Sometimes the best insight into why you're single comes from who else? Members of the opposite
Let’s Change the Subject

“Telling a story or dominating conversation with a topic that everyone else is clearly not interested in any more.” (Source)
Don’t Be a Debbie Downer

“Being a constant downer or having a problem with almost anything. Especially in the early stages of dating, the goal is just to have fun. If we go see an okay popcorn movie and you complain about how much it sucks, complain about the food because, ‘I asked for no onions and there’s one little piece of an onion and I’m going to make a scene about it,’ or just have a way of making experiences not fun, I’m not going to want to hang out with you no matter how attractive you might be.” (Source)
Nothing Left to Fix

“I had a friend that was like this. She dated a ‘fixer upper’ type guy. I didn’t know too many of the details, but she used to drive him to the court house regularly to make sure he took care of business. He seemed like a nice guy, but clearly had a rough life so I’m guessing misdemeanors as well as (confirmed) several unpaid traffic tickets. After a year or so his life seemed to be going in the right direction. I ran into her a month or two after that and asked how he was. Turns out she dumped him because he got ‘boring.’ I can’t say for sure, but it seemed like since there wasn’t really anything left to fix she got tired of him and kicked him to the curb.” (Source)
You Can’t Have It All

“This is slightly specific but I have a few guy friends like this. They want a girl who looks like a porn star and likes to party somewhat but at the same time be a church girl who will be a house wife. The one (who has slept with over 100 people) wants to marry a virgin. Like wtf guys.” (Source)
Victim Mentality

“Playing the victim in every relationship they attempt. You mean all 8 guys you dated were somehow evil geniuses intent on ruining your life? Maybe if you had spent 5 minutes contributing in a positive way, rather than bemoaning how you are never ‘treated right’ this problem would be solved.” (Source)
Social Media Obsession

“People who are too obsessed with their phones, or social media. I’ve been on a few dates where the girl can’t keep her head and hands off her phone while we talk. Granted, that can be taken as a ‘this date sucks’ signal but for the most part you should know what I’m speaking about. For social media, if all you do is stalk profile after profile and are so invested in letting the world know how you feel about every minute occurrence in your life then best of luck to you.” (Source)
It’s a Matter of Standards

“I’ve known some guys who were okay but no special prizes, just average, who will only show any interest to 10/10 super model billionaire astrophysicists. I actually know one guy who says he will never be able to seriously date/marry a woman who’s not literally the hottest, sexiest woman he has ever laid eyes on, celebrities included. Uhm… okay dude, expect to be alone forever. There are girls who are like this too, who are really extremely average, who want Prince Charming. It’s not going to happen and you look super egotistical to boot. Your standards shouldn’t be low but you need to be realistic too. If you cast a very small net, expect not to catch anything. In general, delusional train wrecks who demand perfection are not popular.” (Source)
Nice Guys Finish Last

“Huge red flag when a good-looking guy feels like they have to convince me they really are a nice guy right away. If you really are a nice guy, just show me. If you feel like you have to tell me you’re ‘nice,’ I’m gonna go ahead & assume that you’ve rightfully been called an asshole more than once. I’m gonna lump you in with the rest of the dudes who say, ‘nah I don’t care, you ugly anyways’ when a girl rejects you. Definitely worthy of ‘that’s why you’re single.'” (Source)
Double Standards

“I tried to put my moves on this fat chick (being fat myself), she told me she doesn’t date fat people. I told her about me losing 20kg recently and that I’m on the right path since I still go to the gym and go swimming in the pool, why don’t she join me. She told me she’ll find a man that likes her the way she is, and there’s nothing in her life that needs changing. I decided not to put any more moves on her.” (Source)
Looks Can Be Deceiving

“Men who do not take personal hygiene seriously. I specifically have a close friend who is extremely attractive, intelligent, and nice, but he refuses to buy deodorant or brush his teeth regularly. It’s really kind of sad because other than that he’s a total catch, but that smell…” (Source)
What’s Your Sign?

“I know someone who doesn’t even consider a girl if she has a incompatible astrology sign.” (Source)
I Can Smell the Desperation

“Being desperate. As weird as it sounds, I find myself much more attracted to someone content with being single. I want a partner to want me but not to need me.” (Source)
Give Me Attention

“I know a girl that always, always, tells her life story to everyone she meets, especially about her ex who cheated on her. Then she always says things like she can’t find a man who appreciates her because everyone she’s ever dated cheated on her or something, and there’s probably something wrong with her because she doesn’t think she is pretty. She’s actually really pretty, but she’s constantly needing attention, specially from guys. I stopped hanging out with her.” (Source)