Our kids do some pretty funny things, but then again, they can be downright weird and creepy at times. As a parent, it's easy to seriously wonder what is going on in your child's head...
Oh Young Love

“Not my kid, but my nephew. He’s 10 years old and is being taken out of school for homeschooling. He’s had major trouble learning and fitting into the classroom in general.
The “weird kid” aspect is this “crush” that he has on a girl in his class. I hesitate to say crush, because it’s full on creepy 10 year old stalking. His parents have had probably 30 talks with him about moving on and that this girl does not, will not ever see him as anything positive and that he needs to get over it. He has seen 2 different counselors who recommend he be taken out of any situation in which he might be around her, because he’s completely obsessed with her.
This causes him to have a panic attack, because it’s “part of his identity”. His exact words were “If I’m not the boy who likes then I don’t even know who I am. That’s me, I’m the boy who likes .”
He isn’t allowed to have any type of electronics that can take pictures, because he took his ipod to school and took a bunch of pictures of this girl.
His parents are worried about where this will go, so to try and combat it, they have pulled him out of school and he’s in serious counselling. He’s a sweet kid, but holy f—- does he have some major fundamental problems” Source
Out To Murder

“I baby sat the neighbours kids, when the parents went out the little boy, around 6 told me ‘I’m going to kill mummy’ and took me to the top of the stairs where he’d tied string across the bannisters at ankle level” Source
And They Lived Happily Ever After

“I was reading on our porch the other day when I heard my 11-year-old stepson say he was going for a ride around the neighborhood. I said ok without looking up from my book, then saw he glide down our driveway on a razor scooter in a grim reaper robe. He’s not creepy weird, just entertaining weird. He also had his sister perform a wedding for him and our dog last year and won’t let the joke go that the dog is his wife” Source
Loves A Little Squish

“I dunno if it’s creepy, but my son LOVES fat bellies. When he was younger he used to hug people and smush his face in their bellies, he always liked our fat friends the best. He’s 7 now and still keen. I have to remind him that ladies don’t like being told they’ve got a nice big squishy belly” Source
Think About What You’ve Done

“When I was supervising her in the bath she stood up, dropped her wash cloth in the water, stood on it to push it under the water and menacingly whispered “Now think about what you’ve done.”
Funny in hindsight, but at the time I was a little concerned that my daughter tried to drown a wash cloth” Source
Monster Mania

“My 3 year old daughter loves old monster movies. I’m in the habit of putting a movie on while I clean the house. I plugged on King Kong (1933). Next thing I know my daughter is entralled. She can’t stop creaming “Whats that? A Monster!” and crying…CRYING when Kong kills a dinosaur. I asked her 5 times if she wanted me to stop the movie and got an emphatic “NO!” Since then she’s gone on to fall in love with Ray Harryhausen films and Godzilla films. She cries her eyes out every time Mothra leaves Earth in Godzilla vs Mothra: the Battle for Earth. My wife was concerned that a 3 year old actually enjoys crying and watching movies that make her sad or scared. I just shrugged and found some old Kong and Godzilla toys on ebay. When her friends who are girls come over she tries to get them to play monsters. They look at her like they have no clue what she’s asking. I was a weird kid myself so my only hope is that I can convey to her that there is nothing wrong with being in to things other kids aren’t. That it makes her unique and cool and interesting” Source
Acceptance Is The First Step

“My son is obsessed with roller coasters that he runs around the house making wooshing noises and banking at the turns. He’s 13. In the law of averages, someone has to be below the average line. My son is weird and I have accepted that he will be the weird kid in school. In fact, you’re welcome that you can say “at least little Billy isn’t like that kid” Source
Now That’s Just Creepy

