Pinterest is a roller coaster of fashion. It promises the thrill of a great new hairdo or manicure. But once the safety harnesses clamps shut, those "easy" step by step instructions can lead to shrieks of terror. Here are the brave who nearly lost their hair and nails to the horrors of Pinterest beauty "hacks."
The “Braid Apocalypse”

There's nothing like a hair-splitting, half-baked braid cornucopia to get your day started!
The “Black, White & Smudged All Over” Manicure

This woman was going for the burnt newspaper look, instead what she got was something more akin to bird droppings.
The “Butterfly Uh-Oh” Updo

Her butterfly never made its way out of the cocoon.
The “Meh, I’ll Take It” Braid

In this case, the end result of this tight braid was actually pretty cute, but still nothing like the impossibility on the left.
The “Facial Monster” Mask

When no one bothers you on your spa day, even if you do look like a monster, it'll be a pretty great spa day indeed.
The “Are You Sick?” Eyeshadow

Small black spots anywhere on the body will turn heads. If you're okay with these heads belonging to ER doctors, then this is the perfect look for you.
The “Lip Candy Sandstorm”

When Pinterest says to fall face-first into your makeup, you should probably stop looking to Pinterest for daring fashion advice.
The “Too Tasty To Be True” Lip Candy

Believe us, lip candy is even harder when using actual candy. The top photo was taken seconds before everything fell apart.
The “Bruised Shut” Mascara Look

Pinterest proved here that it can successfully convince people to give themselves black eyes.
The “Bun-ytail”

Please, Pinterest wizard of the top image, tell us exactly how your hair is even real.
One “Corny Trick” Your Manicurist Doesn’t Want You To Know About!

Next time, stick with a glossy finish.
The “Shadow Of Doubt” Lips

The difference between bruised and battered and "ombre" is an Instagram filter or two.
The “Over-night Frizztastrophe”

Rolling out of bed in the morning has never been easy on long hair, but we really wish it were all the same.
The “No Heat Hair Disaster”

On the bright side, these "curls" can act as a fuzzy, warm hood during the winter months.
The “Colors Of Sadness” Updo

When the braid and color both betray you in the worst of ways, it's time to "X" off Pinterest for a few weeks.
The “Swirled Out Of Control” Nails

These nails clearly swirled out of control.
The “Va-va-va-Ugh”

There are loose curls (as shown on the left) and there are Sideshow Bob curls (as shown on the right).
The “Low Skill Hair Poo”

For Pinterest, "low skill" equates to asking an MLB pitcher to throw a slightly different kind of curve ball, with hair.