Twins can trick anyone and everyone. These stories from twins show just how awkward and strange it can be when someone else mistakes them for the other. Although, there is some humor to these experiences that have happened.
He Assumed It Was Magical Hair Growth

“I went to a party once, and my bald identical twin bro had yet to arrive. His girlfriend was already there, so I gave her the obligatory friendly hug, then sat on the other side of the room to hang out.
This other guy, a mutual friend of his and hers, kept staring at me, then staring at her, with this real nervous ‘WTF’ look on his mug. For about fifteen minutes, every so often, this guy would look around nervously and then furiously text on his phone.
Then my brother arrives. He kisses his girlfriend and says hi to everyone, and this guy blows up. ‘JESUS WAS NO ONE GOING TO SAY ANYTHING? WHAT THE F— WAS THAT? I THOUGHT HE GREW A FULL HEAD OF HAIR IN A DAY.'”
Being Twins In The Army Can Get You Seriously Grilled

“Got my brother in trouble with his First Sergeant, when I went to pick him up from his base after flying home on R&R. I was still in uniform and had a friend pick me up and take me from the airport (sea tac) to his base. (FT. Lewis.) They’re not that far from each other.
After arriving to the base, I went to my brothers unit and asked if he was around. They just stared at me like I was crazy. Then one ran off to grab his Sergeant. It pretty much kept going until I made it to his First Sergeant.
After making it to the First Sergeant. He lost his s— and started grilling me for not wearing the right patch and wearing a combat badge. I laughed and then told them that I was his twin.
Right when I finish explaining the situation, he walks in.
Watching their jaws drop and move their heads back and forth was priceless.”
Way To Make Things Incredibly Awkward At Their Wedding

“I’m an identical twin, and my first husband was also a twin. You’d think I’d have TONS of stories, but I really only have two.
When he and I were dating in college, we loved to dress identically (like, matching plaid shirts and stuff) because people would ask us all sarcastic, ‘What are you guys, TWINS?’ and we’d just laugh to pieces at them. Plot twist: we were…just not to each other.
When we were planning to get married, our pastor (who was going to officiate at our wedding) asked us to tell her the story of how we’d met. So we told her – it was our first day in college, and my roommate and I had assigned seats next to each other in assembly. We were sitting there admiring all the boys around us, and making comments (like you do). She pointed out a guy down at the front, and I remarked that I recognized him, because I’d seen his twin around campus, and his twin was actually a lot hotter. A few seconds later, some guy plops down in the seat next to me…and it was the ‘hot twin’…my future husband. That’s how we met, and that’s the story we told our pastor.
We never in a million years dreamed she’d be so tactless as to RE-TELL THAT STORY in her opening remarks at our wedding…yes, with my husband’s twin brother, the ‘un-hot twin,’ standing not five feet away as best man, and his wife in the front row of the church. They were both deeply humiliated, and would barely speak to us afterward.”
Replacing Your Brother For An Awards Ceremony Is Way Sadder Than It Sounds

“My brother and I both entered into the science fair.
Before the awards ceremony, he got sick, so I went with just my mom. My brother won first place and I didn’t place at all. When they called his name, my mom made me go up for him.
I stood on a stage, looking out at the sea of friends and teachers clapping for me while a medal was hung over my shoulders and a certificate was shoved into my hands. In the moment, I should have felt proud of my brother, but instead, I just started crying on stage and weirded everybody out.
I think they must have thought I was just overwhelmed with happiness, because even when I stepped off of the stage and made a beeline for the back door, people continued to congratulate me and try to shake my hand. ‘Congratulations, (my twin’s name)!’ It was such a bizarre emotion. Like a blend of jealousy and shame.
I walked straight to the back, passed my mom, and left.”
The Kid Accused My Wife Of Cheating

