There's nothing lower than a woman lying about the paternity of a child. It's unfair not only to whoever thinks he's the father, but also to the real father and the poor child. Shockingly, it happens a lot. Women are either scared to tell the truth because they were unfaithful or afraid of losing the person they love because of their infidelity. Either way, it never justifies lying like these women did, no matter why they did it.
Content is edited for clarity.
She Got Knocked Up By Her Ex And Dumped Him

“I was in a long-distance relationship with a girl in college. After going two months without a period, she took a pregnancy test which turned up positive. After informing me, I had to keep myself from panicking (I hate kids, and didn’t work during college to avoid burning out). While she refused an abortion, she agreed to adopt out the baby when it was born.
A week goes by and I get a massive wall of text from her that basically boils down to ‘I’m leaving you, the kid is not yours as my ex and I had hooked up a ton without protection, and the doctor confirmed that the date of conception isn’t when you and I were together. I’m not sure why you didn’t realize this already, but I’m sorry for everything,’ and she broke up with me. I found it really odd that she claimed the doctor had such precise answers for such a complex biological process, but I just kinda rolled with it at the time as I didn’t have any medical knowledge to outright dispute the claims.
It’s a weird mix of feelings to both go ‘yay I’m not a dad’ and ‘OMG, the girl I intended on marrying is pregnant with her ex’s kid.’ We dated for about 8 months. Her last period was around the 6 month mark. I had intended on marrying her, but had yet to actually propose (was planning to on our one year anniversary).
Months later, I got a message from her best friend (whom I had befriended during our relationship) asking me how I was doing, and proceeded to explain that my ex told the entire truth, and was all but cast out from her family (I happened to get along very well with the family as I was in the superior economic and educational position in the relationship, so they viewed me as excellent husband material).
I guess she felt so guilty about it, that even in a situation where she could’ve lied with no consequence, she didn’t.”
Keeping It Classy In Oklahoma

“When I was around 16 my older brother (24) was having his second child with his long time girlfriend. One day after school I go over to their house to hang out with them and a guy I went to school with, who was friends with my brother. When we get there, my brother’s girlfriend starts going into labor, so everyone helps load her into the cab of his truck and speed off to the hospital. I lived in rural Oklahoma at the time, so the hospital where babies are born was a little over an hour away. Now I am in the bed of the truck along with the friend, speeding down this two-lane highway to get this girl to the hospital before the baby comes out. We make it in time and they take her back into the delivery room to have the baby.
A few hours pass and my dad, mom, and my three other siblings show up, along with my grandmother. We wait around and about six hours after arriving, the baby pops out. When we were given the all clear by the hospital staff, we all rushed in to see the baby. The mother is laying on the bed beaming, saying she loves my brother and she is so glad that they had another little boy. Well, the nurse walks in, pushing the baby in his little crib and BAM, it hits all of us. The baby is clearly half-black and we all immediately suspect who the father is. It’s my friend who is there with us, standing in the room with this look of guilt on his face. My entire family, along with my brother, walk out of the hospital and just leave the mom and my ‘friend’ there together at the hospital. Apparently while my brother was locked up in county jail, my friend started hooking up with my brother’s girlfriend in exchange for speed and had continued doing it for a while.
The guy never did step up and take care of the little boy, and my brother eventually got sent to prison for substance-related offenses, so my parents took in the two boys for a long time and made the mother jump through CPS hoops to get them back. Now she is a ranking member of the Oklahoma Department of Corrections in a fairly large prison.
That was about 9 years ago and I haven’t seen them in about seven, I joined the Army and left. I miss those kids.”
He Was NOT The Father!

Henrik Dolle/
“This didn’t happen to me, but to my husband’s friend. I’ll call him Howard and his wife Katie. Before he got married to her, he confided in my husband how he found out Katie cheated on him. Despite all his venting and anger, he still ended up marrying Katie.
One year later she was pregnant and we both doubted it was Howard’s, but they both seemed happy, so we were happy for them. The baby girl was born and since both parents are white and the baby is white, no one thought anything of it. Howard raised the baby girl with so much love and attention, until the baby was about one and a half years old. Howard found out Katie cheated on him AGAIN (we lost count how many times at this point). He started questioning the truth about their daughter.
He got a paternity test and BAM, he was NOT THE FATHER. He confronted Katie, asking her to ‘tell me the truth,’ and if the little girl was his. She said, ‘of course!’ and so he dropped the paternity results in front of her, along with the divorce papers. He got the name changed for the father on the birth certificate and doesn’t have to pay anything in support.
He’s still in contact with Katie, I guess they’re still friendly, but he doesn’t want anything to do with the baby girl who is now 3 or 4 years old. I have a daughter of my own I can NOT imagine raising a baby from day one only to find out she wasn’t yours. It’s such a heart breaking story.”
She Tried And Failed At A Lot

