People may intentionally try to hurt others or desire to seek revenge. But sometimes they take it a step too far and end up ruining someone else's life...
Bullying To Fit In With Her ‘Friends’

“When I was in high school I had ‘friends’, but none of them truly cared about me. I was never invited to things and they never stood up for me when I was bullied. I swore to myself that I would never cave and do things to try and impress them.
I had a party thing for my 13th birthday and invited a bunch of these girls who never invited me to anything for a sleep over. They all came, and that night I caved and joined in with their bullying.
We prank called this one girl all night and they all found it hilarious. The entire time I felt absolutely sick to my stomach but I kept doing it over and over in the hopes I’d finally be accepted. This poor girl had just found out her parents were getting divorced after her father had had a 4-year long affair.
I will never forgive myself for doing that and I’ll never forgive myself for not apologizing to her while I still had the chance. I’ve never been able to find her on Facebook.”
Don’t Steal From The Homeless!

“After a night of drinking in my teenage years with ‘friends’, the entourage walked home to a friends house. On the way home, we spotted a homeless man’s shopping cart full of his belongings and proceeded to steal it and trash his stuff. We waited in a parking lot for him to come back, and he just sat down and began crying. He sat there are crawled into a small ball and continued to cry. At the time of being inebriated, it was hilarious.
The next morning what I had done dawned on me and I started crying in bed. I walked back to where we had left his cart and found the aftermath we had left. I couldn’t believe how twisted and screwed we must be and needed to resolve my guilt.
I went to the shop and spent all my savings (at the time was a couple hundred) and getting the man new clothes, toiletries, books (he had some old bible and novels that got wet and ruined on the floor) and a few smaller food items. I packed everything into a large suitcase and walked it to the spot I last saw the man. He was still crawled up into a ball, looked to be fast asleep.
Needless to say, I could not face him but I left a message saying I was so sorry and that he must use what leftover money I had put in the bag to spoil himself. I walked to him tapped him awake and left the bag there. Walking away proceeded to cry like a little baby and swore to never take other peoples misfortune lightly.
Went back a couple days later and the man was sitting in his new clothes with a cardboard sign asking for any kind of job. Still feeling guilty, I contacted my aunt who works in HR at a small company asking if they had anything and resulted in finding the man a stable job. I still ask my aunt about the man now and he is doing rather well, but I will never forget the feeling of guilt I had after being a jerk to the homeless.
Teaching The Puppy New Tricks?

“There was a point in time where I was living with a girl who was about to break my heart and I totally knew it. About a month before she broke up with me, she bought a puppy.
Now, this was a girl who would typically sleep for 13 hours at a time, so it was my responsibility to take the puppy out in the morning while she was sleeping.
Being salty at the fact that she was moving out, breaking up with me, and forcing me to take care of her puppy, I ‘trained’ the dog to pee on her shoes.
She had no idea why it kept happening and of course, ‘I have no idea either I take her out twice every morning before you wake up’. From my understanding, even a year later, the dog still pees on her shoes.”
Leaving Her Sick And Dying Grandma Alone…

“This actually just happened yesterday.
My grandma has been fighting cancer for 6 years. First, it started in her breast and she had them removed, but then it spread to her bones and skull. Right now she’s living with my uncle, aunt, and their children, but none of them seem to really care about her. Now, she’s always been able to do things for herself but for the past couple of weeks it’s been hard for her. No one told us and when we came to visit she only weighed 88lbs and was looking really bad. She told us no one came into her room for a week and she had eaten not one thing.
So my mom told me that I was staying to take care of her. I absolutely didn’t want to because this family is absolutely horrible to each other and I didn’t want to deal with their bratty-ass kids or their incessant gossiping and psychotic ways. So last night I was packing my things and my grandma kept looking at me and saying “I’m so happy you’re staying!” as a sort of desperate plea. I loaded my last suitcase into the car and then she gave me the most defeated look I’ve ever seen and choked out, ‘But if you leave Grandma will cry!’ And just started weeping. I’ve never seen her cry.
She’s such a strong woman and never once complained about the chemo, radiation, surgeries or anything. So now I’m staying.”
He Just Abandoned Her At The Gas Station?

