Kylie Cosmetic pop-up shops are concerning consumers and they have the evidence to prove it...
Kylie Jenner’s cosmetic company has sporadically had pop-up shops appear as a means for her fans to test out her products and purchase in real life.
However, after Kylie Jenner’s November 2017 announcement of different Topshop locations holding their own pop-up store for Kylie Cosmetics, the customers have expressed some concerns. Most of the concerns are regarding the setup of the testers and the quality of the actual products being sold, and it’s pretty gross.

Many YouTubers are sharing videos of their own personal experiences with the pop-up shops and one girl, in particular, has the evidence to prove that there should be a concern among other consumers.
Halsey, aka ‘Halsey Is My Real Name‘ on YouTube, made a video describing her unfortunate experience with the Topshop pop-up shop in Atlanta, Georgia.

Halsey had never made an online purchase from Kylie Cosmetics, so she thought that maybe the pop-up shop would be a good place to see what the makeup line was all about.
She assumed that the cosmetic line would look beautiful and nice at her local Topshop store, but in reality, it had looked like everything had been picked over.
“It was a very lackluster, depressing feel.”

When it comes to the products that were left out to be tested, there was an astounding lack of cleanliness. Halsey noticed how dirty some of the products were, which made it hard to choose which product she would actually purchase.
Many products had been tampered with and made the physical appearance not so appealing to the eye. One could even notice that many of the products were stained with various lipstick colors by people who, apparently, wanted to test out the products. And some of the products/testers were even left open or halfway filled – truly unfortunate!
Usually, if you go into a makeup store, there are stands that hold makeup testers to keep the products sanitary – no one wants a strangers’ germs!
However, this pop-up shop did not contain any tools to actually test the products with, leaving a vast amount of people using the products and not treating them in a respectful manner.

Okay, maybe Kylie’s team had no control over the situation and, instead, it was up to the Topshop employees to maintain a clean and presentable set-up. Or maybe the products already arrived in semi-damaged conditions?
Regardless, any type of brand/business should work professionally and make sure that the products that they’re selling are of mint-condition. And it wouldn’t hurt to have someone in charge of the quality control, to ensure that A) the products stay intact and are organized and B) a random customer doesn’t try to get away with possibly stealing or further damaging the products.
I think the part that worries me the most is that fact that the products have the name ‘Kylie Jenner’ on it, so consumers may buy into it anyway. But if the quality is appearing to be sketchy and not safe health-wise, I think consumers should definitely think it over as to what they’re really purchasing.
You can check out Halsey’s full review of the pop-up shop, as well as her testing a kit of liquid lipsticks, in the video below.