Monkey Business Images/
“I had been dating a girl for some time when my ex came back around and I thought we were going to get back together, so I broke it off with the girl I had been dating.
At the time I was a single parent who had raised a well-adjusted daughter for 14 years, had my own company, and was doing fairly well for myself, but in the end, I never got back with my ex.
One day, years later, out of the blue, I get a call from the girl I had been dating before the ex returned, the one I had broken up with, and she tells me she wants to meet at a local coffee shop to have some coffee. she seemed very evasive, as she doesn’t tell me why she wants to meet. I meet up with her and she breaks out all these pictures of a little boy who’s about 4 or 5-years-old and tells me that this is my child. I wasn’t sure what to make of it, so we decide to go next door to the local pub and have a few drinks, one thing leads to another and eventually was started trying to get me to sleep with her again. Did I forgot to mention that she was engaged at this time?
So, we ride around and talk the whole time she’s trying to get me to find some place that we can go fool around, and I’m just not in the mood, since I just found out I probably have a son and I have a lot on my mind, and it’s not her booty. I decide to take a back to her car but she’s too wasted to drive. I take her to her mom’s and as she gets out of my truck, she realizes she’s lost her engagement ring, which she took off at some point in time in the night. Not my problem.
We part ways with me telling her we need to get DNA test.
A few weeks go by and she introduces me to her son. We go out a few times as a mini-family and then comes time for the DNA test. It comes back as 99.9% that I am NOT the father. She tells me it has to be wrong, and she’ll pay for another DNA test. We go have another DNA test and as you can imagine the results came back the same.
That’s what she breaks down to tell me that she slept with some loser guy she knew in high school the night I broke up with her, because no one had ever broken up with her before.
It’s been about 15 or 16 years now and about 3 months ago I get Facebook DM from her: ‘Hey, I’m getting divorced we should get together.’
I’ll pass.”
In A Twist, Her Husband Was Happy About It

“My great great grandfather was a tall, lanky fellow with a long face. An absolute Gumby of a person. He was of British descent, with somewhat dark coloring, and very, very distinctive features. My great-grandmother was blatantly, blazingly Irish. Pale as heck and completely blanketed in freckles, with a mischievous, dainty little nose, and reaching a grand height of 5’3. Irish appearance isn’t exactly proof, of course: maybe my great-great grandpa had some Irish heritage, or maybe she was British, but just had a whole lot of freckles. But none of my odd-looking great-great grandfather’s odd-looking features appeared in his children. My great-grandmother’s little sister was also tiny. Not covered in freckles and not as mischievous-looking, but she also had NONE of her father’s features. Well, there’s a good reason. Neither child was his, and he knew that, and was totally okay with that – extremely happy about it, actually.
See, my great-great grandpa was injured fighting in WWI. His leg was blown apart, he nearly died (was left for dead, in fact, until a conscientious medic held a mirror up and saw it barely fog with breath), and apparently that injury also rendered him infertile. He came home to Canada, and a few years later he met a woman. A tiny, rough-edged, wild child of a farm girl, a cook on a ranch, with a shamelessly filthy mouth, and a shameful – for rural Canada in the 1920s – story. She was unmarried, with a 2-year-old daughter, that she’d given birth to after a fling with an Irishman.
So my giant, serene, great-great grandpa married the 4’10” firecracker, and adopted my great-grandmother as his own, and loved her immensely. A few years later, I guess they decided they wanted another child. IVF wasn’t exactly an option in that time and place, so, apparently, they asked a neighbor to offer his services. And great-great grandma had another baby girl, and he adopted that baby as his own, and loved her immensely.
A fantastic arrangement. Practical, and resulting in joy.
He was a truly wonderful father, and his children adored him.”
She Tried To Set Him Up

“Many years ago, I got a subway sandwich, and found the girl behind the counter was incredibly flirty with me,.
Later, it was as if she wanted to hurry up and ‘do the thing.’ We did the thing and I pulled out. A little while later, when we were hooking up again, she gave me a rubber to use ‘so I didn’t have to pull out’. Somehow it magically broke while I was in her.
Just days later, she tells me she pregnant. I stuck it out at first, trying to get excited about being a father, until the point when she was supposed to be three months pregnant, but really looked 5-6 months. Then (not) surprisingly, she told me that the doctor told her that she would be having a premature delivery
The kid that came out was clearly not premature. He had a full head of hair and was able to lift his head to look around with his eyes wide open
She still stuck to her story that it was mine, but I didn’t believe her, so we took a blood test and he wasn’t mine.
That woman knew what she was doing. She tried to ruin my life but hanging this child on me when it was really some ex of hers that she had hooked up with before we ever slept together.
I should have known she was too flirty when we first met.”
The Tale Of The Trashy Family

