, you want me to stick stuff up there?? Hell no.
My mom was hours away and her phone was dead and my sister was out of the country. I hid in my hotel room’s bathroom crying in anger and pain, and I thought my roommate, my best friend at the time, sympathized with me. She was consoling me and saying everything was going to be all right. So I told her to go ahead and tell the rest of the team I was sick and that I would catch a ride to the high school we were playing at with another parent, and she went on her merry way.
After I managed to get a tampon in, I showed up about half an hour late to my team warming up and discovered that my supposed ‘best friend’ had told the entire team (~20 or so teenage girls, freshman to senior) and my twenty-five-year-old male coach that I couldn’t get a tampon in and I was crying in the bathroom. Bad enough, right?
Nope, a few weeks later at the lunch table she brings it up to the rest of my friends and laughs about it. About the fact that I was scared about my period and couldn’t get a tampon in.”
Lying To His Face The Whole Time

Mila May/
“In my first year of university, I was coming from a small town so I didn’t know anyone. During that first week, I met this girl. This girl and I didn’t talk much until our third week through the semester when we started to hang out more, and the more I got to know her, the more I fell for her. It was complicated to date within our program, so I confided in a close friend I had met during the first week of school on how things were. This friend listened to me throughout the semester and even gives me advice and encouragement.
I finally made my move after a lot of flirting and getting close and the answer was no. Sucks but that’s life, right?
A couple weeks after the rejection, I’m working in one of the classrooms with a buddy of mine and I tell him about how this girl rejected me and how much I liked her. His face visibly pales and he tells me that my friend, who I have been confiding in this entire time, had been sleeping with her behind my back about a week after he found out I liked her and refused to tell me, even when I straight up asked if he was interested in her as well.
There’s nothing I can do to change that girl’s mind, but the fact that someone so close to me, lied to my face for so long really messed me up for the rest of that semester.”
Time To Back Away From The Criminal In Your Life

“I don’t know if it’s a technical backstab, but my childhood friend has been in and out of prison in the last few years, and she got caught (again) and gave the cops MY name. Because, and I quote: ‘You’re my only friend who has a clean record.’
Well, the cops came to my house in the middle of the fucking night. They pretty much knew she was lying but still had to confirm that I was…me. Needless to say, I don’t speak to her anymore.”
At Least The Thief Was Caught

“Happened a few months ago and just got the verdict a couple weeks ago.
I’m 15 and a boy, I was friends with this guy. He was pretty clingy outside of school always wanting to meet up. He’s an only child and I guessed that was why.
He came round my house as we sometimes would, however, he never mentioned a sleep over. He made up some bullshit to stay round the night. In the night he went downstairs, stole my mum’s credit card and bought £2000 worth of stuff online.
Now the prick has 7 months community service and everyone at school knows.”
Stabbed In The Back By Her Own Mother!

Gladskikh Tatiana/
“My mother was extremely abusive to me growing up, but what child doesn’t want mommy to love them? So, on the eve of my eighteenth birthday, she was so sweet to me, talking laughing and being nice to me. She would sometimes be nice, so it wasn’t too surprising. She then put some very soothing Christian music on and told me that God loved me and he would forgive me anything, so it would be safe to confess my sins. Lulled by attention and her very coveted love, I told her I slept with my boyfriend and I felt like it was the wrong thing to do. She promised she wouldn’t tell my dad, my daddy is my hero, I would never forgive myself if I let him down. She even promised she wouldn’t tell my little brothers and sister. The next day, in a fit of rage at me for not cleaning the bathroom, she started to slap me while screaming for everyone to ‘come here.’ She then told them everything, every gory detail. (My Siblings were four eight and thirteen) I picked up my back pack and threw my four quarters in it with a shirt and a pair of shorts and told her where she could fornicate. I’ll never forget my daddy’s face, holding my presents saying ‘you can’t leave without your presents baby’ he was crying. I walked across the El Paso desert and hitched a ride with a truck driver. I’ve never forgiven my mother.”