“He’s not my kid, but my godson is extremely creepy. He likes to stand in his little sister’s doorway while she naps and watches her sleep. I ask him why and he says, “it’s the closest I can get to seeing her dead.” He also likes to shove her fist in his mouth as far as it can go because he wants to “know what suffocating is like, just in case.” I’m pretty sure he’d be a serial killer if it wasn’t for Mario Kart.
Edit: he is 8. She is 5. He hasn’t done as many creepy things lately. It was mostly right after she was born, he had a hard time adjusting. He still says the odd weird thing here and there but nothing as bad as what I mentioned above. His offhand comments are much more innocent, such as “I’m going to sell you on Kijiji” and “I’m going to sell you for a quarter and ask for change” to his sister. Also his character in Mario Kart is always Yoshi and although he is unhealthily obsessed with the game, he’s an otherwise normal 8 year old” Source
But Really…Don’t Do That

“My youngest daughter, around the age of 4 or 5, used to tell me she was going to chop off my head. Eventually it escalated to, “Daddy, if you do that I’m going to chop off your head and cook it on the BBQ.” She’s 10 now and will laugh with a fondness in her chuckle that she remembers that and still thinks it’s hilarious. We told her that, although we laughed our a–es off at hearing this, it really isn’t funny and I would prefer to not be decapitated and subsequently cooked on my grill. I’m fairly certain she doesn’t want to kill me” Source
Plot Twisr

“My kid is a classical musician, we’re the village idiots so I have no idea where this talent came from, but he is known as the weirdo in the family.
Don’t get me wrong we’re very proud, and there really is nothing quite so moving as listening to The Planets live from some Major Performing Arts Centre, it has been a real education for us. Alas, we really don’t fit in when we attend his concerts and we are the weirdos” Source
Whew…Close Call

“My kid hid a dead animal, it’s escaping me what kind arm either bird or squirrel. He kept it there for long time, til it began to stink up everything. When found I thought oh s— am I raising a serial killer? I watched him closely for years. He’s fine now, in college , good grades etc. if he’s a serial killer I have no idea” Source
Run Away As Fast As You Can

“I come home from work one night to find my darling two year old blonde daughter standing at the top of the stairs staring up at the full moon in her jammies, teddy bear in hand. She should have been in bed by this time.
Not wanting to scare her i walked up the stairs, knelt down next to her and asked her what she was thinking about.
I was imagining she would say something childish like “is the moon really made of cheese daddy?” Something cute like that.
Instead, she turns to face me with a very serious look in her face and in a very serious and creepy monotone voice says to me: “We are all in the same cage!”
Two years old! I nearly died of fright. i literally recoiled from her and ran back down the stairs backwards. I couldn’t believe it.
She said a few more creepy things like that but it stopped after a while.
Update. that was 12 years ago. She has since turned into a very happy and well adjusted teenager who is only slightly in league with Satan” Source
An Imaginary Friend

“Not my kid but my niece.. A few months ago I read a similar thread and later that night just for fun I asked me brother and his wife if their kids ever did any creepy. They both immediately looked at eachother and seemed surprised that I had asked.
Apparently the last few couple of weeks they would hear my niece talking to her self in her bed room. They assumed it was just playful imagination so they didnt give it mutch thought. One day however my brother asked her who she kept talking to, she said it was her new best friend Satan that visits her at her window every day. Her window is close to the ground so they were seriously concerned that there was someone actually going up to her window and kept a closer eye on her for the next few days. Every single time they would hear her talking he would go outside to her windows but never found anyone. They began asking her more about his new friend and apart from his name being Satan she mentioned hay he follows her everywhere she goes and that he promised her he will bring her a cake one day. At a late cookout at my parents a week before they mentioned that she took her mom outside to he back yard and pointed at the pitch black backyard and told her that her friend Satan was there and she wanted to meet her also. That made chills run down my spine since I was at that cookout also. After that they made her promise she wouldn’t talk to Satan anymore. Haven’t checked with my brother how that worked out tho.
So I got a chance to talk to my brother and not much happened since then. After all of that happens since they know it was not someone actually at her window and to not scare her they simply they kept close attention who she brought up in conversations. A while of not hearing about it my brother and his wife asked her about Satan and she just said she doesn’t see him anymore. They haven’t heard about him since then.. That was about 6 months ago. Now the only friends she talks about are her soccer team friends. Btw she’s 5″ Source
Happy And Content