“My high school boyfriend’s family were trashy and that’s putting it lightly. His 19-year-old sister got married at 17 and immediately started trying to have kids. She finally had one in August of the year she turned 18 and by the end of September, she was pregnant again.
I go off to college about the time she births the second one, the following summer. Eight weeks later she’s pregnant again. This is where I should mention her husband’s genes are strong. All four of his kids look exactly a like, including two from a previous relationship.
After she gave birth to number three, I came home from college for break and went to visit her. She brings out the baby in a blanket and puts him in my arms and throws it back and says, ‘Look! Look at him!’ I was slightly confused until she says, ‘Looks nothing like him, huh?’ I kind of nodded bewildered. She goes on to explain that she was angry that he wanted her to keep pumping out kids, so to prove a point, she cheated on him and had one that wasn’t his. One that he’d have to look at all his whole life. They named all his kids with an M-name but she didn’t with this one. All I could think of was how messed up that kid was going to be as I sat and looked at his innocent little face.
That was 15 years ago. They’re still married and have two more M-named kids. Poor ‘J’ in the middle with his blonde hair and blue eyes. I wonder if he knows.
The dad? I thought it was pretty clear he knew. The kid looked nothing like him and she named the kid a J name instead of an M name like all the dads other kids. The kid was payback. A lifetime of payback. The chick wanted the husband to have to raise a kid that wasn’t his and look at him every day as a reminder. The name was the final reminder.
As an aside, just to give a better idea of this trashy family, the 14-year-old sister of this chick and her mom were pregnant at the same time. Everyone believed the 14-year-old when she said she got knocked up off a toilet seat! They’d regularly have fist fights at dinner and call CPS on each other in an attempt to get each other’s kids taken away and given to them. They sat on lawn furniture because their couches got repossessed. They hated me because I ‘came from money’ -meaning my parents both had full time jobs.
My ex-boyfriend was the only normal one. He made it out almost completely unscathed somehow and is living child-free in a beautiful relationship far away from any of these idiots.”
The Swingers

Layland Masuda/
“Back in the sixties, when my dad was on wife number two, they popped out a baby. This was after he walked out on his first two kids.
My dad and his wife were see-through white and both were redheads. My dad is also a pathological liar. So, when the baby came out brown as can be, he sold it to everyone that he had some relatives that were Hispanic, recessive genes, you know. When really, they were likely swingers and were hanging out at the local Indian reservation.
30 years later and after walking out on two more of his kids (including me), he still claimed her as his daughter. He didn’t really because he never took care of her.
He’s an odd one.”
The Father Was His Brother!

“Not me, but my husband.
He was in a relationship for 10 years and they had a little girl. His ex-girlfriend had postpartum depression and their daughter was born, so he did most of the raising of the little girl (named Lo). They broke up when Lo was about 4. They had an agreement that she wouldn’t sue for child support as long as he paid for daycare and anything else she needed and it worked well for them, for a time. When Lo was 6, he went to pick her up from daycare and the ex flipped out. She demanded he that had he better take her back or she would call the police and report she’d been kidnapped. He took her back to daycare and told them to tear up the check he’d just given them because he was going to cancel it. That wasn’t the right thing to do, but he was angry and not thinking clearly. They ended up going to court and the court asked if he wanted a DNA test. He said that he wanted everything done by the book so, yes, he would. The test results came back that he was not the father BUT it was definitely someone closely related to him. It turned out Lo was my husband’s brother’s child! After that, they (his parents and the ex) kept Lo away from him for a while, saying she wasn’t ready to see him, which was a lie, she was six and he was the only daddy she had known.
5 or 6 YEARS later, the ex needed a babysitter for the weekend, so she called him up and told him he could come stay at her place with the kid while she was out of town. He did it so her could spend time with her and they’ve kept in touch ever since. She’s about to graduate high school now, she hates her mom, and has nothing to do with her biological dad (my brother-in-law).
Her biological father is an addict and went to prison for burning down his apartment and almost killing his neighbors. No one knows if it was on purpose or not. He lost all rights to his three daughters by his ex wife, so he doesn’t even bother to fight to see Lo because he just doesn’t want to deal with it. The whole family is messed up and I’m glad my husband is doing as well as he is and even happier that we’re living in another state now.
My brother in law is out of prison now and I was really dreading it but things are ok. He’s remarried, has a good job, and is staying away from substances. He still hasn’t ever apologized for what he did. He wouldn’t even admit to it for a really long time even with the DNA test to prove it.
Ready for more craziness? My husband and I dated in high school. I got pregnant and we ended up breaking up and giving our son up for adoption. (All of this was way before the above mentioned stuff). 22 years later, I got in contact with him and we ended up getting back together. Three weeks later we found our son. We have a good relationship with him and his adoptive parents. He even came to Texas and met his sisters (my daughters from my first marriage) and got to stand up in his youngest sister’s wedding, but after meeting him once my mother-in law-told us they didn’t want us inviting him to their house for family functions and holidays because they were only for family. When I said ‘he’s our son, he is family,’ she said, ‘I know he used to be your son but he isn’t anymore.'”
Long Distance Lies