“I’ve had a beard since college.
About the time my son is turning 5 years old, he starts asking what I look like without a beard and asking me to shave my beard. So for his 5th birthday, I surprise him by shaving off the beard the night before his big day.
The morning of his birthday he comes running into our bedroom and stops dead in his tracks halfway between the doorway and the bed.
He says: ‘Mom, what are you doing in bed with uncle Tim!'”
Thought He Set Up A Date With His Twin’s Friend…

“Not an identical twin but I do have a twin sister. I’m a guy. We both have names that start with B. This was about 5 years ago. She had a few hot friends in high school and they would always come around the house and hang out. If I was there, I would always joke around with them or playfully flirt with them. Nothing crazy. However, one of her friends was always a little bit more flirtatious with me than any of the others. Never thought anything of it until I received a text from her one day out of the blue. ‘Wanna chill tonight?’
I was so taken aback I really didn’t know what to do. Did my sister know her friend had asked me to hang out? Should I tell my sister? I texted her friend back still a bit surprised but curious.
Me: ‘This is kind of unexpected. What would you wanna do?’
Her: ‘Just need to get a few things off my chest. You going to be home at 7. I can just head over then?’
Me: ‘Yeah that’s fine. I should be home. What brought this on so suddenly?’
Her: ‘You know. Just a lot of feelings and s—‘
Me: ‘Okay well just text me when you’re here =)’
My heart is racing at this point and I decided I’d see how things went that night and talk to my sister later. So I’m waiting for her to get there and then all of a sudden I hear her downstairs. I head down the steps to go get her and she’s talking to my dad. He walks back to the living room, I say hey and ask her how she is and all that and say we can head out back to talk.
She asks if everything is all right? I, a little confused, then asked what made her want to hang out tonight and why she waited so long.
She gets all red and opens her phone real quick and quickly realizes what happened. She texted me instead of my sister.”
Suspected Of Cheating

“My twin brother recommended a restaurant to me. Said that he and his wife went there all the time, good food, really friendly staff…
So I took my wife there. The food was as advertised, but the service… somewhere between cold and openly hostile. Like they resented our presence.
I was puzzled by the contrast between what I’d heard and what I saw.
Suddenly from the front of the restaurant, explosion of laughter, much rapid talking, suddenly the waitress is there, smiling and all… just as my brother and his wife walk around the corner.
They thought my brother was cheating on his wife with some blonde… Yeah, it’s funny now.”
Avoiding The Beating Your Brother Deserved

“So, I’m in a new school after moving to the big city to live with my Dad. My twin brother has already been going to this school for a year now.
Anyways, I get cornered by three guys, all from the senior football team. The big one accused me of hitting on his girlfriend. I told him he had the wrong guy, and I have no idea who his girlfriend even was.
Of course, he didn’t believe me. I can see his two linebackers a few feet behind him, now confused as to why my a– isn’t being handed to me. I pull out my Student ID.
He took a look, then up at me, then back down at the ID. He handed back my ID, ‘I am so sorry man.’
We shook hands, had a laugh at the whole situation, his two buddies just mouthed ‘what the f—.’ It was great.
He asked me where he could find my brother. I told him. I also told him not to hurt him, but has my full permission to scare the crap out of him.
I had many more ‘twin moments’ that year. It was interesting…”
You Can’t Stop Your Twin From Committing Crimes…But You Still Might Get Punished For Them

Alexander Mak/Shutterstock
“We were out with friends and my twin decided to go to one of the back rooms which was set up for a private party with a bottle of spirit everywhere. Well, he decided to take a bottle and run off.
Cut to me in the club and some bouncers come up to me and take me to a back room saying ‘Oh you’re f—ed mate, we saw you on camera stealing a bottle.’
I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about and they thought I was just playing dumb to get away with it. ‘Stop it mate, we got you on camera’ ‘…’ Somehow finally convinced them I had a twin so they fished him out and they eventually say we need to come back tomorrow to settle the ‘damages.’ That didn’t happen.
Fast forward to about 2 weeks after I’m staying at my girlfriend’s Mum’s house and get woken up by her Mum at 6 am: ‘Harggot, the police are here’ ‘what..’. Got arrested and put in the police van where my twin is already sitting. Interviews…long waiting…disappointing polystyrene ‘lunches’. Get off with a warning. Thanks Jon.”
Camping Trips And Drinking Lead To Quite The Mixup