“I guess my son was weird from conception. He rarely moved and laid transverse the entire pregnancy right up to delivery. After he was born he had to be held all the time, ended up just getting a sling. He would scream for a good two hours every night, for no reason. I always said he was releasing his frustrations. Refused to sleep on his crib as a baby. The only way to get him to sleep was bundled up in his car seat.
As he got older he had some “quirks” that I just chalked up to his personality. Obsessed with cars and would run them back and forth in the dirt for hours. He was a quiet kiddo and played alone for hours.
Had to be very careful with movies. If things got sad, like when Bambi mother died he would sob for hours.
When he started preschool his first week was spent under the table.
When he was in kindergarten the teacher started dropping hints; he’s an odd yet lovable boy, prefers to be alone, gets upset over odd things.
First grade it finally became obvious to me we had issues. The day he walked out of his classroom on his hands and feet to meet me I knew we had something going on. He also wore sweats because jeans were too hard. Had to have cold blankets aka sheets, at night to cover up. Spent hours and hours playing with legos. Socks and underwear were huge problems. Eating was an issue, he’d get stuck on a food and only eat that, for weeks. He had no friends and didn’t want any, said other kids bothered him.
Had him evaluated and yup, autistic. Not aspergers as he had some serious speech issues.
He’s now 22, on disability and happily living his life. He still has no friends and doesn’t want any. He spends his day playing video games and watching documentaries on netflix. Just pray he doesn’t want to talk to you about it because he will go on for hours and hours and hours..lol
In a way I’m jealous. I wish I could be so content with my life. He just goes with the flow, as long as things don’t change..lol He has no wants. Not because he has everything but because he’s just content with what he has. He only sees today, has no concept of planning for tomorrow. He totally lives in the moment” Source
That Took A Serious Turn

“My cousin is creepy. Smashed his pet hamster to death around age five with a toy firetruck” Source
Nature Is A Beautiful Thing

“My kid is into nature documentaries. Very into nature documentaries. One day, when he was 3 years old, my wife was getting his bath ready. She was bent over the tub, checking the water temperature. My son shoved his face in her a–, took a huge wiff, walked away and said “Ahh! Dominant female butt!”
I have since realized not only is he into nature and its beasts, but he retains almost anything he sees while watching those educational shows.
He is also most likely going to be an a– man” Source
One Odd Obsession

“So when I was like three I became like obsessed as f— with Hitler. I think it was because I saw WWII documentaries and Hitler looked like a total bada– with the armies and pomp and splendor and whatnot. My parents, wanting to foster my interests in history bought me the Encyclopedia of the United States at war and read it to me before bedtime. I would have them read to me about Hitler over and over again and then go to class in pre k and tell the other kids about Hitler. I watched hours and hours of history documentaries because I was obsessed. This fascination also led me to tell my parents that people that were loud at restaurants, “must be Jewish.” My parents were called in for a PTA meeting and they were instructed to stop telling me about Hitler because the other kiddos were starting to like him too” Source
Embracing His Dark Side

“My son has said that when he kills someone he’ll put their body on the train tracks so no one will know they were murdered.
And then he said if anyone saw him he’d have to put their body on the train tracks too.
He was 6.
I embrace his dark side. It’ll help out a lot in the future zombie invasion” Source
To Each Their Own

“He’s unbelievably interested in bugs of all sorts. In second grade, his class was learning about bugs and their body parts. Thorax, abdomen, etc. His test asked him to circle all the pictures of bugs that had ‘mandibles.’
He got a point off for not circling a mosquito. He went and talked to the teacher and told her that the mosquito has a proboscis, not a mandible. She gave him the point back” Source
A Little Advice