“One of my former supervisors was from a Western African country but had moved to Canada for studies/work. He had a wife back home. He’d go back and forth 2 times a year. She gets pregnant and 9 months later, a baby boy is born.
Later, during one of our shifts, my supervisor sees messages on his phone and excuses himself. Hours pass, I don’t see him, even though it was only us working, and his desk next to mine, so I notice. Finally, he comes back to his desk (when morning staff comes in) and he leaves, saying goodbye to me and speaking to our top boss before leaving. He resigns a few days later.
A few months later, he returns to the company. No one knew what had happened, but the rumor we heard was that it was some kind of family emergency.
Later, when I was splitting up with my daughter’s mother, I found out about her unfaithfulness and decided to tell him. He made a plan for me to avoid the mine field. He then told me how he knew what to do: His wife used to send him pictures of ‘their’ son via text and email until one time, she accidentally sent him pictures that were meant for her boyfriend, that she took while the two of them were being intimate together.
He found out his baby boy wasn’t really his. So that was why he left, he went back to his home country, filled for divorce, dealt with the legal stuff, and came back.”
She Completely Broke Him Down

“I had been married for 9 years when wife started to go out with friends a bit more often than usual. She would leave me at home with the kids. At one point, she goes on a trip a few states away and when she comes back, she is and was abusive and controlling, A few years previously, I had a vasectomy, but someone, 3 moths after this tip, she is pregnant. She runs a campaign of terror on me and I have a psychotic break. She has me involuntarily committed to the psych ward and then she tells me she is leaving me. Two months pass, I get released.
I find out she is has a boyfriend, so I hit the bottle, a bit too hard. So hard that I am nearly dead two months later. My internal organs are shutting down, my muscle enzymes are all messed up somehow, I lose the ability to urinate, and I end up back in hospital for another two months. Then she has the baby.
There is no way baby is mine, as he is blonde, while I have black hair, uniquely blue eyes, something I share with my children. Her eyes are too far apart in comparison and a completely different color blue. My children look and act like me, the kid looks and acts completely different.
I am better now, my health is 100% physically good, my mental state is still questionable some days though, but I have a loving girlfriend of a year and a half, she has no children and likes mine a lot. It worked out better than expected, but it has been a long difficult road.”
She Found Out In Court That She Wasn’t His

“I’m the result of this. My family totally messed up. I had a brother who passed of an illness when he was 7 and I was 10. I honestly barely remember him. He was always sickly and we never really had a normal sibling relationship. I feel like I functionally grew up an only child.
Both my parents white. My mom has sandy blonde hair, pale skin, and bluish eyes. My dad has dark curly hair, medium skin tone, brown eyes. My brother looked like Dad and I look like Mom.
When I was 12, my parents divorced. They had one of those informal ‘let’s just see if we can work things out’ conferences with the judge to see if they needed an actual hearing. For whatever reason, I was there. I thought it was awesome at the time and I felt so mature but seriously, who lets a 12-year-old in on this kind of thing?? Anyway, they’re trying to hash out child support when my mom looks at my dad and says, ‘I just want you out of my life. I don’t need or want anything from you. She (me) isn’t yours!’
-needle scratches off the record-
cue paternity test
Turns out she was right. I wasn’t his. He called her a nasty name and called me a nasty name and that was that. I didn’t have a dad anymore. Not that he was much of a one in the first place.
So who’s my father? I have one strong suspicion. She had a male friend who would come over and draw with me and play ball with me and stuff like that. He was Italian, so dark hair and olive skin, which I most definitely am not, but his youngest son is blonde and light eyed, like me. He wasn’t in my life long though.
After not seeing him or hearing from him for years, I looked him up last year and was going say something to him like, ‘look, whatever happened I don’t care. I just want my medical history.’ Turns out, he died 2 years ago. I thought about contacting one of his sons, but that seems like bad form. His adult kids don’t need to be mixed up in the (possible) product of his dad’s affair.”