When you first meet your best friend, you just know right then that you're going to be goofing off together forever.
A White Lie

“Got in a fight with him on the playground in third grade. While waiting outside the principal’s office we decide to tell him we were just joking around and the teachers didn’t know what they were talking about. He bought it. Best friends for about 20 years.”
Both Right

“We met in grade nine, I thought she was a loser and she thought I was a bitch. Little did I know, we were both right.”

“This new kid got on my bus in the 7th grade, and sat near me. Not too long after getting settled he just stood up and asked aloud if anyone else plays Runescape. I responded with ‘Yeah, every now and then.’ For the rest of the ride, he talked about nothing but Runescape. Over ten years later and with an ocean between us, he still talks about nothing but that game.”

“This is the best thing about being a kid… You have a transformers trapper keeper too?!?!? Best friends 27 years later”
Just Attach Yourself

“In elementary school I didn’t know how to make friends so I just sorta walked up to a group and followed them every day at recess for a week or two. One day they actually talked to me and that’s how we became friends.”
She Smiled

“We were in middle school. She was alone and looking sad in the library, which was where I usually hung out. I sat down next to her and asked her why she was sad. ‘Because I don’t have any friends.’ ‘…’ ‘…’ ‘Well… I could be your friend…’ And she smiled. That was 21 years ago.”
The Phone Call

“I was home one day and my mother yelled upstairs to me, ‘Phone for you!’ So I go downstairs, thinking who the hell would be calling me when most of my friends haven’t even gotten off the school bus yet. I answer the phone and I hear a girl’s voice, ‘I saw you walking home and I got your number from a mutual friend. Do you want to hang out?’ I’m a little sketched but I say sure. I tell my mom I’ll be back in an hour because the weird neighbor girl called to hang out. Turned out, she just moved to my ‘hood, and saw we rode the same bus. 14 years later, we’re still best friends.”

“This guy was hitting on me at the bar. I told him I have a fiancĂ©. Then he asked if I could be his wingman and introduce him to this girl. I did and he hooked up with her. We’ve been friends ever since then.”
Good First Impression

“She held my hair when I was vomiting in a public restroom during a concert.”
The Icebreaker

“We were sitting next to each other in drawing class and about to draw a still life of a generously-sized model of a rooster. Being a bit stupid, the best ice-breaker I could come up with was ‘That’s a pretty large cock.’ Somehow, she didn’t run away from the sheer atrocity of that sentence, and we became friends.”
2 Houses Down

“I was 5, she was 3. Her family moved in 2 houses down. She walked over and asked my mom if she could be friends with her kids. 26 years later we’re still best friends.”

“He chucked a basketball at my head, so I punched him in the face. We traded Pokemon while our moms tried to deal with our nosebleeds. 1999 was a pretty good year.”
The School Bully

“I’m guessing a lot of boys made friends like this. In 5th grade, there was this kid that was widely known as the school bully. My first memory of him is standing behind him, in line for the drinking fountain. He looks back, sees me waiting there, and turns back to the fountain and spits in the spout part. One day, he finds out that me and my group of nerdy friends like Dragon Ball Z. Turns out, so does he. He starts to hang out with us, and we tame him. He went from school bully to just an unruly nerdy kid in under a year, and by 6th grade he was my best friend.”
What are the Chances?

“My child’s father used to talk and talk about his friends ‘Oliver’ and ‘Rain,’ whom I never met because he lost touch over time. I told him I loved the name Oliver and if we ever had a male child, I wanted to name him that. We did, and now I have a little (teen) Oliver. Anyway, during a festival miles and miles from home, I hear someone call out to a girl walking by ‘Rain!’ and I stopped her and asked her if she had dated an Oliver once, by chance. She said yes, that was her deceased husband. I told her that she was never going to believe it, but I have a child by that name because of stories I had heard about them. We became very close and she eventually moved to my state, even. We are best friends, now, and she is super happy that she gets to see Oliver in another form, every day.”

“I asked if I could sit in the seat next to him (you know, making sure nobody was already sitting there). He said no. I did it anyway. Just to clarify, he said no sarcastically. I wouldn’t have sat next to him if he really meant no.”
Who Are You??

“So my friend and I go and sit down at a table in the cafeteria to eat lunch. Some kid from one of his classes comes and sits down next to him and they just start talking. After they talk for a little while with me just sitting there, the kid I don’t know looks over at me and asks, ‘Who the fuck are you?’ I respond like any person would by saying, ‘Who the fuck am I? Who the fuck are you?’ And that’s how we became friends.”
The Other Woman

“A girl came to a party to ‘kick my ass’ because her boyfriend cheated on her with me….he was my boyfriend too. So, when she got there, I asked her why she was pissed at me. I was cheated on too. She was the ‘other woman’ from my side of things. She stopped for a second, then started laughing. We were roommates a month later.”

“Sophomore year of high school, I’m walking to the restroom during class. From behind me I hear ‘Hey, are you a Cooper?’ Cooper’s my last name. I turn and see this girl standing a bit from me. She apologizes, and explains that a mutual friend told her to ‘find a Cooper’ meaning myself or my sister, and be friends with one but gave her no description of us. She said that I just ‘looked like a Cooper’ and we started talking. We’ve been best friends for over a decade now.”
Kindergarten Problems

“First day of kindergarten she came up to me (we were both crying) and says ‘wanna be best friends!’ And I said sure.”
Speak Up!

“At freshman orientation, she had a small argument with her boyfriend and said ‘We aren’t best friends anymore.’ I piped up ‘I’ll be your best friend!’ Two months later we end up next door neighbors in the freshman dorm and besties ever since.”
Common Interests

“At a party in college, I was hitting on a guy who turned out to have a girlfriend. She noticed me trying to get his attention and came over to talk to me. I expected to be reamed out, but instead she brought me a drink and we played cards. Her reasoning? ‘If we both like the same guy, we must have other things in common as well.'”