“Out of the blue, my four year old daughter tells my wife, “mommy, when you die, try to stay asleep. It’s easier that way” Source
That’s One Smart Kid

“My kid has been the weird kid since about 2 years old. His favorite bedtime stories were the user manuals to my appliances. At 3 he became obsessed with human biology and would watch open heart surgeries on YouTube. He was also obsessed with vacuums – for four years. He would spend hours in department stores demonstrating to shoppers how to use them. At 5, his “summer plans” was to teach himself mechanical engineering and physics….I could go on.
When he turned 3 is when I started to suspect he was “different”. It scared the f— out of me. He was my firstborn so I had no idea if he was developing normally or not. His thirst for knowledge became extreme and I didn’t understand how to handle him, so at 4 I sent him to a child psychologist. I was terrified my son would have a nervous breakdown, because although he was so young, he NEVER, I mean never once in his life, played. All he did was learn. The psychologist made it clear to me, that he was gifted, but that I had to FORCE him to play. Otherwise he would develop OCD and other disorders. (I’m trying to make this short).
He is 8 now, and still different, but he does play. Sometimes. I’m happy he is who he is, but I can see that he has a difficult life ahead of him. He doesn’t have many friends. Mainly because he would rather discuss the news, than some new game or toy. I can say this though, I don’t think I’ll ever meet another human being who is anything like my son, and I love that about him” Source
A Foot Fetish

“Male Cousin of mine (~12 yrs old) asked several of my female relatives and even my girlfriend if he could give them foot massages while we were on vacation (Lake Powell). It got to the point where he was very forward and pressing to give the foot massages and making people say no 3-4 times before moving on to someone else….
I’m pretty sure he is on the Autism scale, maybe Aspergers. Creepy nonetheless” Source
Handing Out Compliments

“I was changing in front of my daughter when she was around 2.5. She grabbed my boobs and said, “momma, I like your boobs. They are pretty.” I said thank you but told her not to touch other people’s boobs. She can only touch her own. This resulted in full meltdown toddler mode. “I don’t want to touch my boobs, I just want to touch your boobs!!!”
She still randomly tells me I have nice boobs and it weirds me out” Source
Nothing Wrong With Being Smart

“My daughter, age 5 and a half, is ‘the weird kid’ in her class. She’s odd in a number of ways. She’s super smart, can read at an adult level (not exaggerating), and she’s friendly towards other kids…but she just…plays differently? She spends about 80% of her play time pretending to be an animal. Usually it’s one particular animal that she obsesses over for months, then she moves on to another. For well over a year, literally her entire world was chickens. Now she’s moved onto guinea pigs. She also is very much into the darker, macabre side of life. She talks a lot about dead bodies, cremation, zombies, and the like. She enjoys spending time in the cemetery near our house and “checking out the graves”. She’s also pretty unemotional about stuff that would really upset other children. She tells me she ‘never misses me’ or her dad when we’re not around, and she was the only one of us that didn’t cry when we put our dog down recently. She told me I shouldn’t cry so much because we all knew he was going to die soon.
I think she’s an amazing child and I love the hell out of her independent little spirit, but it definitely takes other kids (and adults) by surprise, and I wonder how she’ll get on with other kids as she gets older. She’s starting kindergarten next week” Source
A Sixth Sense

“My son knows things that he shouldn’t. We have had a few experiences where he told his aunt to be careful driving because he saw her crash and his cousin got hurt. (That happened before he was born) he told me that he was going to have a baby sibling right around the time I missed a period and we weren’t talking about having a baby. A few days after I tested and he was correct. The strangest was when we went to a parade and he asked us where grandma was. We said she was probably at work. He said no she’s here under the trees I just can’t find her. I called grandma and she was there, we went a few blocks over to sit with her and there she was, watching the parade from the shade of a tree” Source