“My two best friends from my childhood are twins.
We were drinking heavily one weekend (this is post high school, Sophomore year in college) in the Fall and were subsequently sitting around a campfire. The twins and I, let’s call them Mike and Steve, were hammering through a bottle of Rumpleminz when Mike passes out (we’d been day drinking and this was about 1 am Sunday morning). We carried him inside and put him to bed and returned to the campfire.
Another hour or so of debauchery continues and Mike’s girlfriend, let’s call her Kate, comes by to finish off her night.
You see, she was at her sorority gathering and couldn’t come out to our party until much later in the night.
Well, as I said she finally did and she was just as messed up as the rest of us. So we’re all three sheets to the wind, continuing the end of our night, and the next thing you know people are turning in for the night. I put out the fire and went inside.
Only there was a problem…in my bed, I found Mike and his girlfriend doing the dance with no pants. I immediately kicked them out of my room and passed out, not realizing what had actually happened until I woke up the next morning (that I’d actually mistaken Mike for Steve).
Fast forward to the next morning, and the inevitable shouting wakes me up.
Well, apparently Kate had asked Mike if he’d used a condom last night because she’d been sick and ‘we talked about you needing one for the next few weeks until my cold goes away and I’m plenty finished with my antibiotics so my BC takes over again.’ Mike knew what happened right then and there, and needless to say, things were awkward for A WHILE.
As to be expected, Mike and Kate broke things off because they just couldn’t get past it (understandably so), Mike and Steve worked everything out after a long period of time, and the three of us are back to being best friends again.
But believe me, not only was it awkward between them for a while, but it was for me too as I was mediating my best friendship with two guys who wouldn’t speak to each other and I hung out with them separately trying to keep everything together.”
A Real Excuse For A Ticket Did Not Convince The Police
“Embarrassing for me? No. For him? More like infuriatingly hilarious.
In high school, my identical twin brother and I shared a 1989 Chevy S10.
One night I’m driving to a friends house and get pulled over for a broken tail light. The officer tells me to get it fixed and lets me go on my way. A week later my brother is driving to a friend’s house and gets pulled over by the same cop for a still-broken tail light.
Cop: ‘Hey! Didn’t I tell you to fix that light last week?’
Me: ‘Um, no, I didn’t even know it was broken.’
Cop: ‘Uh huh, sure. I pulled you over last week for the broken light.’
Me: ‘No you didn’t …. oh! That was my twin brother!’
Cop: ‘Right…’ and writes him a ticket.
The officer thought he was playing the lamest trick in the book but no, really, it was his identical twin (me) that was pulled over the week before.”
When Your Twin Has A Big Argument With Someone, Avoid That Someone

“I was just walking through the halls between classes and this guy who I sort of knew rounds the corner and starts walking towards me. I give the classic lazy wave to acknowledge his presence, but then his face hardens and he flips me off and starts yelling at me how pissed off he is at me. Now, this guy was normally pretty jolly and we barely spoke so this took me super off guard. He basically continued a verbal assault until I was out of earshot. When I got home I told me brother what happened and turns out they had a big argument in gym class earlier and the guy was still fuming and thought I was my brother.
Another one is when I was staying at a hotel with some friends, my brother, and his girlfriend. My brother was in the bathroom and it was dark and most people were asleep. I was brushing my teeth or something and sat on the bed that my brother and his girlfriend were sharing. His girlfriend rises up and starts to hug me before realizing I wasn’t my brother and recoiling. We laughed it off and still laugh about it today but there was a moment of awkward. I have more because being a twin is fun so let me know if you want anymore!
Last one. We switched classes on more than one occasion, but only once did we get caught and I still cringe thinking about it. Basically, we had nothing important going on in most of our classes except for turning in an essay so we gave each other our papers and decided to switch classes for a day. Turns out we had to write a reflection on the paper we were turning in but we had each other’s paper. My brother tries to play it cool and pretend to be me coming into my (his) class and asking for it. Unfortunately, high-schoolers are idiots and the moment he opens the door a kid yells in front of the teacher ‘DID YOU GET CAUGHT?’ I looked at the previously unassuming teacher and she had clearly figured it out. She gave me an absolute death glare then motioned silently for us to swap papers. I switched with him and she didn’t say anything, just shook her head disappointingly and continued with class. Torture.”
Last Time I Lend My I.D. Out