“I met a girl in an AOL chat room. We lived in the same town and she insisted that we meet. She wouldn’t show me a picture of herself but, insisted that she was hot. I was Leery of meeting her but after talking on the phone she seemed cool so I agreed to pick her up and we were going to hang out. I was new to the town and figured I couldn’t hurt to at least make some new friends.
Well, I pick her up and she was FAR from attractive. I was ok with that though because like I said I was new and needed to make friends. A few minutes after I pick her up she said, ‘Well I have $75 we can go get a hotel room’. I was way not interested in that and said no let’s go to a movie. She kept insisting on getting a hotel and all the things she wanted to do to me. It was really overbearing.
Eventually, I had enough. I pulled into a gas station and told her I was thirsty. I gave her a $10 bill and asked her if she would grab me a Sprite. She happily jumped out the car to get it. As soon as she stepped inside I peeled out of there and went home. (actually went and played a game of Tennis) Leaving her at the gas station.
I want to add that we were a good 25-30 minutes from her house when I ‘dropped her off’. I was living in a desert climate at the time and it was a good 112 degrees out that day.”
His Karma For Trying To Get With His Co-Worker’s Second Wife…

“I had a co-worker try VERY hard to sleep with my 2nd wife. He even offered her $10,000.
She told me about it and she was extremely angry that he pretty much thought she was a high priced trashy woman. My wife recorded the conversations and Voicemails.
I decided not to take it up with HR, but to take it a step further.
It took me about a month, but I figured out how to make his data entry job redundant though a series of macros and scripts.
The day he got fired, I sent the recorded conversations to the guy’s wife. Soon after they divorced, she took everything due to a clause in their prenup.
I don’t think this is so much cruel, but more like ‘sweet revenge’.”
Breaking The News That Patrick Swayze Passed Away

“A brat of a girl I went to high school with had a massive obsession/crush on Patrick Swayze. Well, the day he died my buddies and I were sitting in the hall at school and just eating lunch. The girl sat with her friends down the hall and was being her loud, ignorant self.
So, the following conversation happened.
Me: Hey, Brat-Girl (this is her name for the story).
Bratgirl: What the heck do you want?
Me: Patrick Swayze died today. -insert my friends and me, dying of laughter.
Bratgirl: No he didn’t. -insert her friends confirming said fact, and her breaking down into tears and letting out the loudest wails of sadness you can imagine.
She was pretty upset for the next few days, and she had recently dated one of my buddies at the time and cheated on him, so being the person that I was I decided to escalate the Swayzeness and continue on with the chaos.
My buddy and I, let’s call him Jacob. We drew a picture of a rather rotted and emaciated looking Patrick Swayze hanging from a tree and wrote a super awful joke, which is as follows:
‘Why do they call it Dirty Dancing?’
‘Because he’s six feet under.’
And then we slipped the picture into her locker with our names scribbled into a giant heart carved into said tree. She saw it, got super angry and I guess had some kind of fit in front of her locker. She wasn’t at school for like a week after that.
Yeah. I feel bad about that…somewhat.”
His Cold Heart Towards The Divorce…

“When I was in high school my parents were in the middle of a nasty divorce and I was stuck in the crossfire. I didn’t know who’s side I should have been on and was angry at both of my parents. Being a teenager going through puberty certainly didn’t help either.
My dad got a promotion at work and I had to move cities with him and left everything I knew behind friends, school etc. This made me despise my dad even more than I already did at the time and I would go out of my way to be an asshole to show him how much I hated living with him etc.
One morning as we were getting ready to leave the house my dad went to give me a hug and I pushed right past him with my shoulder. I remember in perfect detail the look on his face of shock and confusion. Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it. That was the cruelest thing I have ever done. I realize now as I’m older how hurt he must have felt in that moment. He busted his ass working 80+ hours a week and made sure I had everything I ever needed and wanted nothing more than for me to be happy with him and that’s how I repaid him, by being a jerk. My dad passed away suddenly from a heart attack a few months after that when I was 16 and I never got to tell him how much I appreciated everything he did for me. Hindsight’s 20/20.
Sounds cliché but really, spend time with your parents. Understand that everyone is human and makes mistakes. No one is perfect. Look for solutions to problems in your relationships instead of pointing out what’s wrong. Next time you see your dad, give him a hug.”
Telling Her She’ll Be Single Forever?

