Wedding Bells Are Ringing

Planning a wedding can be a very stressful time for some people, and although weddings are meant to showcase an abundance of love and the happiest of times, things can go awry. The bride especially can often feel overwhelmed and want to plan every minuscule thing to the last detail. This is where bridezillas come into play.
In this story, the musician (we’ll call him Jimmy) of this an entitled bride-to-be’s wedding deals with the most annoying scenario. The night started off like any other wedding Jimmy had ever planned with a stressed-out bride (we’ll call her Megan) on edge making sure every last detail was perfect. Jimmy was understanding until the night took a turn for the worst and Megan became intolerable and extremely rude, with obnoxious demands and foolish accusations. Eventually, it all came back to bite her, but the circumstances Jimmy had to deal with were unacceptable and would make any wedding musician want to quit their job.
Here Comes Bridezilla

Jimmy is a 38-year-old musician in a wedding band from the UK who happened to work at Megan’s wedding one weekend. Prior to the wedding day, Jimmy hadn’t had many conversations with Megan but the moment he officially met her, he realized just what type of person she was. The night of the wedding, Jimmy kindly informed Megan the band was good to go for the first dance and experienced the first sign of Megan’s rude behavior. “Hi Megan, just to let you know that is good to go for the first dance at 8, looking forward to it,” Jimmy stated to Megan.
Megan then responded to Jimmy, “EH, can you not see I’m busy? Just away and do your job, that’s what I’ve paid you for.”
From the start, we are able to get a small picture in our minds of the type of person Megan is but nothing can prepare for what’s to come.
Realizing that she was under a lot of stress, Jimmy decided to let it go and carried on with the night.
Then came the time to introduce the bride and groom for the first dance. After receiving the go-ahead from the wedding coordinator, Jimmy stated, “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome on to the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson!”
Everyone appeared to be happy and excited aside from Megan who stormed up to Jimmy. “I wanted you to announce us as ‘The Johnson’s,’” she complained. Jimmy shrugged off the comment and proceeded to introduce “The Johnson’s” properly. Jimmy realized now that he was dealing with a rude control freak and that the night wasn’t about to get any better. To everyone’s surprise, the night only got worse.
Trouble Is Coming

Jimmy knew that one of the most important parts of the night was the first dance and that he must get it exactly perfect. With videographers, photographers and about 70 or 80 guests Jimmy felt the pressure to succeed. He already had Megan breathing fire down his back and didn’t want to step on any more toes. Jimmy felt that with confidence, he believed he could be successful, but nothing prepared him for what was coming.
Megan happened to have a son, we’ll call him Jack, who was around the age of three. The boy appeared to feel just as entitled as she was. Megan apparently has never given Jack a punishment in his life and through his actions you’re able to see why.
Jack soon became the center of attention and the center of annoyance for Jimmy. Jack had been running around the reception with a wand-like toy in his hand when he decided to run right into the middle of the first dance. No one reacts negatively, most just coo at his rambunctious antics. Jack then decided it would be fun to head straight towards Jimmy and the band who were up on stage. In the middle of the song, Jack smashed his hands onto the cymbals on the drum set, making quite the noise. This is only the first instance of the lack of parenting and punishment this child has had. Despite the fact that musical equipment is very expensive, Jimmy continued to let it go and not let it ruin the evening. Jimmy hoped that some family members would come swipe Jack up whether it be grandma, aunt, cousin, just someone to take this kid away from the band setup, but no one came.
Jimmy continued singing and was approaching the second chorus when he and everyone attending the wedding heard a loud “TING TING TING SMASH.” That was the sound of Jack yet again slamming his fists into the cymbals. This time Jack, had interrupted the performance of Jimmy’s drummer, causing him to stop playing and gesture toward Jack to move away. Yet again, we wonder, how this child is getting away with so much? His actions are truly out of line and nothing has been done to stop them. Jack eventually moved away from the band’s set up. Finally, peace at last Jimmy thought. His predictions were wrong.
Soon enough, Jimmy and the band approached the end of the song. Keep in mind, this was still the first dance song. Jack continued running back and forth between the set up, careless to the numerous cords and equipment that were just lying around, many of which he could trip on and get seriously hurt. Jimmy stated, “There were cables all over this area, and speaker stands which, with enough force, could be knocked over if tripped into. Not only that, but the drum kit itself.”
At last, the miserable first dance ended. Despite the fact that Megan looked enraged and showed no sign of gratefulness, not even an applause, the groom appeared to be somewhat happy and Jack had run off to wherever so Jimmy was fairly pleased yet still enraged by Jack’s actions. Jimmy then kicked off the rest of the night in hopes of no more drama but soon found out that wasn’t possible.
He Can Do What He Wants