“Back in college, I let my twin brother borrow my ID because he was going to a bar downtown and he had misplaced his ID.
Long story short he got wasted, and I got charged with a DUI that he received that night.
After a week or two, the mix up finally got resolved, but I had to sign a bunch of papers (and act clueless) stating that I elected NOT to press charges on him for stealing my identity.
Cops told me that it’s very common for people to play the ‘I have a twin; You got the wrong guy’ card when they get arrested, so when it was actually true they were bewildered.”
When Even Your Teachers Can’t Tell You Apart

“My brother and I are now 25, but in middle school being a twin was funny/embarrassing. We are one of the sets of twins who look exactly alike, get the same haircut and even our voices sound the same.
In 7th grade, I was minding my own business in class when someone joked that I wasn’t myself…
Immediately everyone in the classroom and the teacher decided to investigate. Although I had all my papers with me and all my belongings they came to the conclusion that we could have switched them.
So these Harvard educated teachers did what they thought was best. They grabbed my brother from his classroom (across the hall) and started comparing us, trying to make sure we were who we said we were.
After numerous times of us assuring them that we were in the right class, I couldn’t help but laugh some. After my laugh people in the classrooms started to laugh and come out into the hallway with us. The teachers found this amusing that nobody knew who we were and now 50+ students are in the hallway trying to tell them who I was and was not. Needless to say, this ended with both of us in the assistant principle’s office with a stern warning to not switch courses, even though we were in the right class.
Thinking back, what a bunch of morons. Don’t even get me started with girlfriends kissing and groping the wrong person in high school. Only positive was being popular by doing nothing but existing.”
Cashier Had To Break The News To Her

“A friend and his wife go to the same supermarket every week. His identical twin also goes there, with his wife.
One day, after summoning up the courage, the cashier pulls my friend’s wife aside and says:
‘I’m sorry to have to tell you this but I’ve seen your husband here several times with another woman.'”
Punished For His Twin’s Actions

“In middle school, we had two boys everyone knew were identical twins.
At lunch, Twin A had been arguing with this group of boys, talking s— just to rile them up. Afterward, they went down the hall toward his locker, wanting to kick his a–.
While they were on the warpath, Twin B just happened to turn the corner and ran into that group of boys, completely oblivious about what had just happened at lunch, because they had different class schedules.
Twin B got his a– kicked for his twin’s actions, not knowing the reason behind it.”
His Smooth Recovery

“I actually married an identical twin.
When I was dating my wife, she and her twin sister had a bunch of friends over. I walked over to her and put my arm around her and she leaned into it. I leaned in for a kiss but then she pulled away. I thought, well maybe she’s not comfortable with a little peck in front of our friends since we hadn’t been dating for too long.
Then I scanned the room and made contact with my girlfriend. I looked back in awe that I had my arm around her sister (who was messing with me until things went too far). I then tucked my tail between my legs, walked over to my girlfriend, put my arm around her and said, ‘Well, will you give me a kiss?'”
Learning Something New At The Bookstore

“So this one is kind of bad, but I was dating an identical twin and we had both just moved to New York City (his brother had lived there for a few years already). We’re walking through The Strand, that big bookstore down by Union Square, when this guy comes up to him and starts thanking him for the awesome night and how he’ll definitely refer his other friends to him and so on. We sit there bewildered as the man went on and on before finally putting it together – we realized his twin brother was a gay escort in NYC.”