“I was coldly and cruelly honest to a woman I got pregnant because I didn’t want her to keep the baby.
When I was around 30 I was casually sleeping with a woman a few years my senior. I knew she likely wanted something more but it was just a casual thing for me. One day she told me that she was pregnant with my baby. She said she didn’t know what she wanted to do with it. Her look was both scared and hopeful. As soon as she told me I felt an iciness take over me and my whole demeanor changed.
While I acknowledged that it was her ultimate choice what to do with her body, I told her that I did not want to have a child with her. I said to her in no uncertain terms that we were not going to get married and that we were not going to be a couple. I continued that any romantic relationship that we had is now over. I let her know that if she decided to keep the baby – and if it was proven to be mine (a really cruel statement to make) – I would be financially responsible and have a relationship with the child but I would only deal with her at arm’s length concerning the child.
I ended it by saying something to the effect of: ‘If you keep the baby you will be a single mother and you will probably then be single forever’. It was so cold.
I got what I wanted but I’ll never forgive myself for how I utterly ripped this woman apart at an incredibly vulnerable time.”
A Dramatic Way To Get Someone Fired

“While working at a restaurant, I was sweeping up before I finished my shift. A co-worker of mine was wiping the crumbs off the prep areas and onto the floor I was sweeping. I asked her why she was doing that and she says ‘because it’s easier than wiping it into the trash’. So, I kind of ignore it.
This happens two more times over the next week, so I’m WELL bothered at this point.
Well, it was her turn to sweep and for me to wipe the prep areas. So, as she finished sweeping by me and went into the back to let the boss know she was done, I dropped food onto the floor. And I didn’t just drop it, I crushed it with my foot, so the pieces were smaller. When the boss comes out and sees this, she’s LIVID!
The boss asks if I knew where the trash was from and I say innocently, ‘I told her that she hadn’t done a good job sweeping and she told me to screw off and she didn’t give a care what you thought’.
Anyways, she was soon after fired.”
Ruining A Girl’s Self-Esteem With The Invisible Pen?

“I was in 5th grade and my friend had just gotten a pen from the book fair. It was one of those pens that would write invisibly and you had to shine a little light on the text in order to read it. Well during recess, that friend and I were hanging out and this girl (let’s call her T) came to hang with us. At the time we absolutely detested her because she was pretty clingy and never left us alone.
Anyway, when she comes to hang with us me and my friend share a knowing look, all mad that she’s here but not surprised since she always does it. Then, my friend who had gotten the pen pulled it out and wrote invisibly on T’s arm (with her consent of course). My friend said she was just gonna write something cute and T wasn’t allowed to check what it says. T seemed really excited about it.
Fast forward to the end of recess, we’re going to line back up and it’s just me and my friend. She then says to me, ‘Don’t tell anyone but I wrote stupid on her arm.’ We burst out LAUGHING, thinking it was hilarious and didn’t think much of it.
Towards the end of the day, I get called into another room by one of my teachers who has a stoic look on her face. I get there only to see my friend and T bawling their eyes out. Apparently, T used someone else’s pen to read the writing and was devastated at what she saw, which is why she started crying. Now my friend and I were one of the best students in the class, we got the highest grades all the time and were never one of the chatty obnoxious people so my teachers were so disappointed in me. I felt a pang of guilt seeing T cry, but I knew I had to have more than that. So I made myself cry too and started saying “I’m so sorry! I wasn’t trying to be mean” The teachers seemed to have bought it and let us 3 talk it out alone.
A couple days later, that friend and I were talking about how much T overreacted and how it was stupid of her to cry and tattle. We felt no guilt and I still laughed about it.
Thinking back now that was such a total jerk move that I cant even believe I went along with. I never realized how hurt she might have actually been even though we hadn’t said anything too bad. She genuinely thought we were all close friends and we screwed that up in a pretty bad way.
I talked with her while ago, and I’ve already apologized so things seem pretty okay. They’re still a bit awkward though.”
It’s Never A Good Idea To Wish Death Upon Anyone!