Not too much farther into the night, during the second song, more annoyances were thrown at Jimmy. Little Jack had made an appearance yet again, this time with a new toy, a balloon. Jimmy was halfway through the song when Jack repeatedly kept throwing the balloon straight into his face or into the stage area. Once again, we are made aware that Jack apparently does whatever he wants at home and it becomes clear that no discipline will be served at any point of this wedding.
The stage area in itself is not a place for children, it can be very dangerous. Jimmy was annoyed but kindly stated to Jack, “Try and keep the balloon away from where we are please, buddy.” Jack seemed confused but complied and went away for the remainder of the song.
Jack must have been a little more than confused because not even three minutes later, Megan who was holding a crying Jack, and approached the band area demanding to speak with Jimmy. “Did you tell my son he can’t play?!” Megan questioned angrily.
Jimmy responded by saying, “What? No, I only asked that he tries to stay away from our stage area. As you can see it’s quite dange-” until he was rudely interrupted by Megan. She insisted that her son could play where he wanted and accused Jimmy of making poor little Jack cry.
Although annoyed, Jimmy began apologizing. “I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to upset him, I was just saying we don’t want him to get hurt. The drum kit can be quite dangerous, and he could trip over some-” and once again was rudely interrupted.
Megan yelled back, “He’s perfectly capable of looking after himself, you know. This is MY wedding!”
Even though he knew that Megan was getting extremely upset over nothing, Jimmy knew that part of his job was just to keep the client happy. Still, he needed to make his point that Jack could get seriously injured. “You’re right, we just don’t want him to end up being injured, so would you mind just keeping him away from where we’re playing?” Jimmy questioned. Jimmy kept a very professional attitude throughout this whole event regardless of how annoying and time-consuming these events were.
Although Megan was quite angry, she obliged and walked away with Jack. Little did either she or Jimmy know how true his prediction would turn out.
Sudden End To A Horrible Night

Two hours had passed and Jimmy was still dealing with the nuisance Jack. Jack continued to run around the set and the dance floor which was not so strategically placed. The venue itself was not set up very well and the dance floor is extremely close to the band’s setup. Jimmy had finally had enough of Jack and realized he must say something. Just as Jimmy started guiding Jack away from the dangerous setup, Jack slipped and reached a hand out to catch his fall.
On the way down, Jack sliced his finger on a cymbal. Blood went all over the dance floor, causing a halt to the music. At that point, Jack was screaming and yet nobody came to check on him. Jimmy then stepped into action; he put down his bass and ran to the dance floor. As soon as he came upon Jack, Jimmy noticed Jack’s index finger was almost completely off and dangling; he saw bone. Jimmy began freaking out. In the meantime, a guest went to retrieve Megan and Jimmy’s drummer called the ambulance.
Megan came running in. With an ear-piercing shriek, she grabbed Jack, and screamed at Jimmy, “THIS IS YOUR FAULT, LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE, LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE TO MY BOY!” Jimmy is shocked and shaken up about the event. Yet again, we are surprised with Megan’s reactions. This woman never seems to claim the consequences of her own wrongdoings. We can easily see where Jack gets his entitlement from.
Soon, the hotel doctor and ambulance arrive taking Jack to the hospital. Megan and her husband leave the scene with him, while Jimmy and the band packed up their equipment and left in a state of shock.
Happily Ever After

Jimmy and the band left the wedding unpaid that night and later received an explicit and untruthful review from Megan. Two months later, Megan coughed up the rest of remaining money to the band’s agency. Jimmy is unsure about the condition of Jack’s finger and still shocked about that night. Jimmy stated, “It was a freak accident. The whole night is a pretty horrific, long-lasting memory in my mind.” Luckily, there have been no more irritating weddings for Jimmy and the band since Megan’s.
Hopefully, Megan learned her lesson that her feeling of entitlement doesn’t always pay off the way she plans, and we hope that she teaches Jack to feel the same.