“When I was a kid we’d always go to my great grandma’s house in the country for big family events and catch-ups.
My dad has two brothers, neither of whom have kids, and my grandma’s sister’s family were/are spread all over the world so they would very rarely show up (maybe 3-4 times in 10 years).
So my brother and I were always the only two kids there, while all the adults sat around and did adult stuff. It was boring as hell.
One time when I was about 10 or 11 I was enjoying playing Xbox because I’d just got a new game the day before when my Dad came to pick my brother and I up for a day to go down with the family. I was ticked off because I’d been at school all week and finally I could goof off and play video games, but instead, I had to sacrifice my whole day to go down to boring great grandma’s house.
I winged and moaned about not wanting to go and how so unfair my Dad was being about making me go down on my weekend off of school. I got so annoyed in fact that on the way to the car I outright screamed: ‘I hope she dies soon so I never have to go again’.
My Dad looked at me with a gaze that can only be described as utterly terrifying. He uttered ‘get in the car’ and with that look he could have told me to saw my own arm off and I would have for fear of repercussions.
I knew immediately I’d screwed up big, but as the years have gone on, with every time I think about it, I get more and more guilt sink over me. She was dead within 6 months.”
The Tear-Away Pants Trend?

“Anyone remember the Tear-away Pants craze from the 90’s?
I knew a guy in middle school. We’ll call him G. G bought into the craze like a lot of people. The strange thing was that unlike everyone else he didn’t wear shorts under his tear-aways. Only underwear. Tighty whiteys. I don’t even recall how we found out, but it was widely known information.
I do feel bad about this but It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Our school had a big field in the back. Being late in spring, we spent a lot of time out there for gym class. Pretty much every classroom in the school had a window facing that back field. We were out there playing Soccer, and during a break in play myself and another friend ran up to G, each grabbed a side of the pants and just kept running tearing them off leaving G standing in the middle of the field during gym class in a t-shirt and his underpants. Roaring laughter from the field ensues which grabs the attention of students in the classrooms to look out through classroom windows out at the field.
G breaks down crying.
I’m a terrible human being.
It was still pretty hilarious.”
Blaming Her Mother For Her Pain And Illness…

“I’m chronically ill.
When I was younger, we didn’t know what was wrong with me. Weekday mornings were awful, because I was in an exorbitant amount of pain and, more often than not, could not go to school. I would relay this to my mom, who would insist nothing was wrong with me and that I needed to get up and go. This was shortly after moving to the other end of the state and starting middle school, so I became extremely depressed.
One day, while sobbing, I told my mom she was the reason I didn’t want to live anymore. Of course, it wasn’t her fault, and that’s not what I really meant; I was just a kid in too much pain.”
Completely Cutting Off A Friendship!

“I decided not to be friends with my best friend of eight years anymore because of…well, a lot of things, chiefly because we had a co-dependent, toxic relationship, unresolved romantic tension (from both sides), and he told me he had zero regrets about cheating on me when we were together in college.
He was never in a single relationship where he didn’t cheat on the person he was with, but the fact that he showed so little remorse for breaking my heart that he didn’t value my friendship as much as I valued his. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back, and I basically pulled an ‘INFJ door slam’ on him.
The last phone message I got from him was a voicemail where he was crying and saying he loved me and wished I would call him back and talk to him. This was after he’d moved back to his home state after I kicked him out of my house (where he’d been living rent-free, without a job, for over a year).
After listening to the message, I got my cell number changed.
I’ve given people the cold shoulder in my life, but I’ve never been as deliberately cruel in any other social exchange as I have been in this one.
And I don’t feel bad. It’s actually comforting to know that I’m capable of great cruelty when I feel it’s justified.”
Making The High School Teacher Cry?

“Ninth grade.
I took typing and hated the class and for whatever reason, I also hated the teacher. The teacher went out on a leave of absence but came back prior to the end of the year. We had to type up an anonymous teacher evaluation. I wrote something to the effect of:
It was bliss when you were out on leave and I wish you never came back. Why do you even work? You’re probably one of those country club wives who just leeches off your rich husband. You’re so mean I bet you shave kittens and throw them out in the snow.
I think the line about the kittens, is by far the worst thing I’ve ever said to anyone.
She read the letter to the class and cried her eyes out the entire time. I still feel really bad 30+ years later.”